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Posts posted by nana_356

  1. Are some of you saying that you dont have a relationship with anyone that you may not share all views with, or you might not agree with their life style, but yet you have a relationship with them?????

    Should you be defined by them??

    I knew a woman that was a drug addict, he newborn passed away and she turned to drugs. but I tried to be there for her, would you define me as a drug adict also.

    Lets be honest here, you want to talk about Obama being racist, when all you can do is try to find falts in his relationships! Is that the best all you can do. None of you no matter how hard you try can direct obama himself to any racist actions. When on the other hand McCain himself voted for not making martin luther king day a holiday.hmmmm. what about that!

    i'm not talking about being supportive for a friend that has made some bad decisions in life. i'm talking about the man that could very well be our president associating w/ flat out racist & calling them his "friends" until the truth about them came out. now its "i didn't know they had these views for the 20 years i've known them".....didn't ole rev. say "he has to disassociate w/ us now. he's a politicial"?

    and mccain voting to not make MLK day a federal holiday makes him a racist how?

    My father is racist, and I love him with all my heart, I will always be there for him and if he says anything racist i just dont say anything he is too old and has his own reasons for his belives, and I dont feel he will ever change. Does me listening to him saying his nasty comments make me a racist?

  2. Are some of you saying that you dont have a relationship with anyone that you may not share all views with, or you might not agree with their life style, but yet you have a relationship with them?????

    Should you be defined by them??

    I knew a woman that was a drug addict, he newborn passed away and she turned to drugs. but I tried to be there for her, would you define me as a drug adict also.

    Lets be honest here, you want to talk about Obama being racist, when all you can do is try to find falts in his relationships! Is that the best all you can do. None of you no matter how hard you try can direct obama himself to any racist actions. When on the other hand McCain himself voted for not making martin luther king day a holiday.hmmmm. what about that!

    I beleive Barack bailed on mr. wright. You should ask Barack why he can bail on his own pastor of twenty years. Hes weak and follows the way of the damp finger in the wind.

    Didnt Mccain bail on a priest also? you are giving mccain an easy road, and Obama a very rough one. You standards are quie unfair! And in my opinion, his pastors views were out of line, there is no denying, but Obama has done what he has to do, and I commend him for in the begining trying not to be a typical polititian and immediately denouncing him, as mccain has done. But Rev wright by everyones views in the conference sounded like he has gone of the handle, even people in the church are sadned that he has acted like a ranting lunatic. And are honestly embarased. the entire church even supports obamas decision to leave the church, because they realize the harm that rev wright not only caused obama harm but also gave their church a bad name. you will not find anyone going to that church that are angry with obamas decision, because they are angry with rev. wright also.

    Are some of you saying that you dont have a relationship with anyone that you may not share all views with, or you might not agree with their life style, but yet you have a relationship with them?????

    Should you be defined by them??

    I knew a woman that was a drug addict, he newborn passed away and she turned to drugs. but I tried to be there for her, would you define me as a drug adict also.

    Lets be honest here, you want to talk about Obama being racist, when all you can do is try to find falts in his relationships! Is that the best all you can do. None of you no matter how hard you try can direct obama himself to any racist actions. When on the other hand McCain himself voted for not making martin luther king day a holiday.hmmmm. what about that!

    i'm not talking about being supportive for a friend that has made some bad decisions in life. i'm talking about the man that could very well be our president associating w/ flat out racist & calling them his "friends" until the truth about them came out. now its "i didn't know they had these views for the 20 years i've known them".....didn't ole rev. say "he has to disassociate w/ us now. he's a politicial"?

    and mccain voting to not make MLK day a federal holiday makes him a racist how?

    I am trying to let you see both sides, I dont feel mccain is a racist. but obama supporters can use that as amo. and mccain supporters can use rev. wright as amo. Both are unfair.

  3. He was not associated with the recent priest controversy,Pfleger is a Catholic priest who was there as a guest speaker, Obama is a baptist christian

    and may I add that I dont agree with the comments that he stated about hillary, i dont beieve that politics have a place in church, church is for prayer and personal healing!

  4. I'll grant that the church thing is a problem and should rightly be subject to further scrutiny - but to write him off as a racist solely on the basis of circumstance and association seems rather unreasonable.

    But if a white candidate was in a church for 20 years where the pastor preached intolerance about the black man, would you give him the B.O.D.?

    In a word yes. I certainly wouldn't use an association like that as the sole means of judging the candidate unless there was something directly tangible to indicate that he/she not only holds those beliefs but would actually enact them into policy.

    Of course - to my knowledge there hasn't been a president who didn't have some affiliation to some church or other - whether they're genuine believers or merely joined the congregation out of political expediency.

    I'll grant that the church thing is a problem and should rightly be subject to further scrutiny - but to write him off as a racist solely on the basis of circumstance and association seems rather unreasonable.

    in your opinion it may be unreasonable. i don't think so.

    You don't think its unreasonable to render judgement on a person's entire character and beliefs solely on the basis of 3rd party association?


    20 YEARS! hmmm

    As I said - it depends a great deal on whether he joined that church out of genuine belief or simply because he thought it would help his career. It is a big church, after all.

    It isn't just Rev Write though. He has associations with this priest Phagy and with admitted terrorists Ayers. If it were just his church then I can see your point. Obama seems to have a pattern of associations that are very troubling.

    C'mon say it...

    B. HUSSEIN Obama... :lol:

    He is personally going to open the back door and have his Iranian allies invade us from the kitchen, isn't he?!?

    Why such ugly comments??? Show a little class, and speak facts!

  5. Are some of you saying that you dont have a relationship with anyone that you may not share all views with, or you might not agree with their life style, but yet you have a relationship with them?????

    Should you be defined by them??

    I knew a woman that was a drug addict, he newborn passed away and she turned to drugs. but I tried to be there for her, would you define me as a drug adict also.

    Lets be honest here, you want to talk about Obama being racist, when all you can do is try to find falts in his relationships! Is that the best all you can do. None of you no matter how hard you try can direct obama himself to any racist actions. When on the other hand McCain himself voted for not making martin luther king day a holiday.hmmmm. what about that!

  6. Well... we can dissuade this so-called Iranian influence by being smarter than the average bear.

    That's just it - I'm not sure that we can.

    People wrongly conclude that because of the Iran-Iraq war there must be some sort of huge, fundamental divide between the two countries. From what I understand that isn't the case - in fact relations between the two countries were fine until Saddam got on the scene and tried to exploit what he perceived as an opportunity.

    The biggest clue however is that many exiled Iraqis (more specifically - influential guys like Nouri Al Maliki were living out their exile in neighbouring countries, not least of which is Iran.

    Aint diplomacy great? This is why a regional effort at doing things with common sense would work better than simply creating more "martyrs" and sending them off to some weird Paradise. No better propaganda machine, I tell you, for creating more animosity against our own "side."

    Its also why the idea of trying to manage this situation without engaging Iran in an official dialog presents rather exceptional difficulties. For example, there was a suggestion in the news (and there was an ex-military commander bod on NPR a few weeks back who said the exact same thing) that Iran was essentially behind the Al-Sadr ceasefire. Simply - they carry a lot of influence, and will continue to do so whether we choose to acknowledge it or not.

    If we didn't want to be in situation where would have to make these sorts of concessions - we should have considered it at the beginning. As I say - none of the stuff that happened was in anyways unpredictable.

    Quite simply, we've manouvered ourselves into this position.

    I agree. :thumbs:

  7. Gary's going to be pretty disappointed.

    Only because the circus will be over. It was fun to watch. However, I doubt if Hillary goes quietly even after tonight. Until I hear her say, "I am dropping out of the race" I think anything is still possible from her. And Hillary as the VP? Not going to happen. Obama's wife hates Hillary and will not let him pick her.

    whether he picks her or not, hillary and obama will come together!

  8. Fair enough - again for the record I do hope that the Dems via Barack reclaim the WH. However, I am not so sanguine as to hope that would signal the dawning of a new age of growth and prosperity. The most I am hoping for is an improvement in the health care system and maybe more emphasis placed on developing a sustainable economy and sustainable energy policies. Apart from that, I don't think much will change. Of course, I am quite willing to be wrong.

    That would be lot, wouldn't it? I'd really like to see his much praised conciliatory skills at work.

    I am not expecting for miracles to happen, but one thing I really like is the scolarship program for troops. That is so well deserved!

  9. Steve - when you stuff like that you sound hysterical

    So you are suggesting with a straight face that she is planning to assassinate Obama? Man, and I thought Floyd Brown and his associates were nutty.

    I'm not suggesting anything other than a heightened concern for Obama's well being. History is full of all kinds of crazy things that have happened over the obsession of power.

    So why single him out?

    He's now the presumed nominee and if he wins, he'll be the first black President. He already started receiving death threats back when he first started campaigning.

    And you think GWB hasn't received any? Or Hillary? Or McCain? Get a clue - your annoited one is not the only one hated. You even wrote that!!! :rolleyes:

    Is your comment necessary "your annointed one" !

  10. Here it is, she is saying that she would accept to be obama's VP, she has obviously realized that its over, even though she has not formaly said its over


    Annonymos people from her campaigne stated that when obama gets the delagates she will make it official.

    Its still Associated Press though. Until this pops up more widely in the major outlets I'd be a little cautious before accepting this as a genuine story. It sounds a bit like a plant.

    Its all over CNN, and fox

  11. Here it is, she is saying that she would accept to be obama's VP, she has obviously realized that its over, even though she has not formaly said its over


    Annonymos people from her campaigne stated that when obama gets the delagates she will make it official.

    Something's going to happen to Obama.

    I think about your comment in the other post, would she be content?? I see her making more speeches then obama :P

  12. I believe the way to stop them from attacking is to take the money away, and lets be honest we are a big chunk of the money.

    The money spent in Iraq might instead be spent on an energy program to deprive the Saudis and Ahmadinejad and others of the wherewithal that is critical to the Jihad -- I believe that the $2 trillion spent in Iraq would have been better spent on solar and wind projects, and on nuclear reactors. Oil is their most dangerous weapon and our dependency is giving them assurance that their guns will always be loaded.

    Jihad is worldwide not just in afgan. and iraq. This does not require "the troops boots on their ground" here and there and everywhere. Not at all. It requires diminishing their oil revenues.

    Gary 'prevailing' is not the same as claiming victory, you want the us to win this war and claim victory,I want the US to prevail.

  13. To bad the terrorists don't follow timetables. We should leave when the Iraq army can protect itself and the country, when the government can withstand the threats of Iran and not one minute sooner. A timetable will just give the terrorists a date they can wait until and then come back out. And who cares what percentage of Americans oppose the war? Wars are fought with the premise of winning and not by how many people like it.

    Dont you remember what happened when when iran got to ellect? The absolute worst outcome that could have happened, that we taxpayers paid for and supported and arranged.

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