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Status Replies posted by Canadiandggal

  1. For those that did an interview at Montreal, when you need to show the appointment letter before you're let in, do they just want to see the first page with date and time of interview or do they want to see all 4 pages?

  2. Interview was a success!!! Aprroved....Visa will be shipped soon!

    1. Canadiandggal


      Congrats! You will be in the states in no time :)

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)


  4. wants to get fat.....where is my baby bump?

  5. POE was easy as pie. We just sat and waited about an hour for the officer to do the paper work. Everyone there were completely kind. No problems.

  6. CASE COMPLETE!! :D Now to just wait for an interview from Montreal.

    1. Canadiandggal


      Yeah I understand that, I am not a water person and I too have a small bladder. It may be worth it though :)

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  7. CASE COMPLETE!! :D Now to just wait for an interview from Montreal.

    1. Canadiandggal


      Being too cold will also restrict circulation.

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  8. CASE COMPLETE!! :D Now to just wait for an interview from Montreal.

    1. Canadiandggal


      Absolutely I have a blood disorder and it works for me. However I only mean drink the regular daily amount that is recommend like 8-13 glasses in a 24 hour period so start make sure you drink enough the day before. Yes, by drinking water you hydrate your body, and it helps increase the fluid level of your blood. By being dehydrated it decreases the amount of fluid in your blood, and can cause you to have poorer circulaton. This is not a myth it works. Another thing you can try is to be warm, ...

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  9. CASE COMPLETE!! :D Now to just wait for an interview from Montreal.

    1. Canadiandggal


      I hate bloodwork too every since I was prego with my son, Of course now I have to get it done all the damn time due to this pregoness lol. At the medical They had to poke me in both arms as they couldnt get any blood, not to scare you but I suggest you drink a load of water before hand.

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  10. CASE COMPLETE!! :D Now to just wait for an interview from Montreal.

    1. Canadiandggal


      WooT!! Grats. Hang in there your almost there now.

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  11. No tattoos for me till December, I am so glad i did not put a large deposit down.

  12. No tattoos for me till December, I am so glad i did not put a large deposit down.

  13. so frustrating my husband didnt get job yet...grrr

  14. So I have 4 welcome letters whats with that?

  15. As long as the border crossing goes smoothly... I get to see my sweetie tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Medical is Feb 15th...2 year anniversary of our engagement.

  17. Ok now I am ready to go get my other arm done.... 5 weeks and I am so going back.. :)

  18. Ok now I am ready to go get my other arm done.... 5 weeks and I am so going back.. :)

  19. pfff.....Done...3 hours later and it is over... sure looks nice... check out my photos.

  20. pfff.....Done...3 hours later and it is over... sure looks nice... check out my photos.

  21. I miss my fiance!!! It takes so long.....

  22. Saturday is the big tattoo day... wow these things sure get exprensive...getting nervous already.

  23. Saturday is the big tattoo day... wow these things sure get exprensive...getting nervous already.

  24. Packet 3 signed for in Montreal today....I will call Tuesday to see if it was logged...Kenny finally got his copy of packet 3, mine is still MIA. I'm glad I went ahead and sent the papers without it :-)

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