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Status Replies posted by Canadiandggal

  1. I added some photos of me and A so if you wanna creep 'em, feel free.

  2. 2 weeks and a half to POE. I cant wait im so excited!

  3. Packing and sorting and THROWING OUT!

  4. His Visa finally arrived today! Such a relief! Now he's got loads of paperwork to do on his end for taxes, future pension, etc. Soon, it will all be a thing of the past. :)

  5. Packing and sorting and THROWING OUT!

  6. 2 weeks and a half to POE. I cant wait im so excited!

  7. 2 weeks and a half to POE. I cant wait im so excited!

  8. 2 weeks and a half to POE. I cant wait im so excited!

  9. POE this Saturday!

  10. Happy to have my Visa and all the info!!!!

  11. So when do you panic waiting for your visa and passport....

  12. My husband and I are separated. I kicked him out when I learned that on his visit to Peru he fell in love with some girl he met in a disco. We have been separated for 6 months. He lived in California for 4 months until he saved enough money to go to Peru. He asked me to wait for him. He said he was going to return to our home. But twice now, he has not gotten on the plane for which he had a ticket to come home. I am heartbroken. We have a four month old baby boy. He would not even co...

  13. hmmm...odd and weird..I just got my SSN in the mail...yet I havent applied yet and I checked no on the ds230? hmmm

  14. hmmm...odd and weird..I just got my SSN in the mail...yet I havent applied yet and I checked no on the ds230? hmmm

  15. Been so busy ... where did the last few weeks go?!

  16. p.o.e. - Dec., 2 -2010

  17. 1 week 'til POE!

  18. Thanks all, feels SO GOOD! Review posted. All the best to those still waiting!!!

  19. Approved......Recieved passport with new visa back from embassy via DHL today! :) Whoohooo!

  20. We just got approved!! Big relief!

  21. Since yesterday I didn't receive any notification emails from VJ. Within the span of five minutes though, I got 85 emails. Wow. A little late on notifications, VJ :P

  22. APPROVED .... THANKS EVERYONE!!!! just back from Montreal review later today. The interview was the easiest part!

  23. APPROVED .... THANKS EVERYONE!!!! just back from Montreal review later today. The interview was the easiest part!

  24. We got our marriage license for the "fake" wedding! 6 more days until I'm a Mrs!!!

  25. is getting nervous! This time tomorrow I'll be on a plane back to Tony :) and at 9.53pm on the 5th Nov (US time) my plane will land & Tony will pick me up :D Woot woot!

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