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Status Replies posted by Canadiandggal

  1. Interview date OCTOBER 20th 9am YEAH!!!

  2. Wake me up when September ends...

  3. 120 days ....how can only three people from the cr-1 list only get interviews. Montreal is not even making a dent in the line up

  4. Kathy is planning to enter the US to visit on Saturday... wish us luck!

  5. had a perfect POE and am moved into our awesome apartment. Got a puppy too... hehe... wedding is in less than 2 weeks!

  6. Big week this week...custody hearing this week for children and should have some progress from USCIS by September 16th....God's will and timing...it is perfect. My dear Lord, you alone are worthy of all my praise. Bring peace to my soul...Thank you for all your attention to my heart. Prepare the hearts and minds of the court and USCIS...to your glory.

  7. 98 days since NVC complete!!! argggg! 375 days since NOA 1 sent in!!!!

  8. 8 Days to POE and my life back! Hurruh!

  9. NVC has received my petition but syas they haven't entered it into the system. They want me to call next week. two weeks ago they told me to call in two weeks. What is with this?

  10. It's September 9 today - 16 weeks since my completion date . . . perhaps this is the day we will hear something!! Good luck to all those who are waiting!!

  11. Engaged :D (09/05/10)

  12. My visa is sitting at the postoffice in Vancouver!!! YAY! Can't wait to have them in my hands!

  13. My visa is sitting at the postoffice in Vancouver!!! YAY! Can't wait to have them in my hands!

  14. I wonder what the odds are of an interview date this week?????

  15. IS today my day? Maybe.......:)

  16. IS today my day? Maybe.......:)

  17. sorry to all vj's member i just got online this time that's why i didnt update my status, anyway....I GOT VISA APPROVED ON SEPT.3 INTERVIEW! THANK'S TO ALL OF YOU HERE IN VJ! AND MY SON'S CRBA WAS DONE I HAVE MY SON'S U.S PASSPORT ALREADY ON THE SAME DAY OF MY INTERVIEW! THANK U LORD GOD FOR EVERYTHING!

  18. on hold with nvc! why? because im stubborn! let's see what they say today haha

  19. on hold with nvc! why? because im stubborn! let's see what they say today haha

  20. For the past two nights I have been unable to sleep, so eager to hear word of an interview and yet so stressed to wait again hehe

  21. hi girls, bad news at least for me!, I called the DOS today and she said all the appointments for October were already booked that perhaps my interview will be in November. She told me to call back whenever I want but most likely it will take another 2-3 weeks before I get an interview. I hope you have better news than that!


  23. 109 DAYS SINCE NVC CASE COMPLETION... STILL NO INTERVIEW DATE... How ridiculous is this?! Our immigration process is complete but now we are waiting almost 4 months for just the interview date... not to mention the wait for the actual interview will still be 6 to 8 weeks after we receive this friggin date!!! :((( grrrrrr

  24. Wishin and hopin planning and dreaming ... Plzzz Montreal!!!!

  25. Sending out I-130 package... Nervous and I feel lost!

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