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Posts posted by Andy-n-Maricar

  1. I agree with you 100%. I have no sympathy at all for any supposed hardships an illegal endures. This ruling is a slap in the face to those who are following the laws and regulations.

  2. I just wanna share this webiste http://mytheater.org/index.php to those people who loves to watch movies :) . You can watch movies there for free! (no downloading needed) ;)

    NOTE: Some movies are clear and some aren't (specially the recent ones). You will also see chinese subtitles.

    PiNk 1111450x83btxvr2h.gif

    Whats this Zanga installer that comes with it. I dont want spyware #######.

    I normally use torrents sites for films.

    If you mean Zango installer, both McAfee and Symantec consider it adware and an adware downloader. Wiki has more info.

  3. For war flicks I highly recommend "Apocalypse Now" (filmed in the Philippines too) and "Das Boot" (The Boat) about German U-boat crews in WWII. Also "King Rat" about POW's of the Japanese.

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