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    visaveteran1 got a reaction from KM4589 in marriage in russia (I'm from USA)   
    Getting married in 2 days in Russia is easy. First you can simply bribe the Palace of Marriage staff (ZAGS) (which you will want to do anyway to get processed quickly in all ways (greece the skids)) and/or go to a Russian doctor and get him to write up your future wife is pregnant. Of course, this will require a bribe as well. Viola! Quickie marriage. Now, mind you, I not advocating any of this dubious behavior.
    BTW, you can attach scanned copies of your documents and send via email and have your fiancee take them to ZAGS to start the process now...then bring the originals when you come. One thing you'll need is a notarized letter (statement of oath) with your state Apostiile Stamp that you are single and free to marry. This is needed as well as divorce papers. Some folks who get married in Moscow go to the Embassy and take an oath they're free to marry but you don't have to.
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    visaveteran1 got a reaction from Jacque67 in Ex Issues   
    The Czech Republic and Hungry are the two FSU porn capitals. Originally, the girls there were all natural and without tattoos unlike the standard American porn queen. I hate fake headlights and tattoos. I know some folks like the tat scene and "bolt on boobs" but I'm just too old school. Implants and body graffiti don't work for me. And now I see the FSU girls are faking up and getting tattoos. BOO!
    I have been to most western Europe countries and I still hold that the french woman is the most feminine and erotic. The French women doesn't put it right in your face like the FSU ladies. It's a bit more tasteful and subtle. Less high class hooker and more stylish and risque. The french accent does it for me too. I hate the French government, the Parisian sh!tty attitude, and the men are losers, but the women are still va-va-va-voom for me. They can smoke a cigarette and make it erotic and stylish.
    I still rank the FSU ladies way up there mind you...but the French women still win my heart. Problem...they don't want a fat, bald, old American. They still prefer the smelly french dudes.
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    visaveteran1 got a reaction from irina_frank in Last Name Change   
    Hey, something's wrong with your keyboard. It's printing gibberish.
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    visaveteran1 got a reaction from *Snowdrop* in RUBbette Wives & Housework, si man   
    I the the T-man needs to put a sign over his kitchen entryway, "The Titantic's Galley!" Sea man.
  5. Like
    visaveteran1 got a reaction from UK_Fan in nat geo   
    Slim, you need to define "jackpot" for me to judge your anecdotal views. But, anyway, I don't think there is a clear correlation between money and marital success...excluding scams and ridiculously short courtships for guys with more money than good sense.
    Sometimes the issue is the woman is too successful or happy with her life back in Russia...so when they come here and have to work at the Sears Vacuum Department, and/or live in some boring town, they want out. My wife was used to calling the shots and being independent of men. She had a big business with quite a few employees. She comes here and works at the PX for $8.00 an hour or helps some old lady for $12.00 an hour.
    I have a friend who lives in Portland Oregon. He brings his successful Russian accountant wife over. She can't get a job and hates Portland. She went back to Russia for 6 months. Their future is not clear. I think disappointment and homesickness are big problems...more than money.
    My truth is this whole deal with Russians is complicated. No one answer...but a matrix of issues. The younger the husband the better...to have a good job (versus a fixed income) and the physical and emotional energy to deal with the equivalent of a 14 year-old girl. I ran out of energy from all that she required of me. The money thing was a factor but not key.
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    visaveteran1 got a reaction from AmyWrites in nat geo   
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    visaveteran1 got a reaction from Gary and Alla in Alaska state employee's pull idiot move with Belarus birth certificate   
    Unless you're willing to tell us what YOUR job is, it seems unfair to attack someone else's. Or how they get by when there's no work. Everybody is, or will be sucking at Uncle Sugar's #######. Nobody's going in the ground clean. Tell us your job and let us judge you or cease the attacks. I don't like one-sided conversations...or people who hide out and throw bricks from the shadows. Come out into the light or knock off the silly games..
    So...Mystery Man..why don't talk about YOUR visa journey timeline (or absence thereof) instead of judging and attacking everybody else on here. Tell us some details about your imaginary wife. What city is she from? How old? Where'd you get married? Maybe posts some pics? Oh wait...that stalker deal...right? Yeah, amazing you're the only guy on here who picks a wife that has a crazy ex boy friend stalker with A HAMMER! I worry about Smith and Wesson...but I'm OK with Sears Tools. That sure is a convenient excuse to never tell us anything. That's so clever it could almost be Russian.
    Oh...one other thing...you uber-liberals suck at the ####### of the unions...so why the attack on union workers? You should be supporting them. Yes?
  8. Like
    visaveteran1 got a reaction from TBoneTX in Thanks Charles!   
    For closing down my "Old Girlfriend" thread. The thread was infested and hijacked beyond salvation. Part of being in a free society is putting up with unwanted intruders and trouble-makers. This open forum format invites people to create phony personas and act out what they would never dare to do in real life interactions. That's why they show up here and play their silly games.
    A few take it too far and become disruptions and enjoy aggravating and insulting people. The more you see this showing up, the bigger the coward the troubled poster is in my experience which dates back a long time now. What they can never be in reality, they can pretend to be here in this anonymous make believe world. For being a total jerk, the worst that can happen is censorship or banning. Big deal.
    I am, myself, not perfect and I've been duly censored or briefly banned. I haven't been banned for a long time. Maybe I am getting old? I accept the mods calls even when I might think they blew the call. I never harass or play silly games with them. This is not reality. This is make believe. Maybe a few folks on here actually meet or talk via the phone. Good for them. I'm not looking for that kind of connection. I have enough friends and despite being on here, I don't define my entire existence on Russian women or Russian anything.
    I have built my online persona as VV and I enjoy that small part of my day...being on here as VV. I will say most folks on here seen like good people and we can agree to disagree like civil people. And, yes, sometimes it's cool to push the limits and get a bit risque or pass judgments on groups of people. One of our favorite targets is American women. I'm part of that choir but I never forget my mother was American as was my first wife who gave me a great son. We are still good friends which is rare and I feel blessed we remain on good terms.
    If I'm honest, Russian women are far from perfect themselves and I have stated my views on that subject. There are clearly two special things about Russian women I have noted: A: They will accept an older husband...much older, and B. There are an unusual number of beautiful and available women to choose from versus America or Western Europe.
    I've never kidded myself. I'm not going to have the relationship opportunities in the US that I had in Russia. My story may not end well but it was a hell of a ride. I regret nothing. What an adventure!
  9. Like
    visaveteran1 got a reaction from Amby in Child support for a Ukrainian baby?????   
    Anita, go have a cocktail and knock off the moral indignation routine. Who cares? This whole story could be bull anyway. Some things don't add up but you're silly morality rant is boring and unneeded. This guy is who he is and your righteous outrage won't change that. Go admire your kid and your wonderfully perfect husband and give us a break on the ranting.
    You've passed judgment now go far far away.
  10. Like
    visaveteran1 got a reaction from VanessaTony in Child support for a Ukrainian baby?????   
    Anita, go have a cocktail and knock off the moral indignation routine. Who cares? This whole story could be bull anyway. Some things don't add up but you're silly morality rant is boring and unneeded. This guy is who he is and your righteous outrage won't change that. Go admire your kid and your wonderfully perfect husband and give us a break on the ranting.
    You've passed judgment now go far far away.
  11. Like
    visaveteran1 got a reaction from beejay in Child support for a Ukrainian baby?????   
    Maybe it's just me but this is an odd set of circumstances to believe. You say you "dated for a year." What does that mean? You lived over there and dated her continually? You made a number of visits over there to see her? And when did you file for a K-1? Those take awhile to secure...so you dated for a year and filed for the K-1 which she now has in hand? When did the baby arrive during this timeline? If she got pregnant, and you went along with that plan, why didn't you just marry her?
    Something just doesn't add up here. And what did you mean you got her "a full visa?" Not sure what that means.
    Anyway, if you're for real, I'd do the DNA and then search your conscience. I will say...between your craziness to go along with this scheme and your Ukraine woman and her weirdness and dubious behavior, the baby girl has my sympathy and concern.
  12. Like
    visaveteran1 got a reaction from B_J in Found an old girlfriend on Freepersonnals.ru   
    Calm down Mr. Morality policeman...I'm legally separated from my wife. Maybe you'd do well to mind your own business and not come in here guns blazing.
  13. Like
    visaveteran1 got a reaction from kytwell in Found an old girlfriend on Freepersonnals.ru   
    Calm down Mr. Morality policeman...I'm legally separated from my wife. Maybe you'd do well to mind your own business and not come in here guns blazing.
  14. Like
    visaveteran1 got a reaction from SuperDuper! in Found an old girlfriend on Freepersonnals.ru   
    Calm down Mr. Morality policeman...I'm legally separated from my wife. Maybe you'd do well to mind your own business and not come in here guns blazing.
  15. Like
    visaveteran1 got a reaction from Neonred in Found an old girlfriend on Freepersonnals.ru   
    Calm down Mr. Morality policeman...I'm legally separated from my wife. Maybe you'd do well to mind your own business and not come in here guns blazing.
  16. Like
    visaveteran1 got a reaction from james&olya in Found an old girlfriend on Freepersonnals.ru   
    Calm down Mr. Morality policeman...I'm legally separated from my wife. Maybe you'd do well to mind your own business and not come in here guns blazing.
  17. Like
    visaveteran1 got a reaction from TBoneTX in Found an old girlfriend on Freepersonnals.ru   
    Calm down Mr. Morality policeman...I'm legally separated from my wife. Maybe you'd do well to mind your own business and not come in here guns blazing.
  18. Like
    visaveteran1 got a reaction from sofya in Found an old girlfriend on Freepersonnals.ru   
    Sneaky behavior is universal.
  19. Like
    visaveteran1 got a reaction from Dustin C in America's decline   
    We won WWII. Since then we've been doing the half-azz "police actions." We left a mess in Korea. Cuba. Vietnam. Iran (letting the Shah fall)...thanks Jimmy), Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan. All "police actions."
    Whatever happened to war and victory?
  20. Like
    visaveteran1 got a reaction from Ban Hammer in Ex Issues   
    If you keep feeding the stray cats, they'll never leave. Think man. Think.
  21. Like
    visaveteran1 got a reaction from Dustin C in Ex Issues   
    Who left the gate open and let all these Brits in? Damn...I turn my back for a minute and the forum is infested with them!
  22. Like
    visaveteran1 got a reaction from B_J in Ex Issues   
    I see you like the butch look. Kind of rare to see Russian women with real short hair. Your wife wears it well.
  23. Like
    visaveteran1 got a reaction from TBoneTX in Is being 'hard headed' a RUB chick trait ?   
    I probably didn't convey that point exactly like I wanted. I was involved with my son before he was born...Lamaze classes. I was there when he was born and actually was the first to hold him as he was a C-section baby.
    It may surprise you to know I was a stay home dad. After the first two years, my wife at that time had to go back to her teaching job or loose it. I was running a home-based business so I put that on hold and became a full-time dad. My wife ultimately went part-time to be home more and I continued working from home...so my son never went to daycare. He had one or both parents home until he went to college. I'm proud of that fact.
    When my son was six, I started taking him to a father-son camp up in a beautiful old campsite in W. Va. He was exposed to caring fathers and adult men (as well as kids of all ages) doing healthy activities...not drinking and talking sports, cars and hot babes. We went just about every year until he was an older teenager. My son and I grew together and we taught each other as we both got older. I have never had one days worth of problems with him. He highly respects me as a Vietnam veteran and I think I represent a hero figure to him. He's now in grad school working on his PhD in physics. He shoots better than I do and seems a very happy young man. He camps, is into short-wave radio and, of course, computers. He also takes after me with a love for guns, knives and all manner of tactical and carry gear. I was involved in a lot of men's groups and vets groups, and my son was frequently in the company of some great men and role models. The results are apparent to me.
    My point is basically for the first part of childhood, the mother is in the lead through giving birth, nursing, nurturing, and gently raising a fragile young boy. The father is nearby and involved, caring and protecting and helping, but mom is the lead parent. There is a time for the mother to be the chief caregiver, even with stay home dads, kids still need mom for comfort, nutrition, nurturing and the woman's touch. As time goes by, the period for a dad to be more front and center in teaching, guiding and showing him the rougher and the masculine ways of men arrives. Some do this with sports or camping, fishing, shooting, hunting, etc. The importance of just being near your son gives them silent lessons in what it means to be a man. The teaching can be passive...but critical. Other times it must be intentional and active father to son stuff.
    One thing I believe...mom's love their kids unconditionally. Dads love their kids but with expectations and requirements. The son has to be accountable and able to accept consequences if boundaries are broken. Mom may easily forgive or overlook certain "bad" behavior. The dad may be the one to require accountability for behavior. This is the harder part of being a father. You have to show them some warrior and king energy. Your strength and unbending rules will be a source of comfort once the kids push up against it and see you won't break. The world needs strong fathers. When women try to be tough "dads," it sends a confusing message to kids. Their sense of male and female can get out of whack. The boys that have only a mom are often the type that let's their girlfriend boss them around. These boys see men as weak and absent...but women are the boss. I see this at times. It's disturbing.
    In the whole of things, both parents are involved. I changed my share of diapers. Parenting is a partnership of sorts, but there is the time for the mom to lead and a time for her to slowly let go and let the dad begin to become the more influential parent. The transition, ideally, is slow and subtle up to that "time" when the father needs to step up and do one of the most important things he will ever do...help his son over the bridge from boyhood to manhood. A good woman will support that process.
    All of this is quite different with step kids. And what happens between step parents and step kids is determined by too many variables to draw clear judgments of results and outcomes. Theoretically, it should go better the younger the step parent is, and how willing the natural parenting is willing to allow the step parent to get involved. I think it is an awkward thing for many. Some, like Gary seem very good at dealing with his wife's boys. There are good stories and bad stories...nothing is assured even with the best intentions.
    These are my views and judgments and beliefs...nothing more. Your truth may be different.
  24. Like
    visaveteran1 got a reaction from KLS2010 in What is the best 9mm auto pistol for HD?   
    There's a joke about a state trooper who pulls over a grandmother. When she shows him her driver's license the cop catches a glimpse of her conceal carry permit..so the trooper inquires as to whether she's carrying any firearms in the car? The polite granny says "Yes, I have a loaded Glock 17 in my glove box. The cop asks her if that's all the guns she has in the car, and granny says, "No, I also have a loaded Sig Sauer 228 he my console." The cops asks again, is that it? Granny says, "I also have a loaded S&W 38 Special snub-nose revolver in my purse." The trooper asks her, "What are you afraid of?"
    Granny answers back, "Not a fuking thing!"
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    visaveteran1 got a reaction from I AM NOT THAT GUY in What is the best 9mm auto pistol for HD?   
    Recoil. Recoil. Recoil. My three reasons to avoid 45 autos.
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