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Posts posted by Allie

  1. I can't speak for Montreal, but in Vancouver they did not keep the evidence I brought. The officer interviewing me asked to see some of it during the interview, looked at it, and gave it back right away.

    Thanks for the reply That's what I was wanting to know whether they keep em


  2. Hi All Hope everyone is doing well

    A quick question. I think they'll give me back mine and Lorry's birth certificates

    Will they also give me back the pictures and keepsake souvenirs such as cards, letters concert tickets

    Just wondering whether to start copying everything to have in case they keep it all.



  3. I got through at 9:20pm EST. I sent them an e-mail the same day I called and still haven't gotten a response. So I guess which route you pick depends on how patient you are. :lol:

    Yeah call NVC. I tried for the longest time over a 2 day period . Then called one nite at 11:30 p.m. and got right through to a very friendly person that answered all my questions

    Good Luck


  4. action: ADDED: Kipster

    Member Name----------Visa Type-----NOA2-------Sent to MTL-------Packet 3------Interview Date


    Jersey Girl-------------K3---------07/27/06---08/04/06----------08/28/06------



    James and Daniela-------K3---------08/10/06---08/18/06----------08/30/06------11/06/2006 (Got trf’d to Vancouver)

    Ljs---------------------K1---------08/18/06---09/06/06----------09/18/06------11/14/06 (exp due to child age out)



    Officer’s Fiance--------K1---------09/07/06---09/15/06----------10/02/06------







    Jimmy the American------K1---------

    Great idea You can add us to your list also My timeline is all updated got info from NVC yesterday

    Allie------------- K1------- 12/ 22/ 06----- 01/03/07

  5. They have instructions here under Guides or FAQ's and the I-134 has an instruction sheet.. that talks about this...

    And yes you need Tax Forms if your Self-Employed... You need to prove income.. how will you do it if your self-employed? and don't have wage Stubbs ? and even with wage stubbs most consulates want IRS transcripts or W4's

    If you have neither because you worked under the table...or self-employed and running the biz under the table.. you will need a Co-sponser... and need to explain your unemployment because you can't really claim your working if your running it illegally...I'm not saying you did..or our..I'm just trying to cover some bases..

    Now if you submitted the I-129F before you thought this out...and you showed self-employment but can't prove it because you didn't file taxes for the Company...Well...I think I would use a Co-Sponser still..

    Good Luck...

    You will need a copy of the last 3 years tax returns (2003,2004,2005) You can get copies from the IRS. Good Luck on your interview!

    All Consulates are different...some want one year some want more... Our Consulate wants only last years..

    Yes it matters...if they want last years..or more...you need to have them...if you don't have them..you can get a transcript of them from IRS I don't have the link..but search here..or maybe go to IRS's web site... the transcript is free

    Thanks for your reply. Can you tell me if you were self employed at the time of your interview

    As I just read something about needing the tax return if self employed

    This tax thing is very confusing as they do't explain very clearly just what they want on the

    Thanks Allie

    Hi Chris thanks for your input on the previous question. No Lorry's not self employed she works for a company here in WA

    What we were wanting to know was it only if a person is self employed do they need the tax returns from last yr. as we read that somewhere When they required yours were you a self employee

    If the every day employee needs to show it then we'll have to get it from IRS

    Thanks for the help Chris

    Allie & Lorry

  6. You will need a copy of the last 3 years tax returns (2003,2004,2005) You can get copies from the IRS. Good Luck on your interview!

    All Consulates are different...some want one year some want more... Our Consulate wants only last years..

    Yes it matters...if they want last years..or more...you need to have them...if you don't have them..you can get a transcript of them from IRS I don't have the link..but search here..or maybe go to IRS's web site... the transcript is free

    Thanks for your reply. Can you tell me if you were self employed at the time of your interview

    As I just read something about needing the tax return if self employed

    This tax thing is very confusing as they do't explain very clearly just what they want on the

    Thanks Allie

  7. Hi all Happy New Year

    We have a question needing answering. I'm here in WA with Lorry going back to Nova Scotia Jan 3

    We've been getting everything together that I'll be requiring for my interview in Montreal when the time comes

    Will I need a copy of Lorry's last income tax return? We've looked in numerous boxes and can't find it. Is it necessary to have that return with me She has already the letter from her employer and pay stubs showing income for the yr.

    Any assistance would be of great help to us


    Allie & Lorry

  8. Hi all

    One more question we are needing assistance with.

    Will I require a copy of my Fiance's income tax return for my interview

    when that time arrives ?

    She has the letter of employment from her employer along with recent pay stubs

    We have searched through numerous boxes but cannot find her last yrs. income tax return.

    Can anyone that has already had thier interview tell us if we need the tax return. Do they ask for it?

    I'll be heading back home Jan 3 and we are wanting to have everything I'll be requiring for Montreal

    Any help with this matter would be appreciated very much


    Allie & Lorry

  9. Are we takling about I-134, or I-864?

    I-134 is the form used for K-1 and K-3 visa interview at the consulate, and has a place to notarize it.

    I-864 is the form used for Adjustment of status for getting greencard in the United States, and is not notarized, and is not used at the visa interview at the consulate.

    HI Thanks for your reply I'm sorry I put I-324 it's the I-134 that you refer to

    On the one we have it just has a place that says Officer signature It hasn't anaywhere showing the name

    Notary Signature and the Lady at the bank said that's why she couldn't signature it where it states Officer

    and gave the signed verification papers from her office. Explaining what they were being Notarized and

    officially being stamped for

    We're wondering will those papers she gave do for the interview. I'll going to Montreal from

    Nova Scotia and it's too late when I get there to find they won't do for the Consulate


    Allie & Lorry

  10. Hi All Happy New Year

    A question we could use an answer to.

    Lorry has filled out the I-324 Document of support . She has everything required for it

    But when she went to get the Public Notary at her bank to sign it, was told she couldn't sign

    on the 324 form because no where does it state to be signed by a Notary it says Officer

    where the signature and stamp would go

    The Notary filled out 3 of her Bank financial forms with her name signed and stamped and

    along with Lorry's name

    Also explained they were being issued for the I-324 and wrote on the 324 forms for them to see

    attached forms of Public Notary verification

    Will this be acceptable for a signing by a Public Notary or does it strictly have to be signed on

    the I-324 form itself

    Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated as I'm here in WA with Lorry now and will be

    leaving Jan 3 and hope to have everything I'll needing for my interview time with me when go


    Allie & Lorry

  11. Thanks everyone Good luck and Merry Christamas to all

    Hope 2007 is a good year for everyone here on VJ

    We want to thank everyone for thier help in getting this far

    Allie and Lorry

  12. I knew USCIS couldn't shut down a petition simply 'cus a NOA1 couldn't be delivered. :thumbs:

    Yep you were right in what you said. Why they told us 2 different stories one on Dec 12 it's still going and then Dec 19 nothing is being processed since Oct is beyond me

    Appears someone at USCIS has thier wires crossed. Thier different versions don't matter now.

    We have what we were wanting so much and wait for the next stage now :) :)

    Thanks again for your help

    Allie & Lorry

  13. Hey everybody

    Just a note to say we received our NOA2 today Christmas just got a whole lot better :)

    Thanks to eveybody for your help in our many inquiries

    I'm sure we'll have many more before this all concludes

    Good Luck to everyone hope you all Merry Christmas

    Allie and Lorry

  14. Hi all

    This has been an emotional roller coaster to save time please read my prevoius posting titled What Next :( and you'll know just what I mean

    After all that has happened in the past couple months and how bad yesterday was with being told nothing was proceeding on our case because of the Post Office error

    Lorry goes to the mail box today and there's a letter from USCIS in California She immediatly thinks it's the NOA1 that was suppose to be re-sent .Upon opening and reading it states

    On Dec 14 your petitionn I -129 F was approved and has been sent to the NVC in New Hampshire

    which will forward the approved petition the U.S Consulate

    Any further inquiries on this case # should be directed to the National Visa Centre at ( phone number )

    She didn't receive any email messages just the letter in snail mail

    Are we correct in presuming this is the much wanted NOA2 If so Christmas just became a lot happier :)

    If it is we could care less how mixed up USCIS was on our case with different versions

    Thank You Everyone for helping us and adding input to our many inquiries

    Good Luck to All

    Allie and Lorry

  15. If your check has already been cashed starting a new petition would be loss of money.

    I've never heard of a similar case and I trully don't know how to help you. You could try contacting your congressman to see if he can make a formal inquiry with USCIS and have things moving.

    Thank You We are at a loss for where to turn as I said this is so disheartening USCIS is of no help what so ever It seeems they couldn't care less They are playing games with our life and only adding to this tortuous process

    Thier attitude is "Oh well we'll see how things go and if nothing moves tough luck "

    We don't understand why when Lorry calls explaining the situation all over again to them. Why they couldn't just inform someone in that mail room where our Document is sitting with no action on going until it's re sent. To what has happened with the Post Office error and get our process going again

    It's like we have hit a dead end with them We both are just sickened over this and thier lack of help in getting everything back on track

    We have considered the Congressman route As I stated we do have an Appt. on Dec 28 with the USCIS Office in Spokane during my Xmas visit

    Hopefully we'll find a compassionate caring person to speak with there

    Thanks so much for your input on this sickening matter

    I sure hope nobody else ever has to go through this with them


  16. I'd almost be inclined to send the petition again, with Lorry's new address, and start over. Don't see how it could be any worse than the mess you're in.

    Thanks for replying

    Lorry doesn't have a new address it's the same as when we filed the Post Office caused all what has happened to us

    I don't know taht we could start over we have a K-1 application there now and pending Also if I remember I think one of the questions on there went something like Have you ever filed a previous Petition before

    You're right we don't see anything being any worse that what has happend up to now

    Thanks Allie

    I'd almost be inclined to send the petition again, with Lorry's new address, and start over. Don't see how it could be any worse than the mess you're in.

    Thanks for replying

    Lorry doesn't have a new address it's the same as when we filed the Post Office caused all what has happened to us

    I don't know taht we could start over we have a K-1 application there now and pending Also if I remember I think one of the questions on there went something like Have you ever filed a previous Petition before

    You're right we don't see anything being any worse that what has happend up to now

    Thanks Allie

  17. Wait, let me see if I understand your case. You had a NOA1 sent to you but some postal service error had it turned back. You called and inquired and it was resent but never got there? And they say your processing has stopped, and is now cancelled? When you made those calls, how did they find information on your case? How did you know when your NOA1 was coming? Do you have a case number assigned to you?

    If you do have a case number I don't see why the lack of a NOA1 would stop your processing or cancel your petition. More info is needed in order to understand your case.

    Thanks for the reply

    To help you understand a bit more. We didn't know the NOA1 was sent unil finding out on here from Kath that there was number on the back of the cheque to inquire about your case

    We put the number in on the USCIS site and it said "undeliverable Document Filed "

    On Oct 23 your document was returned to this office undelivered to call thier number to update the address

    As far as they were concerned the address didn't exist When what really happened is the Post Man didn't leave it in Lorry's mailbox he thought it was #6 that had moved not #5

    Why he did that is beyond both of us. Usually one has to go to the Post Office and inform them they have moved and fill out a change of address form it takes awhile

    Lorry had work done at the dentist They called her telling her dental statement had been returned also

    She called USCIS on Nove 27, we sat all that time not knowing the # to follow your case was on the cheque

    If not for the info from Kath and Mybackpages on here we would still be sitting wondering and waiting

    Yes we still have that same case number

    She was told yesterday when the Document was returned it had to be re-sent to start things going again

    That was suppose to be done on Nov 27 when Lorry called explaining what the Postal Service had done and now caused

    She was told if she was given a reference # that day the info had been entered to re-send and could take 45 days from that date Jan 4 is 45 days

    If nothing then they told her call again they'll re-enter and red flag it and could be another 45 days to get it going again

    If after 170 days and no activity takes place our Petition K-1 would be cancelled

    Everything we have been waiting on gone and no refund which sounds so silly to tell someone Who gives a ####### about a refund we want our K-1 to be finalized That's all we're asking from them

    Is there anywhere else we can turn to in order to get our K-1 back on track. The process is tough enough this happening is all so disheartening it's a sick feeling 3 month gone by and still thye haven't moved from square 1 and we have to wait till thye do so.

    Thanks any advice would be appreciated


  18. Hello all

    Just a brief history so you won't have to read the time line to see our story

    Sept 19 K1 application sent

    Oct 5 NOA1 sent

    Oct 23 returned by Postal Service they thought it was Lorry that moved instead of the people in # 5 didn't leave it in her mailbox took it back to Post Office

    Nov 27 Lorry calls and is told the case is still in progress and NOA1 will be resent to her

    Dec 12 Nothing yet so she calls again told by rude Supervisor to wait 45 days and if nothing arrives then call back Don't be wasting thier time She asks can you tell me if the case is still being processed He assures her yes everything is still going even though the Document was returned by theb Postal Service

    Dec 19 decides to call It's almost a month since they said it was resent. She's told that the Document is being held in the mail room and can't be released until they recieve notification to do so

    She tells the Lady on Nov 27 she was given a reference # for the Document to be re-entered and resent

    The Lady tells her if she was given a reference # then 45 days from the 27 of Nov would be Jan 4

    Lorry asks again while this waiting is taking place is our case still ongoing ? She's told no that has stopped when the Document was returned

    She explains that on Dec 12 someone there told her it didn't matter the case was still being processed and is told then that she should not have been told that

    The Lady told her on Jan 4 if you haven't gotten the Document then call again and they"ll re-enter it and red flag it too let them know in California it needs immediate attention

    Then wait another 45 days to see whether it comes "Then she says If after 170 days and nothing is sent your case is closed and cancelled"

    This is so tough we have 3 months in now and didn't get anywhere and still don't know what if anything is going to progress with the application USCIS inquiry phone are of no help very inconsiderate people They don't give a damn about what they're puttting people through

    We have an appointment set up with USCIS in Spokane Wa on Dec 28 to see what the heck is going on and to see if someone there can get them in Calf. to get processing our case . I'll be there for the Christmas Holidays and will be going with Lorry to see them if they'll let me sit in with her.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on how we can get this moving again USCIS doesn't seem to care whether it gets going or sits in that stupid mailroom

    It wasn't our fault the Postal guy screwed up big time and has cost us a lot of suffering and extra heartache for his mistake

    Any advice would be appreciated

    Thanks Allie

  19. Hi all

    We need assistance on a question on the I-134 form

    Lorry is filling these out now so I can take them back with me after my Christmas visit

    and have them ready for my interview

    She's unsure about a couple questions and how to answer

    Do You have other personal property, The reasonalble value which is ?

    She lives in an Apt Do they mean all her personal belongings like furniture ect.

    She has no realestate as being an Apt dweller.

    Also Question 11

    Does she intend to support me (the Fiance ) with room, board

    and money and for how long

    Does she put we intend to marry and she intends to support me monetarily and provide room and board forever a we will be married

    She won't have to support me so what does she put for the answers

    Thank All


  20. One only requires fingerprinting if they have ever had a criminal record. NO criminal record, NO fingerprinting. The police check is good for 1 year. Ensure it states on it that it was done CANADA wide and not just in that city.

    Not sure about the DR thing. Some DR's requie the letter from trhe pkg stating you need the medical, some do not. I'm sure others will pipe up with info on that.

    Hi All

    If the RCMP does it through thier computer records would they USCIS class that as being Canada wide

    Where on there would one check to see it's a Canada wide criminal search

    Just curious and being prepared


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