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Mrs. Forgetful

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Posts posted by Mrs. Forgetful

  1. just curious if anyone here has done ivf? I've been weighing the pros and cons of that or tubal ligation reversal in my head and I"m getting dizzy. One pro for ivf is that it's covered by two of our insurance carriers at my work, whereas the reversal is not. That would save about $6k. :thumbs: The cons though are more moral to me than anything else.

    I hate making decisions!

    I have done IVF, twice, and let me tell you, the reversal is absolutely 100 times more natural than IVF. The medications are horrific, we are talking 3-7 months of hormones, patches, pills, and daily selfgiven injections. And these medications have extremely high risk factors for blood clot, heart problems... not to mention feeling as if you are losing your mind, crying over stupid commercials, swelling tender breasts, bloating, extreme fatigue, uncontrollable weight gain. Then there are those fun tests. Bloodtests at some points 3 times a week combined with transvaginal ultrasounds, SIS, uterine mappings... and all this, to possibly have the retrieval (which is cutting and snipping), and then go to the implantation and the eggs have not even matured and having to cancel the whole thing at the last moment. Then, if it does take, you are looking at the first 12 weeks of pregnancy still taking daily injections in addition to pills, patches, creams etc. I don't know how much your insurance covers either, but by the time you add up all the procedures and meds, IVF is more than 3 times the cost of a reversal, possible 30,000 easily. One more thing, with the reversal, you can always use the turkey baster method should scar tissue make it difficult to conceive. Which involves no meds and is low cost. Good Luck, whatever you choose

    Um... Turkey baster? Could you explain this to me? If it's doing what I am thinking, couldn't that be a little painful?

  2. Good morning everyone! It's a nice cool day today. I think the high is somewhere in the 40s.

    Left my house this morning, after getting up 5 min. earlier to make toast, and ended up leaving my toast on the table! Oh how I hate forgetting things like that! So I had to stop and grab something to eat and the only thing I saw was pop-tarts. So that's what I have to eat. So much for my new lifestyle. At least I remembered my orange!Anyway, I came into work this morning to find out one of my co-workers called out and another had the day off. So now there's only two of us working behind the teller line. This ought to be a fun day. :rolleyes:

    Hope everyone has a great day!

  3. Good morning! It's a little chilly this morning, but it's bright and sunny. Looks like it's going to be a nice slow day. Noura just reminded me about the SS Card. Does anyone know if my husband should file for a new one that doesn't say not for work unless authorized? Maybe I should call them this morning. Anyway, Adil had an interview yesterday for a marketing company. Apparently it went really well and he got asked to come back in for the 2nd interview tomorrow. The only thing is that it's a 7 hour interview! What the heck could they be doing for 7 hours?! Anyway, I hope he does good because I think he really wants this job.

    Have a good day everyone!

  4. My husband calls me his private property. And tells me that he owns me. I don't mind it. I actually like it. When is mother was here she told me to take care of my moroccan man. As I see it, he does it out of a sign of affection. My best friend and I have always called our boyfriends who have been from Morocco, "Our Moroccan Men." It's like when I was in high school and I dated a guy who lived out on a farm and participated in Rodeos I called him "My Cowboy." There's nothing wrong with sayign that. It's like saying "My Friend" and I am sure when you say "my friend" you are not saying you own your friend. You get what I'm saying?

  5. Good morning all! I forgot last night that I had to work this morning. Good thing I had my alarm still set. It already started out as a good weekend. Last night I went to my new gym. It was kinda fun. I didn't bring my iPod so I had to listen to their music. Let me tell you, I will remember my iPod from now on. I love being at an all women's gym. There are a lot of muslimahs that work out their too. Anyway, day 1 of my new lifestyle. So far so good. I don't know what I am going to do for lunch, but I am thinking a salad sounds good.

    My best friend is flying back into Philly tonight. But the bad thing is that her plane lands in the middle of the Eagles game! So I am hoping that I will be able to find the radio station that has the game on it. Well it will be nice having her here from the weekend again. She's going to come work out with me tomorrow morning. Oh yeah, and did I mention, she's moving here! Yay! It'll be Thelma and Louise together again! And this time she'll be living even closer than when we were in the dorms in college. She's going to be my downstairs neighbor! Anyway, I have a feeling that she will be going through the visa process in the next year or two also.

    Anyway, I have to get going. I have a few things I want to look up about PCOS. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GO EAGLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Hi everyone. Well I had a long morning. Spent the morning driving around looking for my new doctors office, only to find that it is in the same building as my primary doctor. So, I found out what is wrong with me for sure now! Yay! FInally a closure to that, and a new begining at getting it taken care of. Thank goodness that I got a second opinion. I also joined a new gym. So hopefully I will stick with it for once and lose those 50 lbs. I want to lose. Well I have to get back to work. I hope you all have a great weekend.

    GO EAGLES!!!!!!!!!

  7. If he was being abused, then he might be able to stay here.

    I think all he can do is go back home or try to work it out with her. She needs help for sure.

    I dont understand how she keeps him from getting a good job though. If he stays with you perhaps they can work it out and in the meantime get a better job.

    I feel bad for you because this mess has put you and your husband in the middle.


    From what I understand, the abuse doesn't have to be only physical. If he can get proof that she did all of those things, he can still remain in the country and get his conditions removed. I can't remember all of the things it takes, but that's one thing he can look into if they figure out there's no way to work it out and he wants to stay.

    This is a very sad situation. I hope things work out for him, and I hope she figures out what went worng and why.

  8. Ok three questions,

    1. If your SO makes a will in the US will that be accepted in the SOs country too?

    2. What about health insurance? Is it haraam to have health insurance if it's haraam to have life insurance?

    3. What happens if the SO doesn't have any living relatives except the wife? Does the wife recieve all of the inheritence?

  9. I wonder if that happened with my husbands family when his father passed last year. As far as I know his mother is holding everything and his brother is doing the finances and books of all their property and stores. But as far as I know as soon as we get to Morocco, everything will be turned over to my husband. But then we have the other problem of how he's going to do everything from here.

  10. when my MIL was here she kept telling me not to eat! She says I need to lose weight so I can be more healthy, yet when it was time to sit down for dinner, she kept telling me to eat more and when she asked me why I wasn't eating a lot, I told her she told me not to eat alot so I was following her advice. And still even over the internet and phone she tells me "No aungry!(hungry)" I'm doing my best, but I'm at a plateu and I can't get off of it. I bet when I go, she's going to push the food at me again.

  11. Oh this is one thing I am worried about. But, ya'll are saying that ya'll lost weight and now I'm thinking that doesn't sound like such a bad idea. My husband and I have yet to talk about the bathroom there. I wonder if it's like here? Oh I hope it is.

  12. Happy Tuesday everyone.

    Janine there's always the classic tourist cities like Marrakech and Essaouira and Agadir. Where is Adil from? I personally don't like Casablanca- it's like the Los Angeles of Morocco. I am hoping to go South into the desert next time we visit.

    Adil is from Tangier. I know we will be traveling a lot to visit his friends, but I was hoping that a few days we could see some of the historic places. I was reading on morocco.com about some of the cities and took a few notes on things to see. I must say Casablanca is not on the top of my list.

    Does anyone know about a moroccan that was arrested on 9/11 conspiriacy charges? My dad just said something about it, but I can't find anything. I think he's just trying to scare me. And also how we just bombed Somalia and that they really hate Americans in Morocco now. I just don't understand. Why do people base countries on the media?!

  13. Good morning. Had a tough time getting out of bed this morning. It was so warm under the covers, but chilly out of them. I'm super tired too and need some more sleep. I didn't realize that we have a 3 day weekend coming up. That's exciting for me. That means I am going to be able to sleep in on Monday while Adil is at work. hehehe.

    So I also realized that the day that we leave for Morocco and the exact time we leave is the same day and time last year that we were married in the Mosque. How weird is that?! It'll be our one year anniversary. Oh I'm so excited. I need to do some more research on Morocco and figure out where I want to go and what I want to see while I am there. I told Adil that I am going to make a list of places and things I want to see while we are there. Ahhhh! I'm going to Morocco!!!!! I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it! Oh Oh Oh! :lol:

    Sorry... uh... well I hope you all have a good day.

    P.S.- If anyone has any suggestions or good places to look on-line for Morocco, let me know.

  14. Hi everyone! Just wanted to see what was happening in MENA today. Still no word on the job promotion, applying at other banks and jobs. Had a nice surprise yesterday morning. My husband woke me up and said "Honey, wake up if you want to go shopping and get you some new clothes for Morocco. My treat!" I was up about five minutes later. He said we would go if I made him toast and hot tea. So we went shopping and I got some really nice clothes and a wicked awesome coat.

    Anyway, my hubby was sick all night last night. I guess it must have been something he ate. I was up until 2 making sure he was ok. He stayed home today because his stomach was still upset. Hopefully when I get home he will be better.

    Well I have to go finish up a little bit of work to do! Have a great day!

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