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Posts posted by KiKi

  1. WOW, Sadia, a girl!!!! Congrats, that's awesome. I have read mixed reviews on the baby aspirin thing, but will ask my DR. about it.

    Hopefully the paternity thing is true.

    I do NOT want to get pre-eclampsia again!!

  2. Well, I'm 39, so I beat you both :P

    My tiredness is going away but my lower back is KILLING me...ugh.

    Sadia, my two boys already share a room, so the baby has to go in the room with us, not much choice. With both of my other kids I kept them in a bassinet in my room for months anyhow, so I'm not to worried about it.

  3. Had my monthly appointment today....got to hear the babies heartbeat with the doppler...YAY!

    It's so reassuring to hear the little heart beating away.

    I hear you Sadia, working full time and taking care of my two kids is wearing me DOWNNNNN......lol.

    Thank God my hubby is really helpful :luv:

  4. Hi Sadia,

    Cool ultrasound pic.

    I don't feel myself, but I am enjoying this pregnancy, as I know beyond a doubt it will be my last, and I didn't really expect to ever find myself pregnant again in the first place.

    I am 13 weeks tomorrow and it seems to be going really fast for me.

    I do admit to sitting and staring into my closet at all of my cute pre-pregnancy clothes, longingly.

    I had really severe Pre-eclampsia with my second son, so I am REALLY concerned about that happening again.

    I just want a healthy pregnancy and baby....

    Other than that, I am enjoying this very much.

  5. I love Valentines Day, ESPECIALLY since I've been with my husband. It's the first time in my life that I have REALLY understood what true love is all about and I want to celebrate that (L)

    Having a nice dinner in.....exchanging small gifts and I made a heart-shaped cake for dessert :)

  6. I work in Social Services and let me tell you, there are plenty of "Stay Home" Moms who don't work, live off the system etc who are 1000 times worse parents than a hard working Mother.

    Do not equate simply "being there" with being a quality parent because it just isn't true.

    Sweden has the highest number of women/mothers in the workforce and their standard of living is a hell of alot better than the U.S.

  7. That's the true capitolist ideal.

    So basically you are hedging your bets that you will always be a healthy and productive member of society, but if, God forbid, the time ever comes that you have no choice but to utilize some sort of social assisstance, you might be happy that SOMEONE paid into it.

    Again, it's a matter of priorites, and sadly, the U.S priority remains very self-centered IMO

    That's the true capitolist ideal.

    So basically you are hedging your bets that you will always be a healthy and productive member of society, but if, God forbid, the time ever comes that you have no choice but to utilize some sort of social assisstance, you might be happy that SOMEONE paid into it.

    Again, it's a matter of priorites, and sadly, the U.S priority remains very self-centered IMO

    Replying to Agent Smith B)

  8. Well the bogus touchdown that he rolled over the line and the holding on Seattle that even the sportscaster said "Ummm, don't see it".

    Those calls turned the tide of the game. Oh well.

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