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Posts posted by Palawan

  1. 26 minutes ago, AmericanNomad said:

    Ok thank you. What about the Traze app? Was that required?

    Nope, All that stuff went away a few month ago


    All I needed was the one health pass to enter the country, I hung in Manila and Davao City area


    Carry your vaccine card in Davao Area some malls still want to see it, and they will ticket you for not wearing a mask.

  2. 51 minutes ago, Rocio0010 said:

    How could it help the person? Do you know of any case where this worked? 



    4 from Philippine, all around same age 25 average age, all related, Working in Singapore applied for Tourist Visa to USA.


    3 had letter of support stating he would pay for anything needed, He is dual citizen Philippines/USA living in Philippines he wrote a letter of support.  The 3 with letters were approved, the one without a letter was denied.


    You do the math.........

  3. 13 minutes ago, abaa said:

    I would be willing to be for routine medical care, but even one trip to an emergency room can be extremely expensive. Any long term illness would also be very expensive, which is why I wanted to get a plan.



    You probably gonna be best to get her on the MarketPlace plan once she gets her and gets her greencard.


    Good thing if does have to go the hospital or emergency during her time before getting a greencard, you can usually get the hospital to waive the bill since she isn't legal to work in the USA.  You just need to call them and work this out, Just a FYI.

  4. 13 hours ago, e-l-l-e said:

    Greetings Everyone, 

    My wife and I want to bring her nephew, who is 8 years old, to live with us so he can have a better education. What kind of visa does he need? Do we first start with a tourist visa?



    Student Visa


    They seem pretty easy to get from what I have seen, got a friend who has gotten two cousins from Philippines to go to school in USA in the last 6 months, but they are like age 18 to 20.


    Visa process is very fast, they had to prove they were proficent in English with test and sponsor had to have like 25K in the bank for each student for sponsorship.  

  5. If she is fairly healthy you can just self pay if you need any medical needs, usually you can get cheaper rates for self pay vs having insurance.


    What marketplace offers with insurance thru them is it will cover pre existing, Which may be the only good thing about marketplace.  If you can find insurance outside of marketplace they usually don't cover pre existing conditions.


    If you do get market place insurance stay away from ghetto insurance like Molina or Ambetter, get like Cigna or BCBS or a more well known main stream insurance.


    Bad deal with Obama care, they took away most private policy and you will pay out the nose for insurance, but they do cover pre existing. 



  6. 10 hours ago, Theone88 said:

    It’s a cash grab if the attorney knew that it wouldn’t get approved cause it is a significant misdemeanor and still completed the packet at a fee. 


    Its considered a new application, which due to the court ruling is not being accepted. A lot of news  has popped up about updated rules. No change on application acceptance.

    Got you, but what to do, I would of submitted anyways as well.


    I know a guy who filed for DACA first time about 2 years ago, it been accepted just nothing has been done since it was shut down again, last I heard they haven't refunded him his money

  7. 15 minutes ago, Samuel_ said:



    Our k1 petition is awaiting interview at the embassy and we just realized that my fiancé make two errors.

    One on my mom’s surname, she used my mom parent name instead of using my own father’s name as the surname and she also made an error on only the year I started working on my employment history information part but she got the month and day right. We have already contacted NVC for the corrections but we have not heard anything ever since.

    Pls what can be done for us not to throw our chances away because of this mistakes.

    NOTE: on our da-160, we included both my mom’s parents name which is what my fiancé wrote on the petition then we added a comma and also wrote my father’s family name which is my surname, so we have the two names on the same line for my mom’s surname.

    Pls, I will appreciate any advice on how this should be sorted out before my interview date. Thanks.

    I don't see it being a big deal, I wouldn't worry about it. 


    Have the corrected paperwork to see if it's needed at the interview.....



  8. On 2/15/2022 at 7:51 PM, Theone88 said:

    Here are the stats.

    Received DACA 2012.

    Received a DUI in Rhode Island 2014.

    Submitted by an Attorney, applied for renewal in 2014 despite the rules indicating bar for significant misdemeanors(probably a cash grab by the attorney). 

    2014 received denial due to DUI

    2017 Moved to another state and married

    2021 Completed a motion to expunge in R.I. And was granted.


    I understand that for immigration purposes expungements are typically viewed favorably but the charge sticks. It is by case by case basis for DACA not a bar. So the question is should I include supporting documents such as character affidavits, parental status, etc and/or letter to the case officer when I submit a renewal packet? Or does that not have weight?


    DUI is considerded a Significant Misdemeanor, so probably not a cash grab


    What is your updated status?

  9. 2 hours ago, JamesBz said:

    Hi I filed a petition for my wife in the Philippines last 04/21/22. I am starting a new job soon and was wondering how to fill out the W4 and later the income twx return. Do I file as married filing seperately and what do I have to do different than before when I filed as single? TIA

    I wouldn't give the IRS an extra cent.


    Have them take out as little money as possible from your paycheck, I would file as with at least one dependent if it only you and her.  


    I would rather have my money now, then give it to the IRS to hold at 0% interest for them.

  10. 6 minutes ago, Dessy0212 said:

    yes, that was we thinking about since the timeline take so long. 

    thank you for your response ^^

    Your fine, They are tons of people who go to Philippines for one visit only and spend a few weeks there, and they are approved for interviews, I would think Philippines has to be in the top 3 of doing K1's


    Good Luck.



  11. 13 hours ago, NoMansLand2020 said:



    We are currently in the market for an additional car for our family. Looking for a used vehicle that will be mostly used by my wife. Currently we have two young children, one who is still in a carseat and a baby due in December. 


    My wife has no driving experience and will soon be starting an adult driving class so she can earn a permit. Being a Filipino, she's short in stature, 4'10 and around 90lbs.  As we are soon to be a family of 5, we mostly likely need either a minivan, or smaller seater... Something that would seat at least 7. 


    I am looking for suggestions as to what others might have done. 

    I got my wife a beater for the first year, just in case.  But I didn't have kids to tote around.


    Used cars are sky high in my area, maybe cheaper to order new from the factory

  12. 15 hours ago, Adventine said:

    Usually I have no problem with the ads on VJ, but this one was really bad. Disgusting. 


    I am not sure why Google Ads thought this was a good thing to show me - my browsing history doesn't have anything remotely similar.


    I am including a screenshot below to illustrate how nasty this ad is. I am sure I am not the only person turned off by seeing this giant full page ad on my screen.






    You can always close your account and move on.


    Participation is voluntary 

  13. 56 minutes ago, EllisAndRenz said:

    The guy at Asiana said they should be fine with it.  American and Asiana both checked the documents stateside and let her thru.  Only Philippine air had an issue.  (And they may have been right).  Asiana reviewed her documents on line before issuing the boarding pass.


    I'm on the fence.  I don't know if she should leave this to chance or not.  


    American was domestic Correct?  Asiana was for international?


    If she made it there she is half way done, I would just roll the bones and see if she gets out, she was able to get into Philippines seems as if she should be able to get out assuming she is flying the same airlines, that would be my point to use if they give her grief....

  14. 5 minutes ago, EllisAndRenz said:

    OK, so spoke with Asiana Airlines.  While they said that she's fine to fly with *them* in this case, they cannot guarantee that the Philippine version of TSA will let her thru.  Worse, they won't change the name on the ticket since the outbound has already been flown.


    I'm waiting to see what Expedia comes up with.  I may be on the hook for buying her a new homebound ticket just to play it safe.  (I fear what the ticket would cost if I buy it on the day of her departure if things don't work out)


    She just got there two hours ago.  I'm not going to tell her about any of this today.  🙂


    She will get thru the security gaurd, they don't have version of TSA.


     It will be the ticket counter person she needs to get thru when she checks in bags or checks in for the flight.

  15. 10 hours ago, AJeane said:

    My fiance and I applied for a k1 visa September 2021. We've been waiting 11.5 months for noa2. Now we're wondering whether we should just get married and switch to CR1. Would he be able to legally work sooner with CR1? Would he be able to spend much time visiting here with his b1/b2 visa while waiting for the CR1 to be approved? Does he have to wait a certain amount of time in between his visits? How likely would a k3/k4 visa be approved while we're waiting for spousal visa to be approved?

    I would ride the current one out now, If you were only like 3 to 4 months I may look into switching, sounds like you are around the corner from NOA2.

  16. 20 minutes ago, Timona said:

    Worry not about the bag..You're entitled to $3800, if I remember correctly. So, if it even gets delayed by a day or better 3 days, I believe you get $3800. A delay for a day is $500, I think. And when they finally find the bag, they'll give it to you too. 


    Google DoT rules on this. 

    I had a bag get lost going thru Bejieng to Manila about 10 years ago, took about 2 months to finally show up back at my home airport, I got nothing and of course the bag had been picked thru. 

  17. 1 minute ago, EllisAndRenz said:

    She's coming home on the same airline that took her there.  Asiana.  Changing to AA in LAX.


    I would get hold of a supervisor for Asiana and have them change her ticket to her passport name, to avoid any hassel or issues when she tries to leave the Philippines.    Don't worry I am sure she isn't the first person to forget to match her ticket to her passport.


    I predict she will have issues getting out of there unless ticket name and passport name match.


    Or worse comes to worse you can roll the bones and she if she get outs, if not she can buy a ticket but same day or almost same weeks flight tickets are about 3 to 5 times more expensive out of Philippines.


    Next time I suggest flying one carrier like Delta, at least if you miss a flight they will take care of the rebooking all the way to Philippines.  Delta is travel partner with Korean Air. 

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