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    Deb123 got a reaction from TGM in I-751 ROC Filers - January 2024   
    Well this is weird, I received the physical copy of the 48-month extension, but do not see any digital copies online. Feeling somewhat relieved nonetheless. Hoping to get the access code letter and biometrics letter soon. 
  2. Like
    Deb123 got a reaction from ghostinthemachine in I-751 ROC Filers - January 2024   
    Well this is weird, I received the physical copy of the 48-month extension, but do not see any digital copies online. Feeling somewhat relieved nonetheless. Hoping to get the access code letter and biometrics letter soon. 
  3. Sad
    Deb123 reacted to OldUser in I-751 ROC Filers - January 2024   
    Personal checks are always preferred for this reason. 
    For all filers in Jan 2024 who are yet to submit their I-751: pay with personal check! Credit cards often get declined as fradulent charge and cashiers checks cannot be tracked.
  4. Like
    Deb123 got a reaction from CFlah12345 in I-751 Timelines   
    Good to know thanks! Mine was to Arizona actually. Fingers crossed and will update if I get anything! Did you get a digital letter on myUSCIS?
  5. Like
    Deb123 reacted to OldUser in I-751 ROC Filers - January 2024   
    People are getting copies of digital letters in their USCIS accounts. I doubt many filers from Jan 2024 received physical extension letters yet!
  6. Haha
    Deb123 reacted to OldUser in I-751 ROC Filers - January 2023   
    NOA on 4-5 days? Really? The USPS part alone can take 4-5 days to deliver letter from USCIS to your address.
    When I submitted mine it took like 6 weeks to receive NOA by mail.
    Also, were you trying to send a message in January 2024 thread?
  7. Like
    Deb123 reacted to Gatekeeper in February 2021 - AOS Filers   
    It was exactly the same for me today! Approved on the spot after a 20-minute interview. The agent was serious and to the point until he told us we were approved and would get our card in a week or 2. Then he became very friendly and started chatting with us about the fact that we traveled a lot (we had provided the flight tickets of the 40 occasions on which we had met before our wedding. We love travelling😊) etc… And our status changes to « card being produced » as we went out of the office! 
  8. Like
    Deb123 got a reaction from Gatekeeper in February 2021 - AOS Filers   
    Got the EAD now, just after my post of desperation! Relieved. Hope the same relief goes out to everyone else who hasn't received it, the struggle is real!
  9. Like
    Deb123 reacted to E&W in February 2021 - AOS Filers   
    YES! The EAD status was updated to producing card. OMG, I have been getting worried that the biometrics went wrong, since they had so much trouble getting my fingerprints. I'm one of those people that always has trouble with getting viable fingerprints. I'm gonna go get some ice cream, this requires celebrating.
  10. Like
    Deb123 reacted to :Sarah: in October 2020 - AOS Filers   
    Hello again!
    We just got our EAD approved but no change in ready to be scheduled part.
    But I heard EAD expiration date for recent ones are 2 years so hopefully that's the case!
    Have a great weekend guys!
  11. Like
    Deb123 reacted to Gatekeeper in February 2021 - AOS Filers   
    My case is now showing that I’m scheduled for an interview since today! Haven’t received the official letter yet, should arrive very soon.
    my bio took place on August 5th 
    case ready to be scheduled for an interview approx. 1week later
  12. Sad
    Deb123 reacted to S & V in February 2021 - AOS Filers   
    Thanks, we just waited the 80 min for an agent and seems like we have to wait until Monday or Tuesday to get a call back for an emergency interview.  So sadly "emergency" in USCIS means about a week or two.  IDK if it will be possible to even go by then. 
  13. Sad
    Deb123 reacted to A.j. in February 2021 - AOS Filers   
    1 month has gone by since we put in an expedite request, and still no bios appointment.
    Is anyone else still waiting for their bios appointment as well?  Its starting to feel like we have been left behind.
  14. Like
    Deb123 reacted to Meilyn22 in February 2021 - AOS Filers   
    Hey, did you get any update saying your finger print has been taken? 
    After my biometrics yesterday my case status changed to "Case is being actively reviewed."
    This might mean that things are pretty close for me at this point. 
  15. Like
    Deb123 reacted to carlovely in February 2021 - AOS Filers   
    Thank you, we were surprised as well! I did not request any expedites
  16. Like
    Deb123 reacted to carlovely in February 2021 - AOS Filers   
    Yes, I was scheduled for an interview: 

    Update again, completely unexpected but: 
    04/05/2021 Refiled EAD for missing signature. Case was received.
    06/03/2021 Biometrics letter received
    07/02/2021 Biometrics done!
    07/03/2021 Case status changed to "Case Is Being Actively Reviewed By USCIS" 
    07/16/2021 Interview scheduled for 08/13/2021
  17. Like
    Deb123 reacted to miserygame in February 2021 - AOS Filers   
    So the first thing you need to do is find out who is your representative, use this tool:  https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative.  after you find your representative , you should be linked to the representative website where you'll be able to fill up a congressional form that will be  forwarded to one of  the congressperson staffers who usually manages those kind of  external agencies affairs, it'll be under the discretion of that person to approve your congressperson expedite request form or not, is for this sole reason that you have to write down a very compelling reason why you're requesting the expedite. i.e.: you're under financial stress and got a job offer etc.  (write down an essay style with over 300 words explaining the reason). this form is pretty straightforward. 
    in my case the congresswoman reached back  and request documents to back up my claim, so i prepared a dissertation type document  that proved that we are under financial stress.
    this document included all my bills (with highlighted expenditures) , the job offer and at the end I created an excel sheet with my total expenses and my total income (I took a 3 months sample) showing that in fact i was in negatives, you don't have to do all of this, i did it all  cause my  congresswoman requested it to play it safe to the USCIS, it all depends. some people just submit the form to their congressperson and they submit the same one to the USCIS and they get approved, etc
  18. Like
    Deb123 reacted to miserygame in February 2021 - AOS Filers   
    I sent you a private message with the steps in how i did it!
  19. Like
    Deb123 got a reaction from econtom in February 2021 - AOS Filers   
    My fingerprints were applied a day after doing my biometrics, I am loving and appreciating the speed of things hopefully this will continue. 
  20. Like
    Deb123 reacted to arae in February 2021 - AOS Filers   
    Even weirder...it now says interview scheduled? This seems super fast!
  21. Like
    Deb123 reacted to miserygame in February 2021 - AOS Filers   
    So my timeline as of today
    PD  Feb 5 
    NOAs March 16
    May 15 RFE (medical)
    EAD Expedite request thru emma June 09 (triggered bios) [last update shown in the USCIS  portal]
    Bios July 19
    EAD expedite request thru congresswoman July 19
  22. Like
    Deb123 got a reaction from miserygame in February 2021 - AOS Filers   
    I just got my biometrics scheduled! 🙀  Thanks @miserygame for the prompt to chat with Emma lol, may relief come to those who are still waiting too!
  23. Like
    Deb123 got a reaction from econtom in February 2021 - AOS Filers   
    I just got my biometrics scheduled! 🙀  Thanks @miserygame for the prompt to chat with Emma lol, may relief come to those who are still waiting too!
  24. Like
    Deb123 reacted to miserygame in February 2021 - AOS Filers   
    There's a trick to expedite your EAD and hopefully 'trigger bios' 
    Connect w/ a live agent,  provide EAD receipt number  and request the EAD to be expedite DO NOT mention that you don't have bios(super important point), then provide your expedite motive,  it should work, if not try a couple times those live agents are 24/7 grumpy.  
  25. Like
    Deb123 got a reaction from Empressdivine in February 2021 - AOS Filers   
    Yeah I was really hoping it was some movement, I guess not! I am one of the few left who hasn't received any biometrics yet, feeling quite left out. I really hope they have not missed out my application.
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