Hi everyone, I interviewed in MTL on January 6th and I was approved on the spot and given a paper for tracking. I know January 9th was a holiday and the embassy was closed so that will add another day to my visa/passport processing, so its technically only the 3rd business day now.
I was wondering if anyone else here had interviewed/been verbally approved around the same time as me could share their timeline/CEAC tracking updates because I'm really impatient and hoping to receive my visa soon. I also wanted to see if anyone elses status is/was changed from Ready to 'Refused' on the day of their interview like mine, the last update is still the day of my interview, January 6th, no CEAC update since then. I also haven't been contacted for any additional info/no 221g, so I hope that 'Refused' is just the normal ''processing'' for MTL, can anyone confirm/share their experience?
I was hoping id get my passport and visa back in my hand by the 17th since since I've seen lots of people at MTL get their visa in about 5-8 business days on average in the last couple months in a discord server im in, am I being too optimistic?