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Posts posted by MarryMe987654

  1. Received my greencard in mail today. Yay!


    Card says, Resident since: 03/03/2020 (AOS interview day)


    Me and my husband is patting each other on the back but for a smooth process since we started our immigration journey in December 2018 (K1 visa).

    I know some people are waiting patiently and frustratingly and I can't blame you... but like what me and my husband always say, "the only thing that we can control is our attitude about it..."


    Have a good day everyone :)

  2. There are not much flights that avoid the restricted countries such as Japan (NRT), Korea (ICN) and China (HKG).


    So far, I have been lucky and hasn't been sick since I got here.

    My husband's more prone to getting sick but so far, we've been ok with a sick (cough) teenager at home.


    My husband won't risk it and I don't want us to risk us getting sick either.


    I told him we can wrap ourselves like lumpia and I'll be carrying hand sanitizers and disinfecting wipes but he thinks it's a joke. He don't like the idea of wearing mask either. He thinks it's so weird. I have traveled in most countries in Asia and it's perfectly normal to see people wear mask. I wear mask when I travel on planes. I'd really rather be odd than sick.

  3. Before the corona virus news broke out, me and my husband were planning to go to the Philippines in May for my brother's wedding. I have been saving up for it because after leaving for the US last year, I am excited to see everyone and reconnect with them after I got married.


    The news about the virus is getting worse everyday and I don't know anyway around it. Grr... I am still in denial about cancelling plans.


    For now, we are going to wait until April and see how things are going by then.

    Thanks for letting me vent 😷

  4. 11 hours ago, waysoftheshadow said:

    Do you mind telling us what all he said regarding ROC? My husband wasn't verbally approved at the interview so our officer never told us anything about it. 

    He kind of told us that the approval rate for ROC is only at 50% so we want to make sure that we have really good evidence of co-mingling.


    Some of the stuff that he pointed as crucial are:

    1) File for I-751 (ROC) 90 days before the expiration date on the greencard. He told us to check the expiration on it and count 3 months. He said not to do it too early and not too late either. I can use the timestamp on my application as a basis of whether I filed too early or too late.

    2) Once we received the receipt letter, we have to go online and make an appointment. He wasn't sure if it's infomod or infopass.

    3) He said that ROC takes a year so before I get approval, my greencard will probably be expired so for me to continue to be documented, we will have to make the appointment that I mentioned above with my passport, receipt letter and greencard so I can get a stamp.

    4) He said that tax transcripts are always the best documents from irs.gov We will need 3 years of it.

    5) Some of the strongest evidence of co-mingling are the following:

    • Mortgage or house deed in both our names
    • Bank statements, debit cards (this has to be 6 months statements showing activities such as purchases, utility payments, our salaries going in the same account, etc.)
    • Insurance in both our names: health, auto, life
    • He also suggested putting me on the car titles
    • He also said that if made major purchases to always put our names together
    • Pictures of us together over the years with friends and families pasted on a paper so take can take it and put it in our file.

    I was kind of bummed out about having to change our financial strategy at the moment and he said that we can just do it for this process and then after that, we can do whatever we want.


    Hope this helps!

  5. 22 minutes ago, wasp8898 said:

    Congrats! What kind of relationship evidence did you provide?


    did you have health care etc? 

    thank you! Our interview is coming up soon as well

    Thank you :)

    Here's what I have on my evidence list:


    1) Report of marriage

    2) Form 1095-C (Employer healthcare with me on it)

    3) CVS Pharmacy account provided by his employer (I am on it as well)

    4) Health insurance card

    5) Health insurance printout from online

    6) Basic life insurance

    7) 401k

    8 ) Auto insurance

    9) Electric bill

    10) Internet bill

    11) Discover credit card statement

    12) Capital One credit card statement

    13) Capital One checking joint account statement

    14) Letter from Bank of America re our joint account (this has been closed)

    15) His mom's car insurance where I am an additional driver

    16) About 20 photos in an album. It might be better to put photos in paper though so they can take it and put it on their file. 

  6. Montgomery Alabama AOS Interview Review

    March 3, 2020.

    Filed AOS in September 2019 and interview is set today at 1:15 PM.


    We left Pensacola at 9 AM and found the USCIS office before noon. It was easy to find with GPS.

    It was a pretty small building but it’s clean, organized and not crowded. They have plenty of parking space as well.

    We entered the building at 12:40. We were asked to take off belt, wallet, bag, watch at the security and go through metal detector. They’ll make you remove your shoes if you are wearing high heels.


    We checked in smoothly. Probably only took 5 mins from going through security. We provided IDs and appointment letter to the first window.

    There were probably less than 10 couples at the waiting area. We only waited for 10 mins and we were called in.

    We were interviewed by a nice older man and invited us together in his office. We did a small chat about the weather and how fast it was to be called in.

    We did the sworn oath to tell the truth with our left hand raised.


    He asked for ID, I gave my driver’s license. I told him that it’s in my maiden name though. He asked for passport instead. He saw me pull out 3 passports (old, new and my husband’s) and asked to see all of them instead.


    He then browsed through my AOS packet in the folder while telling us that he will ask me a series of boring questions. It’s just the ‘Yes/no’ questions (Part 8 of the AOS form). He then confirmed my name, address, SSN and birthdate. After that, me and the interviewer signed the form.

    Once done, he asked us how we met. My husband answered. He then, very sweetly, just started talking about our love story and I can feel myself blushing and looking at him lovingly.


    Interviewer noticed our rings and asked about it. He looked at it very closely. It was starting to get awkward how long he was looking at it, so I just said, “it’s very heavy duty and we never ever have to take it off and we love it…”. The guys then started talking about ring shopping experiences and prices.


    He then asked if there were any changes in the packet that I sent and we said, “no” so he just confirmed if my husband is still working in the same place; asked if I was working (I am). I told them I was rehired by the same company that I was working for when I was still in the Philippines right after I got my work permit. He then commented, “they must really like you then…”


    He then asked if I have anything else to present. I pulled out a big wad of my paperwork from my bag and after seeing it, he said, “ah… you’re one of those people…”. He was impressed with how organize my paperwork is.


    I had 4 sets of documents that I labeled ‘Primary’, ‘Husband’s’, ‘Evidence’ and ‘K1’ with lists of what’s in the clip. He just took them all and read each set and went through the ones that he doesn’t think he’s seen in my AOS file.


    He took stuff from my ‘K1’ and everything from my ‘Evidence’. While he was going through the evidences, he asked more questions such as ‘you guys married at the courthouse?’, ‘is this bank for credit card or banking?’, ‘what’s this (report of marriage for the Philippine embassy)?’


    He then stopped and mentioned that there is another interview. We thought he was talking about another interview the same day but turns out, he was talking about ROC.


    He then proceeded to give us really good information and tips for ROC and even wrote things down for us. He then cut himself off and said, “Oh, I am approving this by the way… you should have it in two weeks…”


    He was very thorough with the ROC explanation and guidelines and says that the chance of it being approved is only at 50% so we must be prepared for it. He also says that it is better if our pictures are on paper, not in album, so it can go on our file.


    Overall, talking to him was probably about 20 mins with 15 mins spent talking about ROC. It was very relaxed and spontaneous. It’s like talking to an acquaintance. He was very easy going and not very strict. He even let us in on some really good information about the process and comments freely on our personalities. I had a little trouble with the accent, but he didn’t mind repeating himself.


    It was really a good experience except from the time I was overthinking and nervous about being interviewed.




  7. 1 hour ago, MarryMe987654 said:

    Verbal approval received today!!  Yay!!! 

    He said we'll get the card in two weeks. No change on status online yet but he said it might change later today or tomorrow. 

    Online status says, "New card is being produced". That's less than 2 hours after the interview. We're not even home yet! 


    Will write more details when we get home. Hard to type on phone :)

  8. 1 hour ago, Milmauka said:

    Sorry, where exactly does it talk about being financially responsible if your newly married immigrant wife divorces you in the U.S. and you are still financially responsible for them?

    Page 7 of 10... Part 8 of the I-864 - Affidavit of Support


  9. I totally understand how you feel as I was on the same situation.


    I left the Philippines with a really good paying job (software testing for an IT company in Canada). My husband was optimistic because it is a good, high-paying job in the US and there seems to be a demand for it.


    I got my EAD in December 2019 and started looking for jobs and sending my application but I couldn't get hired. I was starting to feel like I won't be able to make it as a software tester in the US because my experiences were outside the US (although my job experiences were for US companies) and because my diploma was earned outside the US.


    I dread not working from home so I knew I had to think fast and decide on what I want to do and re-think of my priorities (work from home, rate, benefits, etc.)


    After my mother-in-law died in November, I knew I needed to help my husband with expenses as soon as I can. So the job hunting priority has been  changed: work-at-home, more than $12/hour, no benefits is ok as I'm under my husband's health insurance. I contacted my previous employer to see if they will take me in and consider my new location for pay increase (my previous salary would have been awesome in the Philippines but not in the US)--and they accepted me back. No interview, no requirements, no background checks. They doubled my salary. In two weeks, I was back to working for them from home again.


    I am still applying for other work-at-home jobs and so far, I've had 3 successful applications but I am weeding out the ones that can't work around my current job.


    I will still want to be able to enter the US software company industry but for now, I know the only way to do it is to gain more experience, get more certifications and possibly get some college credits from a US college. I plan to do that within 3 years.


    Don't give up. It will get better :)

  10. 8 hours ago, thausa said:

    Mine is the afternoon as well. What did you have prepared so far documents wise?

    so far, 

    I have bank statement show that we both have joint accounts as well as our credit cards.

    Health Insurance together through military.

    Phone account.

    Our house lease agreement.

    Pictures together. 

    Not sure what else should I prepare.


    I honestly haven't gone through the documents that I will be bringing but ours is similar to yours except for the phone account and lease.

    We are in the process of adding me in his owned house but not sure if that'll be available on time.


    In addition, I will be bringing the following:

    - other utility bills that are both our names (Internet and power)

    - his 401k statement where I am the beneficiary, 

    - his life insurance where I am the beneficiary

    - Car registrations where I am added as a secondary driver

    - Car insurance

    - Health insurance

    - Company-provided pharmacy account where I am added in

    - Letters with both our names in it


    And of course, the usual stuff:

    - Joint bank accounts

    - Credit cards

    - Pictures together and with family/friends


    If I think of anything else that I might add before the interview date, I will post here and let you know.

  11. 3 hours ago, mark08 said:

    I have a question to people who have their interviews in March.


    Are you going to file your tax returns now in February so that in March at the interview you would actually have the "tax returns for the most recent year" as it says in the letter?


    Time to file taxes is mid April, so I guess some people will probably just do it last minute. Not sure if this can influence the interview in any way?

    My interview is on March 3rd and although my husband has received his W2 from work, we are still waiting for more tax documents before we can file. We already assumed that the return for 2019 will not be available in 3 weeks so we are just going to bring other documents such as paystubs, letter from employer, 2018 tax documents and 2019 W2. Worst case scenario is they will not approve on the spot and request us for 2019 tax documents later.


    2 hours ago, Anne Singalong said:

    Hello thank you for that. I just called USCIS. Apparently my case is being handled by the NBC. Their processing time is between 5-7mos. They are still currently working on July 16, 2019 cases. So frustrating. Which service center handled your case? Did you receive your EAD/AP already?

    Hello, mine's in Montgomery, Alabama. I have received my EAD/AP on December 27th last year. I filed my AOS in September.


    just be patient.

  13. 9 hours ago, Anne Singalong said:

    Hello guys. Im new to this thread. I also filed aos last sep 2019. Just wanna know how you tracked the processing time in the USCIS page? Which service center did you follow? Im getting frustrated with my case. Still no news from them since my RFIE last november. 

    This is where you track your processing times: https://egov.uscis.gov/processing-times/


    If you do not know your Field Office or Service Center. go to this link and key in your zip code: https://www.uscis.gov/about-us/find-uscis-office/field-offices


    Then go back to the first link and select Form as I-485 | Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status and then your Field Office or Service Center on the next.


    Hope this helps.

  14. I renewed my passport while waiting for AOS in a consular outreach. Doing ROM was the main business and was suggested to do the passport renewal to reflect my new last name while I'm at it. It was not implied that ROM was needed for the passport renewal and vice versa. 


    I don't think you need ROM to renew your passport. It might get complicated if you are thinking of changing last name though. 

  15. On 1/23/2020 at 12:20 PM, TYF said:

    Hi, I've checked the USCIS online website, my AOS status got changed to "Interview was schedule" on last week. Does anyone know how long will it take to receive the notice mail from them?  Thanks a lot. 

    My case says "Interview was scheduled" on January 23rd and interview scheduled came in the mail on January 27th.


    Hope this helps!




  16. 5 hours ago, shiestand said:

    So, we have an interesting timeline right now. We submitted AOS/EAD/AP all in early September. We just got approval notice for EAD/AP, but we still have not had any biometrics or any other appointments scheduled. Has anyone ever heard of that before? Would it be possible to have no biometrics for the entire process?

    This happened to me.... or so I thought! Turns out, I got my case number wrong when checking the status on USCIS website. LOL!

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