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    JVKn'CVO got a reaction from diane79 in K1 EN ARGENTINA   
    Mucha suerte a los/ las argentinas pasando por el proceso!
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    JVKn'CVO got a reaction from AstridPizarro in K1 EN ARGENTINA   
    Mucha suerte a los/ las argentinas pasando por el proceso!
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    JVKn'CVO got a reaction from Empress of Groovy in Baby Corner   
    *Baby Update*
    We welcomed little Julia Rachel on May 27th, 5:14 pm. She weighed 8.08 lbs and measured 20.5 inches.
    She is a really good baby, eating well and sleeping as well as you can ask from a newborn . Justin and I are over the moon with her
    Birth story:
    Background: Sebas, our oldest, was a natural birth - birthing center birth turned to transfer and csection after 36 hours of labor, 6 hours of pushing. (Yeah, it was terrible!)
    This time we decided to try for a vbac (vaginal birth after csection) if everything was looking favorable.
    May 26th 11 pm I was having cramps that were coming regularly, but were not painful. Everything progressed very quickly and at 1 am I told Justin I think we're in labor!. Contractions were 5 min apart. At 3 am contractions were still 5 mins apart but were painful to the point that I was having trouble concentrating through them, so we called our OB and she said to head to the hospital. We packed the car with everything including Sebas who was happy as could be to have a little midnight adventure
    When we got to the hospital we were already 5 cms. Got the IV and later the epidural, which was heaven My mother in law drove from Houston (3 hours away) to pick up Sebas from the hospital and watch him, so after she arrived and Sebas was taken care of, Justin and I slept until it was time to push. 1 hour and 12 pushes later, Julia was out We got to have skin to skin contact, then later they took her in for weight and medications, brought her back, she nursed like a champ and went to sleep. Recovery has been so much easier this time around, and we are thankful for a great birth experience and another healthy baby
    Our family is now complete!

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    JVKn'CVO got a reaction from Empress of Groovy in Baby Corner   
    We found out Saturday that we are having a girl!!! We're beyond thrilled I always wanted 2 children, one boy and one girl
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    JVKn'CVO got a reaction from Susita in Baby Corner   
    We found out Saturday that we are having a girl!!! We're beyond thrilled I always wanted 2 children, one boy and one girl
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    JVKn'CVO got a reaction from LaL in Baby Corner   
    Hi everyone! Glad to see some activity. It's been quiet!
    @Nikita: rice cereal on the bottle did not work for us at all. I just mixed it on a bowl for Sebas and spoon fed him. It's actually good for them to start getting the feeling of being spoon fed as an introduction to solids and at 6 months is a great time to start doing that
    Our family is doing great. I'm enjoying being a sahm. Sebas turned two on September, is talking up a storm and doing great with potty training...we are down to 2 diapers! (one for nap time and one at night). We also have some news...
    We are expecting baby #2!! Due on my birthday, May 28th (This actually makes me a little nervous...another gemini in the house!)
    We are not saying anything yet until after our first docs appointment on the 20th (so FB Friends, I swear you to secrecy!). I'm actually a little paranoid because with Sebas I was very sick from week 6, had to be on Zofran + Vit B6 + preggy pops until week 12...and with this baby I have some queasy feelings here and there, but nothing bad. I can just take a sip of ginger ale and I'm good. I was feeling very tired the first few weeks but that's gone. Now I'm just very hungry all the time and craving a cheese burger
    So, I hope everything's ok with the baby and is just this pregnancy being different.
    There's also the decision to make whether to go for a vbac or repeat csection...but I think for that we'll see how things are looking closer to the due date. If you remember, our birth with Sebas was a birthing center birth (midwife) that was just horrible all the way around. After the birth I didn't want anything to do with them. My current OB is the doctor that did my post partum, and has done my regular check ups since then. She's great and had two vbacs herself. The hospital where we'll deliver has a 14% csection rate which is pretty good, so I know this time our birth will be different
    Here's a picture of Sebas and I making apple pie today. He's the weirdest kid - he ate the apples but not the apple pie. He'll eat a whole thing of broccoli but could care less about cookies

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    JVKn'CVO got a reaction from nab in couple waited for marriage to kiss   
    Theory says if you are in love, you'll most likely enjoy kissing that person. Even if his/her "technique" needs a few improvement hints
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    JVKn'CVO got a reaction from Nina~ in Over 12,000 Illegal Immigrants In Texas Get In-State Tuition   
    Austin student here -I had to show my GC and fill out an immigration status form to qualify for in state tuiton. I never saw or heard from the affidavit mentioned in the article that qualifies you for in state tuition if you are in the path to residency. The rules were very clear - you have to be a US Citizen or LPR to qualify for instate tuition. When I was under the K1, they were going to charge me as international student so we decided to wait until I got my GC.
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    JVKn'CVO got a reaction from in Over 12,000 Illegal Immigrants In Texas Get In-State Tuition   
    Austin student here -I had to show my GC and fill out an immigration status form to qualify for in state tuiton. I never saw or heard from the affidavit mentioned in the article that qualifies you for in state tuition if you are in the path to residency. The rules were very clear - you have to be a US Citizen or LPR to qualify for instate tuition. When I was under the K1, they were going to charge me as international student so we decided to wait until I got my GC.
  10. Like
    JVKn'CVO got a reaction from HAL 9000 in Over 12,000 Illegal Immigrants In Texas Get In-State Tuition   
    Austin student here -I had to show my GC and fill out an immigration status form to qualify for in state tuiton. I never saw or heard from the affidavit mentioned in the article that qualifies you for in state tuition if you are in the path to residency. The rules were very clear - you have to be a US Citizen or LPR to qualify for instate tuition. When I was under the K1, they were going to charge me as international student so we decided to wait until I got my GC.
  11. Like
    JVKn'CVO got a reaction from w¡n9Nµ7 §£@¥€r in Over 12,000 Illegal Immigrants In Texas Get In-State Tuition   
    Austin student here -I had to show my GC and fill out an immigration status form to qualify for in state tuiton. I never saw or heard from the affidavit mentioned in the article that qualifies you for in state tuition if you are in the path to residency. The rules were very clear - you have to be a US Citizen or LPR to qualify for instate tuition. When I was under the K1, they were going to charge me as international student so we decided to wait until I got my GC.
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