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Posts posted by Moonie

  1. yo this is so easy just dont send her the stuff she needs for the interview. better yet she gotta have a plane ticket so just dont send for her.

    Actually, that's a good point. She won't get the visa if you don't send her the documents she needs from you (affidavit of support and supporting documents, for one). Yet, I would still contact the embassy and tell them of your intention to withdraw the petition. I don't see her getting back into the US anytime soon (unless she goes to Mexico and somehow sneaks across the border), but I'd still change my phone number(s), etc. Who needs a psycho stalker, even if they are from another country?

    I agree. Send the paperwork that says you are withdrawing the petition. If there is no marriage there is no reason for her to come back.

  2. Me and my fiance mailed off our paperwork on 11/27/06 for a K-1 visa. :clock: We did the paperwork all on our own and I hope that I did OK. :unsure: I haven't seen him since May of this year and it has been horrible. I feel like a part of me is missing. I miss him so much. :cry: I am American and he is Australian. I just pray that this process will be as painless as possible. I can't wait to be his wife and start our lives together, as we have spent too much time apart as it is already. :angry:

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