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Posts posted by KiKi

  1. Oregon is mail-in as well.....I always drop mine off at a drop-off location though, because I just don't trust the mail.

    My ballot is ready to go...... :dance:

  2. Eric, at least be original sheesh.

    If she had said "Back to energy" or "Alaska as an energy-producing state" one more time I was going to kill myself.

    Her mentioning "soccer moms" a blatant attempt to portray herself as folksy-homesy....it's so obvious, I hope people are smarter than that.......blech.

    When all else fails, and you don't know the answer....just go back to energy!!!!!

    Biden really touched me when he spoke about being a single parent. THAT was more real than anything Palin had to say "dontcha know"

    I love what you said: pretty much signifies what I was thinking last night. That woman needs a thesaurus pronto. If she said "he's the Maverick" one more time, I would have shot something. She is really a one-issue responder, eh? "Well, about health care, in Alaska we produce energy and...." #######.


  3. If she had said "Back to energy" or "Alaska as an energy-producing state" one more time I was going to kill myself.

    Her mentioning "soccer moms" a blatant attempt to portray herself as folksy-homesy....it's so obvious, I hope people are smarter than that.......blech.

    When all else fails, and you don't know the answer....just go back to energy!!!!!

    Biden really touched me when he spoke about being a single parent. THAT was more real than anything Palin had to say "dontcha know"

  4. All the usual suspects like leaving laundry around and dirty cereal bowls on the table etc.

    The thing that annoys me the most is he has an incredible amount of musical knowledge, I mean it's just scary...he can tell you who sung every song, what year, what label etc....and he does!!!!!

    I just want to listen to the tunes not hear,

    "Originally formed in 1989, on such and such label, Joe Blow was just 21 when he joined the band and was wearing blue socks on that day. The song originally went to number two on the charts afetr 6 weeks on the air....blah blah!"

    I DON'T GIVE A FRICK!!!!!!!! Let me hear the song!

  5. ...

    It is not difficult whatsoever to find, if big cities aren't your thing, SpiritAlight, to find a suburban home for far less than $500,000 now. Morgan Hill, for instance, is a very nice suburb of San Jose. Has several public transit options (Caltrain, VTA), average sized family homes are in the $400,000 range. This place also has many new parks, and a city near it, Gilroy, also price has gone down. Of course, the reason for this is the market tumbling and many foreclosures. You could got a bit further suburban where houses (like in Hollister or San Juan) used to be in the $600,000 range a few years back, but now is in the $300,000 range.

    Wouldn't listen to alien, though, he tends to talk out of his a$$ without knowing anything.

    Thanks SRVT.

    I am most interested in being where the action is so to speak...

    mostly where the artist communities are, in the city, but not where the skyscrapers are...know what I mean?

    I am not a suburb kinda person.

    Bleh...they are the antithesis of culture!

    I like being in a creative community, and (or) in such rural places where I am either having to chop wood for my wood-stove (no one around for miles...mmm quiet), or living on a boat, preferable in a part of the ocean where you can do that year round. :D

    Any recommendations of where to explore for urban, creative, community type living?

    We could get a condo, hmmm...it does not need to be a house...preferably rent to start and see how we like it (for 6 months or so).

    We are thinking of doing this move in June or so (that is when my partner is looking at leaving his current job), maybe I will move sooner.

    Winter is coming...


    Sounds like you would like Portland.

    I left So-cal 13 years ago and have never regretted it!

  6. Well, it's simple. I wrote a big paper on this for an ethics course (:

    Women have complete choice whether or not to have an abortion - I absolutely and totally agree.

    However, should they choose NOT to have an abortion, then they pick up 100% of the financial costs of that decision. As it was the woman's choice to keep, it is likewise her choice to pay. The man has no choice, but the man also pays no money.

    This is how the man's interests come into play and are protected.

    The man had the choice NOT to have the sex that could lead to pregnancy in the first place.

    It's half his responsibility, he should support his child. Period.

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