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Posts posted by nana_356

  1. wow, this is super duper important. I am soooooo upset with Fox over this because they have NEVER mentioned McCain's medical problems before, and this would have been the perfect time for them to do it for the first time ever.

    That's it. I'm going to watch MSNBC which is far more non biased than Fox from now on.

    I my self never knew the racism and corruption of fox news, if you go on youtube and search fox new there are so many videos illustrating their racism, one of the most shoking is their comparison of Obama to hitler. Fox news is lies, corruption, and racism.

    Yeah, you can believe anything you see on YouTube.

    Well the clip shown above is not some random person, explaing what was said. It is straight out of their mouth! And thats the only ones I pay attention to, I realize that people will post false things to make their favorite look better, but there are also some that are exact clips of the reporters saying these things, and there is simply no excuse fot that.

  2. McCain could retain more half asleep in one sitting than Obama could in 20 years if you know what I mean.

    Well McCain has retained alot, 1000 sheets of a medical history in 8 years, while Obama only retained 1 or 2 sheet in 25 years.

    Put Obama in a N.Viet POW camp, kick the living sh!t out of him every day for 5 years and then wait another 30 years to let the effects wear in. Then see what his medical record looks like.

    I have respect for McCain, as far as his history of serving for the US. But in all fairness,

    An as s kicking doesnt cause 5 skin cancers or high cholesterol or 2 abnormalities in his lung that may I add, contribute to his 25 years of 2 pack a day smoking.

  3. wow, this is super duper important. I am soooooo upset with Fox over this because they have NEVER mentioned McCain's medical problems before, and this would have been the perfect time for them to do it for the first time ever.

    That's it. I'm going to watch MSNBC which is far more non biased than Fox from now on.

    I my self never knew the racism and corruption of fox news, if you go on youtube and search fox new there are so many videos illustrating their racism, one of the most shoking is their comparison of Obama to hitler. Fox news is lies, corruption, and racism.

  4. All this comes down to is Obama has followed the rules. And Hillary didnt, and now she wants the rules to change in her favor. Thats like Kobe trying to change the rules in the middle of a basketball game. Me personally I dont feel that they should not have counted the states, the rules are the rules, and it should not be changed in the middle of the process.

    But I realize why it was counted, to attempt to unite the party. What makes me sick about Hillary is she has really sold the whole "Iam fighting for your vote to count" when in reality this has nothing to do with the people , this is all about her wanting the nomination. if she would have followed the rules all the votes would have been counted.

  5. I am glad everyone enjoyed, this is propably the only form of woman shaking their goods that even woman enjoy!!! :P

    The two woman are kaya and sadie, i love sadie, and kaya is ok, I just feel sadie is great with her movement and isolation, and doesnt try to be 'overly sexy'.

  6. The evil eye is a folk belief that the envy elicited by the good luck of fortunate people may result in their misfortune, whether it is envy of material possessions including livestock, or of beauty, health, or offspring. The perception of the nature of the phenomenon, its causes, and possible protective measures, varies between different cultures.

    Belief in the evil eye is found in Islamic doctrine, based upon the verse of the Qur'an, "And from the evil of the envier when he envies," [Chapter al-Falaq, verse 5][1] and the statement of Prophet Muhammad, "The influence of an evil eye is a fact..." [sahih Muslim, Book 26, Number 5427][2]. Authentic practices of warding off the evil eye are also commonly practiced by Muslims: rather than directly expressing appreciation of, for example, a child's beauty, it is customary to say Masha'Allah, that is, "God has willed it", or invoking God's blessings upon the object or person that is being admired. [3] Aside from beliefs based upon authentic Islamic texts, a number of unsubstantiated beliefs about the evil eye are found in folk religion, typically revolving around the use of amulets or talismans as a means of protection.

  7. McLame doesn't need any help with gaffes. He's doing alright on that front all on his own:

    1. McCain doesn't even know who is in charge in Iran.

    2. Iraq/Iran, Sunni/Shia: McCain doesn't know the difference.

    3. McCain still thinks Czechoslovakia (which split into two countries in 1993) exists.

    4. McCain wrongly claimed that Baghdad was mostly normal.

    5. McCain called Baghdad market safe.

    6. McCain can't even remember how little he knows about the economy

    7. McCain falsely claimed he never requested pork.

    8. McCain falsely claimed that tax cuts increased government revenues.

    9. McCain's claim to be untainted by special interest money is false.

    10. McCain wrongly claimed he never supported amnesty.

    11.McCain is old..period.

    He's not old, more like an antique!

    You know whats funny gary, you say that you wont go fight in the war that you support so much, because "you arnt young enough". But you are ok with a man in his 70's leading this country.

  8. Have a joint checking account with your husband and your personal savings account.

    Problem solved.

    Totally agree!! the joint account is for bills house stuff etc, and my account is simply my account (he doesnt understand my shoe fetishes) so its best to have your own.

    And we also have a joint savings (we are saving for a house)

  9. Book 003, Number 0588:

    'A'isha reported: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) ordered me that I should get him the mat from the mosque. I said: I am menstruating. He (the Holy Prophet) said: Do get me that, for menstruation is not in your hand.

    Book 003, Number 0589:

    Abu Huraira reported: While the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) was in the mosque, he said: O 'A'isha, get me that garment. She said: I am menstruating. Upon this he remarked: Your menstruation is not in your hand, and she, therefore, got him that.

    i always took not praying at that time as just relaxing and getting a little bit more rest, as opposed to a "purity" issue, but that's just me.

    This is from the website Islamtoday.com, Its a good site!

    `Â’ishah relates that the Prophet (peace be upon him said: “I do not permit a woman in her menses or a person in a state of major ritual impurity into the mosque.†[sunan Abî Dâwûd, Sunan Ibn Mâjah, Sunan al-Bayhaqî, and Sahîh Ibn Khuzaymah]

    There is a context for this hadîth. The Prophet (peace be upon him) observed that some of the homes of his Companions opened up onto the mosque. He said: “Reorient these homes so that they do not face the mosque.†He then entered the mosques without doing anything, hoping that a concession would be revealed to him. Later, he went out to them and said: “Reorient these homes so that they do not face the mosque, for I do not permit a woman in her menses or a person in a state of major ritual impurity into the mosque.â€

    FYI Islamtoday is a very very strict site. I belong to a woman's forum there and although the woman are nothing but lovely and helpful they are very very strict in all things Islamic, so it's not suprising that you would have found that on that site.

    I agree, but the hadith does exist! So it is abviously how prophet muhammad (pbuh) stated it should be!

  10. I read that is it not permisable for a woman on her period to enter the mosque. Because she is un pure!

    says who? from muslim:

    Book 003, Number 0588:

    'A'isha reported: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) ordered me that I should get him the mat from the mosque. I said: I am menstruating. He (the Holy Prophet) said: Do get me that, for menstruation is not in your hand.

    Book 003, Number 0589:

    Abu Huraira reported: While the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) was in the mosque, he said: O 'A'isha, get me that garment. She said: I am menstruating. Upon this he remarked: Your menstruation is not in your hand, and she, therefore, got him that.

    i always took not praying at that time as just relaxing and getting a little bit more rest, as opposed to a "purity" issue, but that's just me.

    This is from the website Islamtoday.com, Its a good site!

    `Â’ishah relates that the Prophet (peace be upon him said: “I do not permit a woman in her menses or a person in a state of major ritual impurity into the mosque.” [sunan Abî Dâwûd, Sunan Ibn Mâjah, Sunan al-Bayhaqî, and Sahîh Ibn Khuzaymah]

    There is a context for this hadîth. The Prophet (peace be upon him) observed that some of the homes of his Companions opened up onto the mosque. He said: “Reorient these homes so that they do not face the mosque.” He then entered the mosques without doing anything, hoping that a concession would be revealed to him. Later, he went out to them and said: “Reorient these homes so that they do not face the mosque, for I do not permit a woman in her menses or a person in a state of major ritual impurity into the mosque.”

    In the mosque I used to attend they had a different section, separate from the actual masjid for woman that are mestruating.

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