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Posts posted by nana_356

  1. You are fighting thousands of years of idealogy, if they want change they will have to seek it themselves. Do you realize that people there are sickened of their country turning into america (sadly). Help will not be accepted from people that they do not respect. and this is not a feeling that was just recently struck up!

    That may be the reasons for the poor saps that are blowing themselves up but it isn't the motivations for the leaders that are sending them out. For them the motivation is power and control. The ones getting blown up are just pawns.

    We need to clean up our own back yard before trying to save the world. If your lawn is dirty and over grown are you going to mow your neighbors yard?

    What? That makes no sense at all. We are fighting terrorists that want to do us harm. It seems you just want to throw up your hands and declare defeat. Go ahead, the rest of us will carry your water.

    Gary when do you feel the war is won, when their country has turned into a democarcy?? And I dont believe that the troops should not be immediately withrawn, but to set a timetable to withdraw troops gradually, and for the record 65% of americans apose the war!

  2. Personally I dont feel that this war can ever be won?? And not because we dont have the militiary to do it, but because we dont have the mindset. How do you fight people that are not afraid of dying???

    Give them their wish. Kill them. Eventually they will run out of people willing to die.

    And who cares how many US soldiers die with them! And they will never run out of people willing to die!

    We are a lot better at killing them than they are at killing us. We will win.

    The hearts and minds with crazy comments like that. :wacko:

    A sick comment, from a person who does not understand what these martyrs are driven by!

    They are driven by people that lust for power and control and use religion as a way to convince these people to give up their lives. This isn't a religious war, it's a war for power that uses religion.

    You are fighting thousands of years of idealogy, if they want change they will have to seek it themselves. Do you realize that people there are sickened of their country turning into america (sadly). Help will not be accepted from people that they do not respect. and this is not a feeling that was just recently struck up!

    That may be the reasons for the poor saps that are blowing themselves up but it isn't the motivations for the leaders that are sending them out. For them the motivation is power and control. The ones getting blown up are just pawns.

    We need to clean up our own back yard before trying to save the world. If your lawn is dirty and over grown are you going to mow your neighbors yard?

  3. Personally I dont feel that this war can ever be won?? And not because we dont have the militiary to do it, but because we dont have the mindset. How do you fight people that are not afraid of dying???

    Give them their wish. Kill them. Eventually they will run out of people willing to die.

    And who cares how many US soldiers die with them! And they will never run out of people willing to die!

    We are a lot better at killing them than they are at killing us. We will win.

    The hearts and minds with crazy comments like that. :wacko:

    A sick comment, from a person who does not understand what these martyrs are driven by!

    They are driven by people that lust for power and control and use religion as a way to convince these people to give up their lives. This isn't a religious war, it's a war for power that uses religion.

    You are fighting thousands of years of idealogy, if they want change they will have to seek it themselves. Do you realize that people there are sickened of their country turning into america (sadly). Help will not be accepted from people that they do not respect. and this is not a feeling that was just recently struck up!

  4. Personally I dont feel that this war can ever be won?? And not because we dont have the militiary to do it, but because we dont have the mindset. How do you fight people that are not afraid of dying???

    Give them their wish. Kill them. Eventually they will run out of people willing to die.

    And who cares how many US soldiers die with them! And they will never run out of people willing to die!

    We are a lot better at killing them than they are at killing us. We will win.

    It doesn't really matter how good we are - if the people there don't want our help to resolve their own internal conflicts.

    Totally agree, the only way they can moderate is if there is a large scale, multi-national movement from Muslims themselves to rejecting violent jihad and all the doctrines and laws that go along with it once and for all.

  5. Personally I dont feel that this war can ever be won?? And not because we dont have the militiary to do it, but because we dont have the mindset. How do you fight people that are not afraid of dying???

    Give them their wish. Kill them. Eventually they will run out of people willing to die.

    And who cares how many US soldiers die with them! And they will never run out of people willing to die!

    We are a lot better at killing them than they are at killing us. We will win.

    The hearts and minds with crazy comments like that. :wacko:

    A sick comment, from a person who does not understand what these martyrs are driven by!

  6. Personally I dont feel that this war can ever be won?? And not because we dont have the militiary to do it, but because we dont have the mindset. How do you fight people that are not afraid of dying???

    Give them their wish. Kill them. Eventually they will run out of people willing to die.

    And who cares how many US soldiers die with them! And they will never run out of people willing to die!

  7. In my opinion, when people say, don't drink the koolaid, they mean don't get drawn in by a charasmatic figure who is only going to lead you down the wrong path...

    In my opinion, when people say "don't drink the koolaid", they are only admitting to a lack of substance of whatever case they think they are trying to make...

    I agree. :thumbs:

  8. I believe that this is all inapropriate, the kool aid remark is rude, and calling hillary those name was rude also. Those names that people called her do not represent how I feel and I appoligize to you on the inapropriatness,we all know how much you like Hillary.

    But honestly, your kool aid remark is also out of line. There is not need for that!

    And people saying something in your office all the time does not make it appropriate, people curse all the time that doesnt make it appropriate. But I personally take offense to it because I fell that her intentions with that phrase is obvious.

  9. What does the kool aid comment mean??

    Oh it's a really funny one too... in the 70's People's Temple cult leader Jim Jones led his followers into a mass suicide (something like 1000 people) by drinking Koolaid. So the comparison is that Obama is like a cult leader...

    Of course you picked the one definition that fit your argument, but there are others, just as valid.


    The proper deffinition is what the sister gave, it is on wikepedia

  10. I will not vote for Obama. I cannot, in good faith, cast my ballot for someone I do not believe in one iota. He is as bad as Bush in my eyes. Considering I've voted Dem for every other election, this will be hard. I may go Independent, I may write in. Who knows?

    Where you lying then or are you lying now? Who knows? :whistle:

    Wow, so now I'm a liar? You musta missed the part I wrote, 'Who knows?' That Koolaid sure is a blinder!

    PS: It's were, not where. English 101.

    What does the kool aid comment mean??

  11. If Hillary supporters truly support Hillary, then I suppose they will support her supporting Obama. She will throw her support behind him and then we'll see how many supporters she really has. ;)

    You mean the false support ? They actually dislike eachother from what I can tell.

    It would not be false support, because Hillary and Obama's goals are nearly identical. McCain is a far left from either of them.

  12. A lot of people who support Obama on this board have stated before the primaries that they would support a Republican or a third party candidate if hillary was the candidate. There is a divide and it definitely goes both ways.

    I'm not sure I understand that - HC has a lot more (politically) in common with BO than McC does.

    Clearly its personal, rather than political. Which is just strange.

    It shouldn't be a popularity contest.

    Many dem. were democrates before hillary and obama ever began this race. and we should vote democrat no matter what. And we need to remember that both hillary and obama share nearly the same views. In the midst of the anger we need to remember who would we be voting for, if anger forces Hillary supporters to vote for Mccain.

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