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Status Replies posted by Canadiandggal

  1. 15 days until Montreal interview!!! aahh!! :)))) flying to Montreal in 3 days to do medical and complete some other stuff. Can't wait to come back and be with my baby again! :) (Here in LA right now)

  2. interview in 29 days!

  3. interview in 29 days!

  4. why must the government never let me have my way. It looks like My husband cannot just adopt my son. we have to do an "international adoption" BULLCRAP

  5. 30 days till interview. going to all the walkin clinics today, lets see if they will give me my shot

  6. 30 days till interview. going to all the walkin clinics today, lets see if they will give me my shot

  7. So much to do, think ill be crazy busy over the next 4 weeks, 2 doctors appts, medical , tons of photo copying. oh yes interview here i come

  8. Kathy made it through customs! We are now together in the US waiting for our interview date!

  9. POE Tomorrow, Wedding in 2 weeks!! SO excited!!!

  10. Interview Oct 14 @ 9 am

  11. Am i suppose to be filling out Primary Applicant Data Entry for the dhl?

  12. Am i suppose to be filling out Primary Applicant Data Entry for the dhl?

  13. Am i suppose to be filling out Primary Applicant Data Entry for the dhl?

  14. Am i suppose to be filling out Primary Applicant Data Entry for the dhl?

  15. Am i suppose to be filling out Primary Applicant Data Entry for the dhl?

  16. Am i suppose to be filling out Primary Applicant Data Entry for the dhl?

  17. Am i suppose to be filling out Primary Applicant Data Entry for the dhl?

  18. Am i suppose to be filling out Primary Applicant Data Entry for the dhl?

  19. Am i suppose to be filling out Primary Applicant Data Entry for the dhl?

  20. Happy for all my friends who have waited so long and finally got interview dates!!! I don't get the phone in system, suffering from mental block tonight! Maybe its the new pink streaks in my hair!!!

  21. ok I love nvc today, got interview and got both emails :P yay

  22. I was going "whoo hoo" on the streets when I saw the NVC email on my BlackBerry . . . didn't care if people thought I was crazy!!! I was too happy, and too crazy!!

  23. I was going "whoo hoo" on the streets when I saw the NVC email on my BlackBerry . . . didn't care if people thought I was crazy!!! I was too happy, and too crazy!!

  24. JUST GOT MY INTERVIEW TOO!!!!! OCT 26!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!

  25. Interview date OCTOBER 20th 9am YEAH!!!

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