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Posts posted by Mrs. Forgetful
I wasn't with Adil when he first came, but he told me the first story of when he landed at JFK.
He was hunrgy and went to the Mc D's. He ordered and the lady asked him if he wanted a straw he said no. because he didn't understand her. when he got his drink he didn't have a straw to use went back up to the lady and asked for something to drink with. She didn't understand what he meant and when someone was given a straw he took it and ran.
I don't know if all of that was true, but that's what he told me. He barely spoke any english when he first came.
When he went to school one of the professors told him that they shouldn't go any farther west than 40th st here in Philly. Well really you shouldn't go past 48th st., so for the first year they were afraid to go past there. so when his friend got a car they drove past 40th and found the Moroccan store. He went to his professor and told him that he made him miss the store and the Mosque across the street for a whole year because of all that he told him. Oh what a silly boy.
happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Nouraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!! Happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's Friday for me too and a 24 day weekend! B) :energetic:
Noura, I didn't know it was your birthday! Happy Brithday!!!!!!! Maybe I'll call you on my lunch and sing for you! That's how much energy I have right now! I'll make sure it's nice and loud and horribly off key because my voice is still not back to normal from this stupid infection.... Anyway, Happy birthday!
We like a few names, but I am not sure if they are considered arabic names per say, but I know that they are names that you would find in Morocco.
Farah and Runya(not the exact spelling) for girls
Zakaryah for a boy
ONE MORE DAY! ONE MORE DAY! ONE MORE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, last night I packed all of the gifts we are taking to Morocco. Everything took up 3 large bags, which leaves us one bag for our clothes. I have no idea how that's going to happen. Anyway, have to finish cleaning the house and finish the last two loads of laundry, pack all of my cats stuff up, finish packing our clothes, and wait until Friday to get here. I still can't believe that tomorrow is not only our anniversary, but that we are flying to Morocco, and that on Saturday morning, we will be in Morocco!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh boy! I'm so excited. I think I am going to go now. I have to find something to keep me busy at work so I am not thinking about the trip and getting all nervous.
Have a good day everyone, and if I don't stop in later today, I'll try to check in every now and again to let ya'll know how it's going.
Ta Ta for now!
THe only plan we have for V-Day is to pack for our trip on Friday. No nice dinner, no dancing, no bubbly, and even though I got him a card, he probably didn't get me anything. But that's ok, because we I think I am going to make ramen noodles, we'll drink ginger ale, and put on our music while we pack our things and talk about how excited we are to go to Morocco. Sounds like a good V-Day to me!
I hate stuffing envelopes! Just when I thought I was done my manager brought me another list of people! I think I am done now though. This truck with the plow on the front keeps driving around the parking lot plowing all the snow and ice. He had to have passed my window at least 15 times now. I would hate to be stuck driving around a parking lot clearing snow and ice all day. Anyway, the bank is slow, I should have called out sick again, but then that would be one more day I couldn't take off later when I really needed it. So... that's all.
Good morning everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am feeling soooooooo much better! Went to the doctor on Monday. Turns out that if I would have waited on ir two more days I would have developed phnemonia. They said that I had a viral infection that started a few weeks ago when I caught the "flu" and every night it got worse because of all the drainage. So, they gave me an antibiotic and a light sleeping pill for my trip on Friday, told me that I was the only real sick person they saw all day, and sent me home for a day of rest. So I stayed home yesterday. Got a call at 8am from someone asking for my mom. Turns out it's my real aunt, my mother's real sister, who I haven't seen in about 9 years! It was so awesome! Come to find out she had a third child and lives about 20 min away from me. So she came over and brought her 4 year old with her. We spent the whole day together. I also got to see my two other cousins and spend time with them. It was so awesome! I think my cousin Dana is going to come over tonight and help me out with straightening my house and packing. I can't wait to catch up with her. She was like the sister I always wanted, and now we can catch up. Yay!
But the biggest news, I'm leaving for Morocco in 2 days and I still haven't started packing and I only have tonight and tomrrow night to pack because we are leaving the house bright and early on Friday morning to head up to NYC. oh boy! I'm in trouble. Looks like we are going to be up all night on Thursday.
Well I have to get going. My boss just gave us this huge list of people to make addressed envelopes too. Yay! So I'll talk to you all later!
Have a great wintery Valentine's Day!
Oh oh oh! Went to work at the bakery last night, came home with a 102 temp. Gotta love this time of year. Was up all last night fighting this stupid thing. Came to work and I feel like ####### now. We are supposed to be leaving in 4 days for Morocco, but I am just praying that I get well enough to go.
Well I gotta go ask my boss if I can leave early today since I am not feeling well. Have a good day.
These aren't really funny, but at this moment I can't think of any really funny stories. Maybe later.
Ok so my husband had a few outside dogs when he was a kid. He used to run and play with them all the time. But now he refuses to touch my dad's dog anytime we go to his house. So one day(before we got married) he came over to pick me up for dinner. He comes in and sits on the sofa and up jumps my dog and plops down right next to him. SO I went and got my camera because it was a once in a life time chane. As soon as I get back in the room my dog turns his head and gives Adil a huge licking straight in the face! I have never seen him scream so loud and run to the bathroom as fast as he did.
Another story about pets. We were cat sitting for my friend. So Adil comes home and there's this huge fat furry cat laying on the sofa. He aske me what it was. I told him that's Mo. He asked what's Mo? I picked up the cat and he started laughing because he thought it was a scarf or something, but not a cat. So over the weekend he and Mo became really good friends. Now he will have me call my friend just to see if we can go visit Mo. What I don't get is that it took 2 days for him to touch Mo, but it's taken almost 6 months til he touched Mimo with his bare hands. Now that he finally touched him, he's now officially part of our family. He asked the other day if we could hide Mimo in our lugage and bring him to Morocco with us. I wish we could because I don't know how he's going to get along at my dad's house with a huge German shephard lurking around the house.
I'm already on my vacation. I decided to start a week early...... um..... maybe that's not such a good idea since I work in a bank.... but then again I am too excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First Congrats Henia!
Second: 1 MORE WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hope everyone is doing well. Have a super wonderful weekend!
How they are, looks the exact way we sleep sometimes.
These numbers almost concern me. Why are so many Moroccans trying to go to America? I'm an American and I'm trying to get to Morocco! Maybe somethings wrong with me.
Hey Bridget- is there a way you can find out how many of those countries petitions have been approved too?
carpe mañana
Congrats! That's wonderful news!
i'm a little confuzzled by all these thursday threads! It's to early to figure out which is which.
the one adapter/transformer I had in Germany was like 15 lbs. am I goign to need something like that again if I have something of lower voltage?
how'd you do that?
Ok so I have to get an adapter? do the plugs there look the same as here? I had that problem while I was in Germany. different plug style. Anyway, I think I will need it for 3 things, my cell, my camera battery and my camcorder battery. I don't think I will bring any thing else, except my iPod, but I think I can just use their comp to charge it right? Their USBs are the same right? I mean they are called universal and all.
Thannks everyone! It's this internal debate going on in my head wether to tell them or not. I guess it's just a matter of what exactly the doc says when I talk to him. But I think I will wait to tell them. It might be better if they aren't worrying about me until we get it all taken care of. Thanks everyone!
Ok, so here's the thing. I was diagnosed a few weeks ago with PCOS. Yesterday I got a call from the doc telling me that they also found some cancer cells, but when I tried to call I couldn't get ahold of him to explain to me what they were exactly. First I had a hard enough time trying to figure out how to tell my in-laws that I have PCOS and if it doesn't clear enough I won't be able to have children, now I have to figure out how to tell them that I might have cancer too! I wont be able to go in for a biopsy until we get back, so we wont know much about the cells until then.
Anyone have any advice how to tell them and explain to them that it's not terminal and it doesn't mean I can't have kids at all?! I'm afraid if I let only my husband translate he will leave something out and I will be surrounded by crying women. Please help! Thanks.
Well We already have one bag full of things like gifts and a few new clothes for Adil. All of our bags(4) are probably the biggest you can find and we have to be careful how much we put in so they don't get too heavy. All in all we are taking a total of 4 checked bags, 1 large package(Dora the Explorer Magic Castle), two carry-ons and my "purse" The funny thing is, when I moved back to Philadelphia, I only had two small bags and a carry-on, and we are only going for 3 weeks!
I wonder if they have a washer and dryer in their house? I wonder if I should bring my razor or my Veet? Oh I have soo much to do in the next week I think I am going to go crazy!
Hello from Tanger, Morocco!
in Middle East and North Africa
Hey everyone! Been here for three days now! I've been having so much fun! Yesterday I went to the hamam with my MIL and my husband. Then a few of his family came over and his cousin and sister dolled me up in traditional "Moroccan" garb and hair style. Today two of my sisters and I went to the beach where I saw Spain and the ferry that takes you there. We also went to the souk(little market) and saw a lot of nice things! We are now home for lunch and afterwards we will go to the grand souko. Anyway, I am enjoying my time so far. My sisters are learning to speak english and I am learning a little arabic! Anyway, I want to write more but my time is limited. I will hopefully have more time to write later. Take care everyone!