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Status Updates posted by sachinky

  1. Naturalization interview: PASSED!

  2. Naturalization interview scheduled for 12/03!

  3. Waiting for the N400 interview letter in the mail!

  4. To naturalize or not to naturalize. That is the question.

  5. December 7, 2012 ROC Approved!

  6. Hey! Just going through the ROC process. Life's life-like, other than that. How're things with you guys?

  7. Well, hello! Hope everything is fantastic with you guys!

  8. I saw the pics on FB. So adorable! I know, seems like forever ago. I can't believe I have ROC coming up in six months.

    1. stronger


      You make me chuckle. Now I look for your blog postings. lol

    2. sachinky
  9. hey, Carolyn -- any news/updates?

  10. is going to India in two weeks!

    1. hasson
    2. Darnell


      Darnell Say Hullo !

  11. That's great news. We're in ABQ, I teach kindergarten. Getting ready for the summer!

  12. I don't think it should take a year. Probably 4-6 weeks.

  13. Hey, K -- how's it going with you guys?

  14. Hey, just saw the amazing news! Many (belated) congratulations.

  15. Congratulations on a beautiful baby. He's already a year old? Wow!

  16. Hey Deb, fantastic news about the bun in your oven! I'm well, living life with Mr. Sachinky. Wow, can you believe it's been a year since we were cribbin' on the March NVC thread? All my best wishes!

    1. Darnell


      mmmm eggplant. will try this in chengdu on monday.

    2. sachinky


      Goood luck, let me know it goes!

  17. Hey, I'm not sure really, I already had a prior SSN so I just had to go in and get it updated to an unrestricted one.

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