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    Nothing1234 reacted to sara535 in Yo! Waz up MENA? <3   
    its obvious she is calling us old.
    what a bitter old shrew.
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    Nothing1234 got a reaction from LaL in Need some advice about Divorce in Egypt   
    I did notice a trend on opinion of the men in this thread...
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    Nothing1234 got a reaction from caybee in Update on 3rd Interview   
    Congrats Need2Know. I'm happy you and your daughter will finally be reunited with your hubby.
    As for your posts to Staashi...she is pretty much matter of fact (black and white) on matters. Just knowing her over the years she's not out to be vicious but to provide you with facts to help or prepare you. I think being prepared in the future (when he arrives) is the best thing to be. This visa process is now over but you now have the next steps of AOS, etc which is a crazy ball of wax of its own (thats the voice of my experience speaking).
    Typically there is something that triggers a flag/reason to doubt the intentions of the applicant and honestly, its for our protection as well as US Citizens so we are not used or our ability to provide citizenship to another isn't abused down the road. It's not an easy road at all and I sympathize with what you have been through. So being prepared for an AOS interview and having all your ducks in a row is important because the grilling and invasion of privacy doesn't end at the VISA interview..its only the beginning. *sigh* (our AOS interview was uncomfortable as well.)
    I am curious though, if they did not have information on this Jane Doe person, how were they able to bring her up during an interview? Perhaps it was not via messenger access but a complaint filed at the embassy level by this woman? I am aware of a few folks that this has happened too...where complaints to the embassy have brought on 2nd interviews or extensive questioning during the 1st.
    Again, congrats!!! I wish you the best in the future and a very very happy reunion!!
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