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    luckytxn got a reaction from Chicago Ernest in Prenup before K1 Visa marriage?   
    It is very important to do this. The institutions can't do anything with accounts unless there is a beneficiary or an estate court order. My brother passed away last year who I was caregiving and He was supposed to make me beneficiary and failed to do so and I had to small estate affidavit and other things. Also very important to have files for this stuff and let someone know where. My brother failed to do so and it took me months to go through tons of papers to figure what was what. When I pass I don't want that happening to my wife at all and so have made it simple for her.
  2. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from M+K IL in Mrs. T-B. & the Citizenship Test   
    I was positive that my babe would fail the test but wanted to come report that she actually passed and is set to do the oath ceremony next week. I am about to go get us some ice cream and may even let her eat some.
  3. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from Chancy in Immigrants with poor families back home, how much do you help out your family?   
    My wife does send money back through a money service once a year for Tet which is usually 4-5 hundred dollars for the red envelope occasion and when the red envelope is being handed out ours is usually passed out at that time to certain youngsters. This is a custom around for generations so I have no problem at all being a part of it. It does get tedious though that we are usually on a video chat for part of it watching and allowing some interaction for the kids to show us and thank us. My wifes family is well off and there is no need for us to help out any family there. She does have some poor family in the countryside but the family there helps them out. We do sponsor a couple of Nieces  for student visas and care for to an extent where we help them out and stuff but their family sends them or us money when needed such as buying them a vehicle or school expenses. We do have them also do things for us and pay them some to help them have spending money and I quietly give them some money now and again ( a hundred or so every few months) sneakily and say don't tell their Aunt but ask them to help their Aunt and stuff. This is done because I appreciate them doing so well and doing so much and my wife is I think too tough on them.

    My wife does send what we call a care package that is sending them vitamins and cereals and creams and things of that sort. Vietnamese products are mostly from China and is known as being poisoned or very inferior to what we can get here.  They do send us packages also for things for my wife such as special Ao Dai dresses she wears for church or weddings or things for her salon business. This maybe costs us a few couple hundred a month but we do it as we can easily afford to do so and it makes her happy to do things like this. I would not have married her if she was a poor impoverished waif that I knew we would have had to help out financially. 
  4. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from Ontarkie in Prenup before K1 Visa marriage?   
    No she tends to never praise me or thank me for anything I do and I am ok with that. She and rightfully so expects it as a something I should be doing anyway and no thanks are needed. She will be grateful later when it is needed to be done. And no she doesn't think I am a great husband no matter how many times I tell her I am. She shows gratitude in other ways by doing things and getting me things she knows I like and want without asking her. Can't really ask for more that.
  5. Like
    luckytxn reacted to Neonred in Save The Last Rants For Me   
    You should try sleeping at night instead of staying up and posting on VJ at all those wee hours.  Just sayin.
  6. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from TBoneTX in New Research: People are Leaving SF, But Not California   
    We pay a lot for substandard Houston school district too. It is so bad the state trying to take over. Of course we know the problem is public school cookie cutter approach. Our private Catholic school is doing way better at a cheaper price. The teachers make less though but the ones I know would never teach at a public. We have several private schools nearby too that are way better. Shame people don't try to stop the bleeding and care about the kids but Liberal ideology wants slaves not productive citizens.
  7. Like
    luckytxn reacted to Ban Hammer in Foreign News Shows Are Now Raising Questions About Joe Biden's Cognitive Issues   
    well the left introduced that to the playbook.
  8. Like
    luckytxn reacted to Neonred in Foreign News Shows Are Now Raising Questions About Joe Biden's Cognitive Issues   
    You are right.  It hasn't been a sudden turn for the worse in the last month or two.  It was painfully obvious what was happening during the campaign.  Lucky for Joe, for the most part he was able to hide away from public sight due to the covid crisis.
  9. Like
    luckytxn reacted to Ban Hammer in Foreign News Shows Are Now Raising Questions About Joe Biden's Cognitive Issues   
    yet oddly enough, those same armchair shrinks and facebook medical degree doctors are mysteriously silent about sleepy joe.........
    perhaps there was an agenda with trump?
  10. Like
    luckytxn reacted to Crazy Cat in Foreign News Shows Are Now Raising Questions About Joe Biden's Cognitive Issues   
    Wow!  These are brutal, but right on target with reality.  It won't be long until even the liberal hacks in the MSM admit the truth.
    "In their desperation for a president they could manipulate and in her zeal to be FLOTUS, the Democrat Party and Jill Biden offered Joe Biden as a sacrificial lamb to gain power -- forcing the rest of us to watch, in real time, the disintegration of a human being suffering from dementia.  As far as I’m concerned, this is elder abuse that ranks right up there with the criminal actions of Democrat governors in sending tens of thousands of seniors to their early graves via COVID. "
  11. Like
    luckytxn reacted to Dashinka in Foreign News Shows Are Now Raising Questions About Joe Biden's Cognitive Issues   
    I completely agree, and it is interesting in the fact that the Democrat voter base completely rejected Harris in the primaries, but the elite leaders of the Dems seem to be using the backdoor.  I wonder if Willie Brown was involved.
  12. Thanks
    luckytxn reacted to Cyberfx1024 in Foreign News Shows Are Now Raising Questions About Joe Biden's Cognitive Issues   
    They have been raising issues like this for months about his cognitive issues, Hunter Biden, and the election
  13. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from seekingthetruth in New Research: People are Leaving SF, But Not California   
    I used to run the west coast a lot and remember that just to go to a national fast food place that an identical meal would cost about $1.50 more and going shopping anything would cost more than any other state and that included the northeast that had an overwhelming toll road system and an advanced mass transit system that was heavily subsidized.
    It is the housing that is tragic in California in my opinion and very unnecessary. It may be the main engine that will force people to relocate if it is possible but unfortunately  one needs to save money to do that and savings can't happen when your pay is being confiscated. Now of course the state already has a high minimum wage and the state wants an even higher minimum wage boost that is inflationary and just will make the prices and rents to go even higher so with the mindset that has gotten them there in the first place they will have to revisit the higher minimum wage to combat that and so on. Of course that means that the taxes will need to be raised and that unemployment becomes higher. Businesses have to put off hiring more and/or let go of some employees.
    What this causes is a slave class of citizens so yes the middle class is disappearing as the rich get richer and new rich come into being to soak up that extra money that will be flowing into the economy but they all become slaves to the system as the poor and middle class are now slaves just in order to survive and exist. So I hope that fantastic climate and whatever it is that makes California such a huge attraction is worth it. Personally if it is so fantastic in California then why do so many want to leave the plantation?
  14. Like
    luckytxn reacted to nykolos in New Research: People are Leaving SF, But Not California   
    I'll just touch on 2 points, I sharply disagree that School districts don't have enough money, most districts have more money than they know what to do with.. The Teachers Union con job is;  Always claim schools are broke, that teachers are underpaid and the poor children are left to suffer, all in a effort to increase more funding for TEACHERS and their fat pensions when a new proposition comes on the ballot every 2 years.  
    As for Prop 13, I don't see any correlation with Prop 13 and property values, maybe you can explain that one to me..  Prop 13 benefited retirees and the elderly who were being taxed out of their own homes by this "caring" State of California, As property values increased, so did property taxes, Without Prop 13, their entire Social Security income for the year wasn't enough to cover their property taxes, so they were forced into mortgaging their home to pay property taxes, which is unsustainable, and they ultimately lost it.
    OK, I'll make a 3rd point, you're absolutely right about low housing prices in some of the Valley's here, that might be a good option for many who work out of their home and don't need to commute to work,  and they don't mind the blistering summer heat and cold winters.
  15. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from TBoneTX in New Research: People are Leaving SF, But Not California   
    I used to run the west coast a lot and remember that just to go to a national fast food place that an identical meal would cost about $1.50 more and going shopping anything would cost more than any other state and that included the northeast that had an overwhelming toll road system and an advanced mass transit system that was heavily subsidized.
    It is the housing that is tragic in California in my opinion and very unnecessary. It may be the main engine that will force people to relocate if it is possible but unfortunately  one needs to save money to do that and savings can't happen when your pay is being confiscated. Now of course the state already has a high minimum wage and the state wants an even higher minimum wage boost that is inflationary and just will make the prices and rents to go even higher so with the mindset that has gotten them there in the first place they will have to revisit the higher minimum wage to combat that and so on. Of course that means that the taxes will need to be raised and that unemployment becomes higher. Businesses have to put off hiring more and/or let go of some employees.
    What this causes is a slave class of citizens so yes the middle class is disappearing as the rich get richer and new rich come into being to soak up that extra money that will be flowing into the economy but they all become slaves to the system as the poor and middle class are now slaves just in order to survive and exist. So I hope that fantastic climate and whatever it is that makes California such a huge attraction is worth it. Personally if it is so fantastic in California then why do so many want to leave the plantation?
  16. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from laylalex in New Research: People are Leaving SF, But Not California   
    I used to run the west coast a lot and remember that just to go to a national fast food place that an identical meal would cost about $1.50 more and going shopping anything would cost more than any other state and that included the northeast that had an overwhelming toll road system and an advanced mass transit system that was heavily subsidized.
    It is the housing that is tragic in California in my opinion and very unnecessary. It may be the main engine that will force people to relocate if it is possible but unfortunately  one needs to save money to do that and savings can't happen when your pay is being confiscated. Now of course the state already has a high minimum wage and the state wants an even higher minimum wage boost that is inflationary and just will make the prices and rents to go even higher so with the mindset that has gotten them there in the first place they will have to revisit the higher minimum wage to combat that and so on. Of course that means that the taxes will need to be raised and that unemployment becomes higher. Businesses have to put off hiring more and/or let go of some employees.
    What this causes is a slave class of citizens so yes the middle class is disappearing as the rich get richer and new rich come into being to soak up that extra money that will be flowing into the economy but they all become slaves to the system as the poor and middle class are now slaves just in order to survive and exist. So I hope that fantastic climate and whatever it is that makes California such a huge attraction is worth it. Personally if it is so fantastic in California then why do so many want to leave the plantation?
  17. Like
    luckytxn reacted to nykolos in New Research: People are Leaving SF, But Not California   
    I've lived in California all my life, I have plans to move out of the State in 2022, perhaps sooner, the only thing keeping me here is my clientele..  It's sad that over 70% of California residents can not afford to buy their own home, most here are forced to rent,  For a 2 bedroom apt for example, rent is over $2200, and it's common to see 4 or more occupants living together to share in the rent.  The State is way over taxed,  Vehicle registration fees are outrageous, for a 25 year old pickup truck, the registration fees are over $400 a year,  State Tax alone on Gas is over .50 cents a gal, it was raised .3 more cents today,  Add in other taxes and fees and you're paying .80 cents a gal here, For a 15 gal tank, you're giving the state of California $12 per fill up.. . And thanks to backwards Biden, Gas prices are expected to rise near $6 a gallon this Summer, it's currently just under $4 now... Energy prices are also expected to rise.
    Then you have the so called "FEES" tacked onto to your purchase, which are actually TAXES,  you're taxed on all wood materials, on paint, on tires, on appliances, on electronics, on shopping bags, on sun tanning, anything they can attach, they will tax you on it... And that Zero emission battery powered car you paid 60K for, you'll have to pay a annual $100 road improvement fee of $100 in order to renew your registration, which is expected to increase as more buy electric powered vehicles.  Many of our Freeways have been transformed into toll roads, yes, that $100 Billion or so dollars the Federal Government sent to California for highway improvements and expansions, California used that money to convert Freeways into cash machines for the State, If you want to commute during rush hour in the toll lanes, plan on spending $12 + each way.. And NO folks, the money you're paying for vehicle sales, taxes, registration, toll roads, gas taxes, does NOT all go to improving our roads, most of the revenue goes to the State General Fund, to be spent how Government sees fit, which includes supporting the millions of illegal aliens who live here.
    Couple this with the worst public education system for our children + the Covid lock downs, Californians are realizing the best climate in the nation is not worth staying here, and their right, most are moving to Arizona and Texas for a better and less restrictive life.
  18. Thanks
    luckytxn reacted to Nature Boy 2.0 in New Research: People are Leaving SF, But Not California   
    headline is misleading
    2. Historically, the number of people leaving California tracks the number of people entering California, but this pattern deviated in Q4 2020, when 267,000 people left the state and only 128,000 entered.
  19. Like
    luckytxn reacted to p.dang in Blue slip help   
    Make an appointment otherwise they will not let you in. I believed the appointment was for the afternoon. If i remember you have to select it for reschedule for 221g
    They did not even do another interview after looking at the mound of evidence went submitted. 
    Make it easy for them to sort through. We had Post-it Flag between each evidence so it was easier for them to find things.
    It says if you have other evidence to submit it too. If you have more pictures of you and her together I would submit more of them.
    Here what i did for the 221G
  20. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from Nature Boy 2.0 in All Things Coronavirus (Part 2)   
    Opposite here for me. I have tried as I am 61 and said I have a medical condition that allowed it so they put me on a waitlist but it seems no vacancies are ever open. I had already kept trying at every place that had vaccines but never could get them to do it.
  21. Like
    luckytxn reacted to Ban Hammer in Texas Removes Mask Mandate To Scare All The Californians Away   
    AUSTIN, TX—Governor Greg Abbott of Texas has just lifted the mask mandate and is allowing business to return to 100% capacity. The Governor explains that in these trying times, extreme measures
    must be taken to stop the spread of Californians into Texas and to scare them off from ever wanting to return. 
      “The last thing we need is a bunch of sissies from California moving to our beautiful state of Texas and screwing everything up and turning the state blue!” said Governor Abbott during a Lubbock
    Chamber of Commerce event. “Too many Californians have entered our state. Too many ridiculous liberal ideas have already been proposed. This must end. It’s time to open Texas 100%.”
    more at https://babylonbee.com/news/in-an-effort-to-scare-all-the-californians-back-texas-removes-mask-mandate
  22. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from Lemonslice in Prenup before K1 Visa marriage?   
    It is very important to do this. The institutions can't do anything with accounts unless there is a beneficiary or an estate court order. My brother passed away last year who I was caregiving and He was supposed to make me beneficiary and failed to do so and I had to small estate affidavit and other things. Also very important to have files for this stuff and let someone know where. My brother failed to do so and it took me months to go through tons of papers to figure what was what. When I pass I don't want that happening to my wife at all and so have made it simple for her.
  23. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from Crazy Cat in Did Sen. Ted Cruz fly to Cancún during the Texas freeze?   
    I was more jealous that I didn't fly out myself someplace warmer and fun. Anything Cruz could have done could have been handled by a call and his assistants could do more than him anyway.
  24. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from laylalex in Prenup before K1 Visa marriage?   
    No she tends to never praise me or thank me for anything I do and I am ok with that. She and rightfully so expects it as a something I should be doing anyway and no thanks are needed. She will be grateful later when it is needed to be done. And no she doesn't think I am a great husband no matter how many times I tell her I am. She shows gratitude in other ways by doing things and getting me things she knows I like and want without asking her. Can't really ask for more that.
  25. Like
    luckytxn reacted to TBoneTX in Foreign News Shows Are Now Raising Questions About Joe Biden's Cognitive Issues   
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