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Posts posted by Allie

  1. Congrats!!

    Thanks Flames. Hey don't be teasin with that roll up the rim to win That was just starting when I left Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm to have a Tim's now

    Why did you leave!!!!!!! I sure hope he is worth it, and realizes what you have given up!!! :blink:

    She's worth it lol lol I'll have her hooked on Tim's when she visits Canada. Then we can both dream of Tim's lol lol

  2. Not related to Tims----last yr in BC a group of A&W restaurant workers won the lottery, something like $15 million. The hiccup was that there were 1 or 2 that occasionally played, but during that weeks lottery, they didn't pay (thus play) so when the group won, those that had not paid, tried to lay claim to their share. Anyone hear the outcome of that? last I heard that the ones that did pay got their share, but it was based on as if everyone had payed. So, the unpaying peoples share was put into a court orderd trust, until it could be decided. Never did hear the verdict.

    Yeah Flames last I heard that was going to be tied up in court and they wouldn't let the money be released to the winners.

    The group had a Lawyer who in an interview played the Lortto 649 advertisement where they say" you can't win if you're not in". He was showing since the other few weren't in that draw the advertisement itself claims you can't win if not in

    I haven't heard any thing more on it though

  3. The little girl that found the cup in the garbage eventually ended up owning the cup. Her parents claimed the prize. They had at first intended on sharing with the other girl ( the one who rolled the rim as the little one who found it couldn't roll up the rim ) and her parents.

    But when her parents tried to claim full ownership because she rolled the rim they decided to give nothing.

    The teacher lost his claim because ownership is to that of the holder in Canada and since he tossed it and the kid was then the holder it was righfully her's.

    He gave up ownership and entitlement when he threw it away. Wonder how he sleeps now lol lol

  4. Lucky you being able to wait together, I'm glad there was no problem at the border.

    K1's do not fill out the DS230 part II, that's for immigrant visas only.

    Have a nice stay :)

    Hi Riblet thanks for the kind words and the info on the DS230 part II one less thing to be concerned about lol

    It'll be a lot easier now, waiting here

    Allie and Lorry

    Glad you made it there. :)

    You don't need to fill out DS-230 Part II, just DS-230 Part I.

    Return that and your checklist (and whatever else they need now) as soon as possible because Montreal is still horribly slow!

    ETA: nevermind, you already returned packet 3. ;)

    Thanks Misa Yeah I'm in the waiting game now packet 3 is gone :)

  5. Hi all just wanted to let everyone know I made it here to WA. to wait out my interview time with Lorry.

    I had no problems going through US Customs and Immigration. They asked the usual stuff "where you going, for how long, what do you do for a living, ever been to the US before and when"

    I was a bit concerned they would question the length of stay ( 2 1/2 mon. ) It didn't seem to be so much of a big deal afterall. I'll be here in WA. till May 12. Hopefully Montreal will have something for me by then.

    While I am in here I do have a question I'm wondering about. Does the form 230 part 2 come with packet 4 or do I have to download it ? I did get a form 230 part 1 with packet 3 but no part 2 form

    Take care everyone good luck Thanks

    Allie and Lorry

  6. Allie - I have the Vaccination Worksheet from the K-1 Medical done in Canada, I got a copy of this from the CDN Dr. who did my medical in Halifax which is all I thought I needed. It is not on the correct "form" that they are looking for on AOS (Vacination Suppliment) which has to be filled out by a Civil Surgeon here in the US. The one I contacted asked for all the original copies of my vacination records from the CDN Health Depts. I'm going to take that to him WITH the copy of the Vaccination Worksheet and see if that will be enough evidence (for kicks and giggles I'll take my little 'yellow book' too).

    For K-3'ers, can't you just ask that at the time of the medical that a Vacination Suppliment form also be generated and given to you at that time for the AOS process?? It seems to me if a Civil Surgeon is doing your medical anyway? Or do you guys use the same CDN "USA APPROVED" Dr's that the K-1'ers use?

    Either way.. this form has to be signed off by a Civil Surgeon. BAH! Nothing's ever easy!

    Hi I have that copy also from Dr Doane in Halifax. So let me get this right because I too thought that was all that would be needed.

    In other words the copy he gave me of my vaccination work sheet isn't worth ####### when I fill my AOS form. I would have to take this worksheet to a Doc in WA along with vaccination records and pay just to get a Doctor there to sign it

    Just when I thought all this was getting a bit easier

  7. I plan on taking that same gamble very soon. I'm going to do my interview waiting in WA with Lorry if I can

    I've made 3 trips already without a problem but the longest was for only 3 weeks. This time I'm buying my return ticket out to 2 1/2 months Hope they don't have a problem with the length of time I'll be staying

    My POE will be Halifax instead of Toronto this time. That way if I do get denied entry I won't be heartbroken to far from home

    Anyone ever go through Halifax POE before? Are they as stern as the bunch in TO.

    Good luck to you I hope we both make it to where we want to do our interview waiting


  8. I just got off the phone with Montreal. She told me I was entered into thier system on Jan 25 and put on the waiting list for scheduling

    I asked could I get an estimate just when my interview would happen. She said anywhere from 2 to 4 months from the entering date of Jan 25

    So I said "then it'll be in May" and she told me it could be anytime from 2 / 4 months in that time frame

    So here I sit still waiting and wondering

  9. Yes Montreal will let you bring that in. They didn't even really inspect mine that I could remember (they were too busy frisking me hee hee). Mine was a plastic see through one. Worked like a charm, and I had all the tabs clearly labelled using the checklist as my guide. Worked like a charm, and I kept the file intact and originals inside, and am now using the same said folder for my AOS. :)

    Okay thanks for the info. I'll get the type folder I was thinking on taking it'll organize really well

    Good Luck


  10. Hi All

    Although I'm not scheduled for Montreal just yet, I'm getting everything all in order for the interview

    I would like to know. Just what type folder am I allowed into the Consulate with? Will they let me take one of those enclosed accordion type filing organizers in? It looks like a small case when it's all closed up and only has the pockets for paper filing in it.

    I do have a lot of stuff in a plastic filing folder now but it's not seperate pocket sleeves. The paper work is just stacked back to back

    Any advice would be appreciated

    Thanks Allie

  11. But if I file in Canada right now would I be denied benefits because I left my job. They marked quit reason fo leaving as Relocation for anticipated marriage on the ROE

    I probably won't be going State side till another month or more Will it only be a waste of time filing so late after leaving my work or should I just file and see what happens


    I filed a little over 4 weeks after I quit my job. I quit on Oct 13, moved to the States on Oct 29, and didn't file til November 17. It didn't raise an issue. If you're not coming here til 5-6 weeks later, I would think you should apply now. There are spaces on the application form to explain your situation i.e. why it took you a while to get down to the States after quitting, etc.

    Okay Thanks for the info I'll file now and explain the situation to them

    One more question. Would I file at the local EI center here or is there an online form to use for this type of filing

    Also when I file here in Canada do I refile in the U.S when I leave Canada



  12. I just called Employement Insurance to get some information. Not sure if it was mentioned in this forum, but at least it will be redundant if it was.

    She said that when you claim EI when your last work was in Canada and you moved to the US to be with your spouse, they call this "interstate claims". You can get some information on this page (didn't get a chance to read it yet) :)http://www1.servicecanada.gc.ca/en/ei/info...de_canada.shtml.

    You have 4 weeks to file a claim for EI after your last day of work. If you are in the US within those 4 weeks, you call this # 1-877-486-1650 and file. She said not to file in Canada if you are going to be there within that time frame, because it will save you hassle from getting your claim transfered to the "Interstate Claim" which can take weeks. If you are only going to the US after 4 weeks, then file in Canada, and then transfer later on.

    Hope this helps.


    But if I file in Canada right now would I be denied benefits because I left my job. They marked quit reason fo leaving as Relocation for anticipated marriage on the ROE

    I probably won't be going State side till another month or more Will it only be a waste of time filing so late after leaving my work or should I just file and see what happens


  13. We took a van load of possessions with us, then sent the rest by professional movers. Each item should be boxed with like items and a description placed on the outside of the box, ie. kitchen ware; linens; bedding; winter clothes; games; knick-knacks; books, etc. Electronic items need to have the serial number recorded. Make a list of each box and contents, ie box 1 books, box 2 knick-knacks, box 3 laptop computer, Sony, serial # xxxxxxx, etc. Seal up each box well as for safe packing. Keep the list of items you are moving and be prepared to hand the list to the border official when you enter the US. The list from the professional movers was checked over although nothing was inspected further. None of the items we brought across in the van, which included our 6 pet cats and houseplants (with their proper phytosanitary certificates) were inspected nor was the list looked at. Experiences vary though so you should be prepared to have the contents inspected although they probably will not be. There are prohibited items you are not allowed to bring (firearms, liqueur filled chocolates, lottery tickets, etc.) and restricted items (alcohol, tobacco, etc.) and you should read up on those so you don't inadvertently pack something you shouldn't, just in case.

    You can bring your firearms but you have to obtain and present an approved firearms importation certificate from U.S. Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives at your POE

    It takes awhile I applied on Nov. 17 to take 2 hunting rifles with me when I leave. I have heard back on 2 occasions from them to verify 2 of the questions on the form

    The import certificate is valid for 1 yr after receiving it.

  14. This sounds too easy.. I'm still not wrapping my mind around why the CDN gov. will give citizens who choose to leave the country EI Benefits. But heck! I paid in (and have never ever claimed before).
    I'm so curious as to if it works this way. If so, sweet! Can someone confirm this is exactly how it works (and is that easy)? Also, does this apply for both K1 and K3 people?

    Hi Misa Yes this is how it works My Sister inlaw works for EI here in Nova Scotia I had her check into the out of Country filing awhile back and it's all allowable If I rememeber correctly she mentioned something called Interstate claim and it's handled in Belleville Ontario

  15. I just had mine here in Nova Scotia it cost me : $160 for examination, $15 for measles mumps rubella shot, $82 for chest X-ray and bloodwork and $20 for courier service to my door.

    Grand Total $277

    The Doc list is here on VJ Click on FAQ go TO 21.0 useful tips and pointers then click on 21.8 medical exam everything you wanted to know

    Read and scroll down there's a spot to click on that list all the USCIS Docs in each Province

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