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Posts posted by Downloader

  1. I see it as a donation of $160 with the same chance as winning the lottery. 

    You filed an immigrant form telling the government “I want to live in USA”


    Now you show up with another form that says

    ”I don’t want to live in USA....Just visit”



    What would you do?



  2. 1 hour ago, xanura said:

    Hi, I dont wish to derail the topic of this thread.  Like your friend, i have a child abroad so I am sending an agency printout of my child support payments (account statement). what updated document did they ask for?  agency printout or some other evidence like western union or bank statements?   your answer will be very valuable to me, thank you.

    He submitted statements from Western Union showing monthly transfers of money to the mothers of the 2 kids when he applied, at the interview the officer couldn’t find on the file (maybe the lost it) so my friend got the RFE .

    At the end I suggested to include a signed notarized statement from the mothers with their name, address and phone numbers confirming that he support the kids, actually my suggestion was on the RFE itself after he received it. 😁

    That plus all the transaction statements that he could get from Western Union worked fine and he got approved couple days after the evidence got to the officer. 

    Here is a copy of the RFE


  3. 23 hours ago, Zoeeeeeee said:

    Based off your name and photo, I'm assuming you're female - and as Pakistan is where your friend's from, I'm guessing you/he are Muslim?


    I have a few Muslim friends - and none of them would go on holiday to stay with a member of the opposite sex that they weren't married to. In fact, at least 50% of the male Muslim friends I have won't make any sort of skin to skin contact with me, as I'm female (ie, we can't high five, we certainly can't hug).


    What I'm trying to say is, I personally don't think it's believable that your friend would be coming to visit for a platonic reason. The fact that you're planning on paying for the trip further affirms that belief.


    And if there's romance involved, then I'd expect marriage would be on the cards very early. If I can deduce/suspect that, it's fairly likely a CO would also.


    So yeah, not surprised at all that he was denied.


  4. On 2/16/2020 at 3:41 PM, DeParaquedasBrasi said:

    Im going to be brutally honest, because my wife went the thru same exact thing in Brazil.

    1st: The Embassy/Consulate doesn't care not one 1% how you feel nor your emotions. Put your feelings aside and realize they see you like a potential immigrant. Yes you may have a good job, but so did the thousands of people that were granted visas and came to overstay....they simply knew how to lie better than those you got refused. Ive stood outside of the consulate and seen impresarios (business men) walk out denied because their case simply didn't convince them.

    2nd: If your situation hasn't changed much since the last interview then save your money. Once you've been denied it only gets harder and harder everytime you go back...they want to see what has changed in your life. That advice came directly from a consular officer.

    3rd: Don't listen to any other Brazilian who swears to know how to get a visa (I.E youtubers/ friends). The more you listen to their "tricks" the more you'll be denied faster. Consular officers do this all day everyday and see thousands of people stand there swearing how they don't want to live in America and how they love Brazil and how they'll never leave their mom behind blah blah blah. The sooner you see it from this point of view, the sooner youll understand how consular officer see you.

    It sounds like you were a Funcionaria Publica for a year before you applied, correct? Well that's not enough. For them you didn't invest much into that job to convince them that you actually "love" your job.

    Theres no such thing as tricks to get a visa....simply say the truth and if it's not good for them, well unfortunately it might never be.....and they wouldn't  care any less. Sorry but its the hard truth. 

    Once again, if nothing has changed since your last interview then your just wasting your time and money. You're young, single, no kids, no husband, nada.....youre a high risk to them. The more you try frequently, the more you make it harder to get a visa........even if someone on youtube says they tried the very next week after being denied and then got approved.

    Can’t agree more. Naked truth. 

  5. 15 hours ago, Fzsarn said:


    If she is a doctor , apply for Medical training visa in USA also called B1/B2 visa . I applied for my Doctor sister and she got it 


    You have to apply admission for her in USA hospital for Training program 


    You didn’t applied for her...She applied for herself.  

  6. Same thing happened with a friend of mine recently in Oakland Park, FL field office. 
    They wanted to see child support evidence of his children living abroad which even though was included on his original submission they wanted and updated one so they gave him an RFE to which he replied via mail to the office. 
    Estrange thing is he later saw a second RFE on his account. I checked the mail tracking number for the response he sent and surprise it was delivered the same day the “Second RFE” was issued. I told him to wait until he receive it and was suspecting it was a glitch,  4-5 days later the status changed to Approved.  I guess that “second rfe” was the officer just putting the info about receiving the documents for the first RFE and at some point messed up. Their system is full of glitches and the are humans that make mistakes on top of that. Hope your case is the same and your approval is coming!


    Good Luck!

  7. 5 hours ago, Ray.Bonaquist said:

    The alternative name for that non-rule is gaming the system and will only end one way, and it won’t be pleasant.

    Agree! Play with fire and you will get burned. 
    She is living here half of the year on a Tourist visa. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. 

  8. 7 hours ago, Ray.Bonaquist said:

    My advice for your interview is to keep your answers short and concise. Your writeup here had quite a bit of rambling and unnecessary details and explanations that we didn’t really need to know to advise you. Don’t repeat similar at your visa interview.


    Good luck.

    This, don’t go and try to explain your life history to the CO...they will know what they need already. Keep your answers short and straight. 
    As mentioned before, nothing to fight here as a Tourist Visa is a privilege not a right. Invitations in this case would do more harm than good in my opinion. 
    Good luck with your interview and come back to let us know the outcome. 

  9. 37 minutes ago, SusieQQQ said:

    thanks, isn't there a large type option you can use? my friends do and i am debating it haha

    There is that option but I will fight it too. 😂


  10. 24 minutes ago, SusieQQQ said:

    By the way why do you always type in bold? It’s a bit annoying tbh, bold should be for emphasizing important stuff, definitely not for misunderstanding posts lol.

    It is easier for my eyes to see, I post 99% of the time from my phone and I guess age is staring to show up but I understand your point and will correct that. 

  11. Not correct, when you go into the portal to reschedule the system doesn’t limit to only later dates than what you have. You can change it to the next day If it is available. As said before not guaranteed but if you watch the portal several times a day sometimes you can find new spots available at a sooner date.  

  12. 1 hour ago, GP1977 said:

    How do you know that is the reason it was revoked? Do you work for the embassy?

    I would say experience, long time members of this forum have seen it all in different colors and flavors. Even me, relatively new member here have seen a lot. That’s why this forum is such an excellent source of information. There is even a distinguished member that is writing a book called “Tales Of The Green Card”

    I can’t wait for it to hit the shelves, will be a best seller!


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