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Posts posted by KiKi

  1. Michelle, at 39 I DEFINITELY thought I was done having kids! My boys are 13 and 10 and SO far removed from baby-ness, I couldn't even Imagine it......

    My ex had a vasectomy so I knew was done having kids untilllllll...........meeting my soulmate.

    Kev is an Awesom Stepdad to my boys and I knew he'd be a great bio- Dad, but with my kids so easy and all grown up, it was a tough decision. I had read much about how fertility crashes after 35 ears old so we came to the decision to at least try and see if it happened naturally, and sure enough first MONTH!!!!!!

    This was definitely meant to be, and as a bonus, the amnio told us we have a HEALTHY baby girl.

    I'm over the moon :-)

    We've decided on the name Olivia

    Sooooo at 33, I think you still have time!

    I don't think you would ever look at your child and reget having them, but I can see NOT having a child together and regretting that!

    Good luck

  2. Just last week we were driving and my son said to my husband "If you had to describe my Mom using one word what would it be?"

    After a few seconds my husband said "Irreplacable"

    SO sweet (L) . Of course then my son asks me to do the same and I have no clue what to say to top that one!!!!!!

  3. Sorry Faith, that sucks.

    If it's any consolation I failed my first glucose test with both my other kids and passed the 3 hour ones.

    Drinking that stuff so may times on an empty stomach sucks....yuck

    I'm sure it's going to happen to me again too.

  4. Updating the list

    Babies born:

    VJ Couple………………………….Date………………………….Name

    Alessandra & Eric…………………..March 8, 2006……………….Sean Thomas

    Eric & Gen...........................April 12th

    Babies Due

    VJ Couple…………………….Date…………………..Sex

    Faith…………………………..July 6th………………..Boy

    Sadia…………………………..July 23.............. Girl

    Patrica & Andy……………….Aug 1st............boy

    m and m20…………………….August 12th

    Kiki & Kevin………………….August 29th........Girl

    Reinhard & Nani………………September 19th

    Mr. & Mrs. Artegal…………….September 29th

    Jen & David......................September 29th

    Neiks……………………………November 8th

    Mellie……………………………November 9th

    Amanda & Rob………………….November 14th

  5. I've cut down to one cup of coffee a day, rarely two.

    Drank coffee with both of my other kids and they turned out okay :)

    Had my 20 week ultrasound yesterday.....so cool to see the baby again! Will try and scan the pic later.

    half way there now.......

  6. Faith, I had that pain too, esp. with my second pregnancy...youch.

    We have our 20 week ultrasound in the morning, excited to see my little girl again :-)

    Welcome and Congrats to all the newly expecting Mommies!

  7. Thanks guys, I was so happy and excited I barely slept last night.

    I was stressing out SO much for the last 2 weeks waiting for those results......sooo happy to be having a healthy baby and a girl to boot!! I always wished for a daughter but never thought it was going to happen.

    I have always loved the name Olivia, even though it's kind of trendy now, I still think that's what we are going with....my husband likes "Claire", but we'll see.

    I can't wait to go shopping now :dance:

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