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Posts posted by nana_356

  1. i am pretty sure that nana is regretting starting this whole discussion.

    what a waste of all of our time and energy.

    any NOA2's today? thats what i was checking on in the first place before i got caught up in all this nonsense.


    good luck to everyone, regardless of your political views

    Yes I do regret starting this discussion. Topics never do get discussed. And some people (no need to name) begin personal attacks to veer of the issue at hand. As the other topic says, I am also discusted. disgusted.

    Thank you for the correction (F)

  2. "The way a person starts their mornign sets the stage for the rest of the day!"

    I'll start,

    I wake up at 5:30 or 6 am,

    Get my hubby ready for work (iron, fix breakfast/lunch)

    got to the gym, or do yoga at home,

    have a healthy breakfast or a smoothie.

    Here is my smoothie recipe:

    1/2 cup nonfat milk

    1/2 cup fat-free plain yogurt

    1/2 frozen banana, peeled and chopped

    2 tablespoons powdered protein supplement

    1 1/2 tablespoons flax seed (if you dont like the texture use flax oil)

    1 teaspoon honey

    1/2 cup frozen strawberries or any fruit youlike

    blend all till smooth!!

    How do you start your day??????

  3. i am pretty sure that nana is regretting starting this whole discussion.

    what a waste of all of our time and energy.

    any NOA2's today? thats what i was checking on in the first place before i got caught up in all this nonsense.


    good luck to everyone, regardless of your political views

    Yes I do regret starting this discussion. Topics never do get discussed. And some people (no need to name) begin personal attacks to veer of the issue at hand. As the other topic says, I am also discusted.

  4. there's also an age limit :bonk:

    yeah and its 41, so i think that allows a whole lot of people out there to go ahead and sign up if they haven't allready


    So those of us that are to old have NO RIGHT to discuss this? Those are your words.

    There is no need to knit-pick, I dont feel it was stated to be interpreted in that manner. It would be common sense to construte it as "those who are able and qualify". Even though it was not stated that way, common sense should allow us to figure out the rest.

  5. Ok,

    so if you are going to defend this Iraq war I assume you are brave enough to run over to the recruiters office and enlist. If you are not willing to do that than you have absolutely no right defending this colonization of the middle east.

    quite interesting. so to defend the war we have to go enlist eh?

    If a person truly believes in the purpose of this war,and is physically able, why not enslist??

    there's also an age limit :bonk:

    I think most people here on VJ are bright enough to know that on their own!

  6. Ok,

    so if you are going to defend this Iraq war I assume you are brave enough to run over to the recruiters office and enlist. If you are not willing to do that than you have absolutely no right defending this colonization of the middle east.

    quite interesting. so to defend the war we have to go enlist eh?

    If a person truly believes in the purpose of this war,and is physically able, why not enslist??

  7. Ok,

    so if you are going to defend this Iraq war I assume you are brave enough to run over to the recruiters office and enlist. If you are not willing to do that than you have absolutely no right defending this colonization of the middle east.

    secondly, most kids join the military at 18. what did you do when you were 18? did you always make the right choices? did you know what you were getting yourself into?

    third, questioning the wisdom of our leaders is the right and resposibilty of a prudent citizen. following them blindly is promoting tryanny.

    and final - putting a stupid yellow magnet on your car is not really supporting anyone, except the person you bought the stupid ribbon from in the first place.

    if you really want to support and respect the soldiers, don't send them on a stupid quest thousands of miles from home to die for ####### cheneys bank account.

    yes, i am a vet and a federal employee.

    don't be stupid

    2 :thumbs:

  8. My personal view is that the semantics argument is a red herring, that the people who bring up "not calling it marriage" are just doing it because they actually object to the idea of same-sex couples enjoying the legal rights pertaining to marriage - which is the true crux of the argument.

    Quibbling about what to call it is really a pointless exercise. If you're granting the legal recognition and rights pertaining to marriage - then quite simply - it IS marriage.

    But I think that some people can swallow (even if it is distasteful) the idea of the state sanctioning gay civil unions. But they can't stomach the idea of calling it marriage because that somehow means to them that God has sanctioned the relationship.

    Does that make any sense?

    yes it does!

  9. Senators John McCain and Barack Obama released their Senate financial disclosure statements on Friday, revealing that Mr. McCain and his wife had at least $225,000 in credit card debt and that Mr. Obama and his wife had put more than $200,000 into college funds for their daughters.

    The bulk of the McCains’ obligations stemmed from a pair of American Express credit cards that are held in Cindy McCain’s name. According to the disclosure reports, which present information on debts in a range rather than providing a precise figure, Mrs. McCain owed $100,000 to $250,000 on each card.

    Another charge card, held by what was described as a “dependent child,” had also accumulated debts of $15,000 to $50,000. In addition, a credit card held jointly by the couple was carrying $10,000 to $15,000 in debt, the filing indicated, at a stiff 25.99 percent interest rate.


  10. continue on, Mr. Gary. Continue showing your antics. I see that both of are attacking me because neither of you have any real responses. Neither of you have answered a single question nor comment. So if avoiding the subject by being disrespectful to me saves you from addressing the real issue, both of you are welcomed to continue on!

    Don't worry, you are being attacked because you dared to question the emperor.



  11. LIE #1: "The evidence indicates that Iraq is reconstituting its nuclear weapons program ... Iraq has attempted to purchase high-strength aluminum tubes and other equipment needed for gas centrifuges, which are used to enrich uranium for nuclear weapons." -- President Bush, Oct. 7, 2002, in Cincinnati.

    FACT: This story, leaked to and breathlessly reported by Judith Miller in the New York Times, has turned out to be complete baloney. Department of Energy officials, who monitor nuclear plants, say the tubes could not be used for enriching uranium. One intelligence analyst, who was part of the tubes investigation, angrily told The New Republic: "You had senior American officials like Condoleezza Rice saying the only use of this aluminum really is uranium centrifuges. She said that on television. And that's just a lie."

    LIE #2: "The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." -- President Bush, Jan.28, 2003, in the State of the Union address.

    FACT: This whopper was based on a document that the White House already knew to be a forgery thanks to the CIA. Sold to Italian intelligence by some hustler, the document carried the signature of an official who had been out of office for 10 years and referenced a constitution that was no longer in effect. The ex-ambassador who the CIA sent to check out the story is pissed: "They knew the Niger story was a flat-out lie," he told the New Republic, anonymously. "They [the White House] were unpersuasive about aluminum tubes and added this to make their case more strongly."

    LIE #3: "We believe [saddam] has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons." -- Vice President Cheney on March 16, 2003 on "Meet the Press."

    FACT: There was and is absolutely zero basis for this statement. CIA reports up through 2002 showed no evidence of an Iraqi nuclear weapons program.

    LIE #4: "[The CIA possesses] solid reporting of senior-level contacts between Iraq and al-Qaeda going back a decade." -- CIA Director George Tenet in a written statement released Oct. 7, 2002 and echoed in that evening's speech by President Bush.

    FACT: Intelligence agencies knew of tentative contacts between Saddam and al-Qaeda in the early '90s, but found no proof of a continuing relationship. In other words, by tweaking language, Tenet and Bush spun the intelligence180 degrees to say exactly the opposite of what it suggested.

    LIE #5: "We've learned that Iraq has trained al-Qaeda members in bomb-making and poisons and deadly gases ... Alliance with terrorists could allow the Iraqi regime to attack America without leaving any fingerprints." -- President Bush, Oct. 7.

    FACT: No evidence of this has ever been leaked or produced. Colin Powell told the U.N. this alleged training took place in a camp in northern Iraq. To his great embarrassment, the area he indicated was later revealed to be outside Iraq's control and patrolled by Allied war planes.

    LIE #6: "We have also discovered through intelligence that Iraq has a growing fleet of manned and unmanned aerial vehicles that could be used to disperse chemical or biological weapons across broad areas. We are concerned that Iraq is exploring ways of using these UAVs [unmanned aerial vehicles] for missions targeting the United States." -- President Bush, Oct. 7.

    FACT: Said drones can't fly more than 300 miles, and Iraq is 6,000 miles from the U.S. coastline. Furthermore, Iraq's drone-building program wasn't much more advanced than your average model plane enthusiast. And isn't a "manned aerial vehicle" just a scary way to say "plane"?

    LIE #7: "We have seen intelligence over many months that they have chemical and biological weapons, and that they have dispersed them and that they're weaponized and that, in one case at least, the command and control arrangements have been established." -- President Bush, Feb. 8, 2003, in a national radio address.

    FACT: Despite a massive nationwide search by U.S. and British forces, there are no signs, traces or examples of chemical weapons being deployed in the field, or anywhere else during the war.

    LIE #8: "Our conservative estimate is that Iraq today has a stockpile of between 100 and 500 tons of chemical weapons agent. That is enough to fill 16,000 battlefield rockets." -- Secretary of State Colin Powell, Feb. 5 2003, in remarks to the UN Security Council.

    FACT: Putting aside the glaring fact that not one drop of this massive stockpile has been found, as previously reported on AlterNet the United States' own intelligence reports show that these stocks -- if they existed -- were well past their use-by date and therefore useless as weapon fodder.

    LIE #9: "We know where [iraq's WMD] are. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south, and north somewhat." -- Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, March 30, 2003, in statements to the press.

    FACT: Needless to say, no such weapons were found, not to the east, west, south or north, somewhat or otherwise.

    LIE #10: "Yes, we found a biological laboratory in Iraq which the UN prohibited." -- President Bush in remarks in Poland, published internationally June 1, 2003.

    FACT: This was reference to the discovery of two modified truck trailers that the CIA claimed were potential mobile biological weapons lab. But British and American experts -- including the State Department's intelligence wing in a report released this week -- have since declared this to be untrue. According to the British, and much to Prime Minister Tony Blair's embarrassment, the trailers are actually exactly what Iraq said they were; facilities to fill weather balloons, sold to them by the British themselves.

  12. continue on, Mr. Gary. Continue showing your antics. I see that both of are attacking me because neither of you have any real responses. Neither of you have answered a single question nor comment. So if avoiding the subject by being disrespectful to me saves you from addressing the real issue, both of you are welcomed to continue on!

  13. I served 6 years as a police officer and 5 years as a correctional officer, my entire life has been dedicated to law enforcement. But again you chose to show how disrespectful you are.

    Talk about disrespect...comparing a Police officer/correctional officer to a VETERAN...apples and oranges, nana....

    Continue being being disrespectful!!

  14. I think you will find that I am the most respectful person you will ever meet when it comes to our troops.

    If that were true you should be outrage that this war was based on a pack of lies.

    Jeez. It's only your opinion that matters. This was a war that needed to be done. I am proud of our brave men and women that are over there.

    You can sound like a patriot all you want, but your posts have shown otherwise. You have not shown anything to prove nor

    justify this war, and much has been given to show the dishonesty of the war. but yet you can sleep at night with our troops being treated that way. As I have said before you are a disrespectful man.

    It's your opinion. Thank God your in a very small minority. Oh, I sleep very well thank you. I think you need to walk a mile in my shoes before casting judgments like this. You really don't have a clue.

    I think you will find that I am the most respectful person you will ever meet when it comes to our troops.

    If that were true you should be outrage that this war was based on a pack of lies.

    Jeez. It's only your opinion that matters. This was a war that needed to be done. I am proud of our brave men and women that are over there.

    You can sound like a patriot all you want, but your posts have shown otherwise. You have not shown anything to prove nor

    justify this war, and much has been given to show the dishonesty of the war. but yet you can sleep at night with our troops being treated that way. As I have said before you are a disrespectful man.

    Are you a veteran?

    No, he works in a prison. Somehow he thinks that is serving his country. Whatever floats his boat.

    I served 6 years as a police officer and 5 years as a correctional officer, my entire life has been dedicated to law enforcement. But again you chose to show how disrespectful you are.

  15. I think you will find that I am the most respectful person you will ever meet when it comes to our troops.

    If that were true you should be outrage that this war was based on a pack of lies.

    Jeez. It's only your opinion that matters. This was a war that needed to be done. I am proud of our brave men and women that are over there.

    You can sound like a patriot all you want, but your posts have shown otherwise. You have not shown anything to prove nor

    justify this war, and much has been given to show the dishonesty of the war. but yet you can sleep at night with our troops being treated that way. As I have said before you are a disrespectful man.

  16. I think you will find that I am the most respectful person you will ever meet when it comes to our troops.

    If that were true you should be outrage that this war was based on a pack of lies.

    Jeez. It's only your opinion that matters. This was a war that needed to be done. I am proud of our brave men and women that are over there.

    You are proud that our brave men and women were tricked?

    And you can fill your messages with laughes all you want, i dont believe this is a humerous conversation, I stand by saying that you are disrespescful person.

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