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Immigration Forms
Posts posted by Moonie
Thank you all for your welcome
Today has been a hard day. I get so tired of coming home to an empty house and getting into an empty bed. I miss him lots and lots. Right now we just play the waiting game. My goodness time goes by slowly... I am sure after we hopefully get our NOA2 I will have lots of questions then! The affidavit of support scares me because out of all my working years 2006 was the worst year financially for me lost my job got a straight comission job didn't do to good.
I do own a house I hope that would help. I really do not want to ask my mom to co-sponsor!
Make sure your taxes are up to date. If you own a house, what's it worth, equity, etc? (you don't have to tell me, it's just something to keep in mind), and do you have a job right now...
If you don't want to use your parents to co-sponsor, just be sure you meet the poverty guidelines.
Here is link to the 2007 poverty guidelines http://aspe.hhs.gov/poverty/07fedreg
I worked all last year just did not make any money. LOL I think I might be ok for meeting it just all depends waiting for all my documents to come in. And I am working now and what I get now meets the lines, But I suppose once I file I will have a better idea.
hi moonie
welcome to the aussie thread...hope you can get heaps of info out of this thread...its very informative..dont be scared to post any questions we are all here to lend a hand in any way we can..
many of us are already over here but we do have quite a few going through the process also..
im a melbourne lass also..lived in melton ... and am now living in toledo ohio ....which side are you on and where in the states you heading
hope your journey is without any hiccups as mine was and i do hope its fast enough for you too...
take care and welcome
I am the American he is the Australian
And trust he reminds me all the time by slamming us. ::rolling eyes:: lol
Thank you all for your welcome
Today has been a hard day. I get so tired of coming home to an empty house and getting into an empty bed. I miss him lots and lots. Right now we just play the waiting game. My goodness time goes by slowly... I am sure after we hopefully get our NOA2 I will have lots of questions then! The affidavit of support scares me because out of all my working years 2006 was the worst year financially for me lost my job got a straight comission job didn't do to good.
I do own a house I hope that would help. I really do not want to ask my mom to co-sponsor!
Just sit back and relax.
Hello all
As you all can see me and my sweetie started our K-1 in November. I have known him since around August 2004 we met via the musician Prince on his fan site. When I would first see his posts I thought he was a butthole.
But then we became friends and much more. We got to physically meet eachother in Melbourne in May 2006. I have missed him terribly ever since.
I am really hoping to hear good news by the end of Feburary or early March. I filed my paperwork before reviewing this site so I hope that we don't get any RFE's or any other snap poos! We are just so ready to start our lives together and we are just in limbo now. He calls me every day
The sucess stories that read on here helps me get through the days of being away from him. It helps me to see that their is light at the end of the tunnel!
Our first date was May 8, 2006 he came to pick me up at my hotel and then we walked through this park near my hotel and it was pretty. Then we went to this pub and had apple martini's and pizza. (what a combo) then we went to another bar called the Collection and had the most wonderful vanilla martini's ever. Awww I miss him.
Well that's always good advice, that.One of our senior members posted RTFM the other day... He was counseling a newbie....
Another one: OT (where this thread will be going, soon)/
That is sad.. I hope you can work it out.
I wish I could spend Valentine's Day with my "DH"
That is wonderful! Now the waiting begins
OP = original poster, ie the person who started the thread!I am still confused on OP. DH sounds a bit grandma-ish Dear Husband.
Why thank you!
I am still confused on OP. DH sounds a bit grandma-ish Dear Husband.
I have received pkt 3 from US consulate in UK - the list of documents you need to have to take to the interview are: passport( valid for at least 6 months)... birth certificate.... adoption certificate ( if applicable)...... deed poll if applicable..... marriage certificate ( for each of your prior marriages).... divorce or death certificate...... police certificate........ court record ( if applicable)..... military record ( if applicable) 2 colour photos ........evidence of support .......translations (if applicable) So at some point they will expect to see it...
O no ... Does anyone have any suggestions with what I can do? I'm stuck now!
They won't mail you the certificate?
I have no idea who to speak to etc - Tanzanian law is impossible to research on the internet and my 'ex husband' will not do anything more for me - he sent the divorce certificate and that was the last thing that he would do! I've called the Tanzanian embassy in London but they said they couldnt help. I'm at a loss - without actually going to Tanzania myself - which I cannot do.
Oh I see.
I have never even heard of Tanzania
I have received pkt 3 from US consulate in UK - the list of documents you need to have to take to the interview are: passport( valid for at least 6 months)... birth certificate.... adoption certificate ( if applicable)...... deed poll if applicable..... marriage certificate ( for each of your prior marriages).... divorce or death certificate...... police certificate........ court record ( if applicable)..... military record ( if applicable) 2 colour photos ........evidence of support .......translations (if applicable) So at some point they will expect to see it...
O no ... Does anyone have any suggestions with what I can do? I'm stuck now!
They won't mail you the certificate?
Paypay and Citibank are both good options. If you are not in a rush to send money Paypal is good.
LOL that outfit is tragic. I know those uptight conservatives were like WTH??????? LOL
Way to go. It is nice to see NOA2 that are not from Vermont.
I know what you mean. I never dreamed of a wedding nor having a big one but I do want it to be a little special. We are going to elope and get married I haven't decided if I want to do a quick civil wedding and then just fly to Hawaii for vacation take really nice pictures and call it day. So much to decide.
in Asia: East and Pacific
Yes it is horrible! I miss him terribly We all just think about how we should have started this process sooner! I am the lonestar state Texas. Where we have been having an unusually cold and rainy winter.