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Posts posted by KiKi
Exactly, get over it
Don't worry it's still the same ol' VJ where if you make yourself vulnerable people will pounce on you and even after you're gone, people dredge up the past....
my apologies, I could have sworn the topic was started by someone trying to stir ###### up.
My mistake.
That being said, if I were Michelle or the other party I sure as Hell wouldn't feel the need to prove anything to the people who treated me like that. You all will probably have to muddle thorugh without "photographic evidence" LOL
It's bizarre, I never EVER saw Michelle post a mean word to anybody, she was always very sweet and supportive and she did not deserve what she got here, all the accusations etc.
People turned on her like a bunch of jackals.
Kind of sad and pathetic.
Some people need to get out more
November 27th, 2004
Only 8 DAYS???? OMG I'm so jealous......how exciting. I can't wait until it's days and not weeks!
Be sure to check in after with pics!
There is great little book called "How to Survive the Loss of a Love"
It is simple but SO powerful and helpful......it doesn't tell you how to "get over it" but rather how to survive, minute by minute and eventually heal.
You can find it on Amazon or barnes and noble it's really a great little book.
Good luck!
Same happened to us.
I had my Federal return months before Oregon State return.
We were in "manual review" as well.....VERY frustrating, but when I finally gave up and quit waiting for it, it FINALLY came, of course......LOL
Good luck!!
Well when it rains it pours.
Was diagnosed with Gestational diabetes last Friday, and after doing a 24 hour urine test, I have now been diagnosed with Pre-eclampsia
I had it with my last pregnancy as well.......it's nasty stuff and I was hoping I wouldn't get it again, but knew my odds were much greater with my history.
The only bright side is my Dr has taken me out of work as of yesterday, so I can relax and collect disability .....
I am 33 weeks now, hoping to make it to ast least 35 weeks and then I'll relax a bit more.
Peggy, I honestly wasn't trying to rub salt into anyone's wounds, I jsut feel compelled to implore that this decision be taken very very seriously,
I speak from the other side of the issue, it DOES affect the child and maybe forever, maybe not....but it did in my case.
Obviously 20 years old is ENTIRELY different than five......
I posted this a LONG time ago on another debate....
I too was left by my Mother when i was five years old ....and even though she was in the same city, it has affected me my ENTIRE life....huge abandonment and trust issues....etc.
Like you, even though I had a much much more stable up-brinigng, a house an involved stepmom etc, the feeling of abandoments never left me...
I'm 40 years old and can still feel it affecting me.
If my husband could not or would not have moved here and my kid's Dad's wouldn't let them go there, we would have either had a long distance relationship for the next 8 years or parted ways....
Thank God my husband said to me BEFORE we got married "You have kids, I'll come there, it's the only fair thing".
He gave up a Government job, socailized medicine etc, for us.....
He's a gem for sure......
Wow....born in the car that's crazy!!!!
Glad everything turned out alright! He's a cutie.
Was diagnosed with gestational diabetes today and pretty depressed about it :-(
I have to test my blood sugar 4 times a day....not fun.
I'm 32 weeks now, so hoping more than ever it goes by quickly.
40 years old today OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Having my baby shower today too, so BIG day......
Happy Birthday to all my fellow Cancerians !!
Yes, we were pregnant 2 months after Hubby arrived here, no waiting for us either!
Yay Patricia, not long at all now for you
DEFINITLEY keep us updated!
Nizzy, the only thing I heard was to eat several small meals a day and soda crackers etc.....
You should feel better by end of first trimester!
DEFINITELY starting over....haha.
We are having a girl and I am over the moon since I have two boys......I had an amnio so it's for sure!
If you haven't checked it out, the message boards at
are great, there is pretty much a board for ANYTHING you can imagine, including pre-conception stuff!
Good luck!!!
Well if it helps your decision at all I'm thirty-NINE..... 30 weeks pregnant and I have a 13 and 10 year old!!
Follow your heart!!
Just found out I failed my 1 hour glucose test
This happened with both of my previous pregnancies and I ended up passing the 3 hour test...hoping it's the same this time...but HATE to sit there for 4 hours....arrgghhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alex, your baby is adorable!!
KC....good luck, my B-day is June 24th!
Any news yet???
Congratulations and Welcome to the club!!!!
You'll still be 60 if you DON'T have a child who is graduating...LOL.
Age is a state of mind.
My Dad had my sister at my age and was a far better and more patient parent to her than he was to my brother and I.
Of course I was never a "young Mom" as my first two kids were born when I was 27 and 30......so I don't know what that feels like. I am glad to have sown my oats, so to speak, BEFORE having kids....
Anyhow, I hear what you are saying, it's not about the age per se, but about your partner not being completely on board with the idea, and in that case I agree, it has to be 100% mutual!!
Maybe in a year or two when the dust settles, he'll change his mind!
Best of luck to you two whatever you decide!
sorry to post a WHOLE new topic for this...
in Off Topic
No CLM I am not part of any "special group" the ONLY thread I post on at all is the baby one pretty much.
I just remember Michelle from when I first got here and NEVER saw her be anything but a very nice and helpful person and she didn't deserve the treatment she got here.
End of story.
I'm wayyyyyyy too old for this silliness.