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    CMJuilland got a reaction from amye in I-129F November 2016 Filers   
    Here are my stats: 
    Out of the 836 cases I check daily (WAC1790044500 to WAC1790052999), there are 53 rejected, so 783 to be worked or "active cases". Out of these, there are now 342 approvals, 160 RFEs, and 281 unworked / other. Compared to yesterday, the "unworked / other" category has dropped by 46 cases. Sure, most of these were RFEs, but here are my 2 cents regarding that: as from what I remember from the Q&A with a former adjudicator and other bits and pieces of information (unfortunately, these are few and far between), RFEs are by no means as bad as "untouched / unworked". RFE-cases seem to stay pending as in open, and once the response to an RFE is received, the adjudicator responsible for the case does not have to go through the full file again; approval will happen much more quickly from here on out. As for performance reasons, adjudicators may want to approve quite a few RFE-cases in any one given day as those approvals are simple and they can easily increase their statistics in doing so. 
    I am 90+% sure that we will get an RFE, and telling from recent timelines, it doesn't add too much time, maybe 2-4 weeks, especially if the reply is sent in timely manner. So, bottom line is if the segment I'm checking was worked in the same fashion as it has been in the last two days, the 281 unworked cases would be cleared in almost no time, probably under 2 weeks. Happy Friday everyone, and lots and lots of hope and energy to everyone, especially those who are starting to lose their hope. 
  2. Like
    CMJuilland got a reaction from MikiC in I-129F November 2016 Filers   
    Guys, I just want to say that I really love our thread; it is so nice not to be alone in this. I woke up to about 100 new posts on here about two hours ago (I'm the beneficiary), and it's nice to see so many people having each other's back and offering hope and solace to each other. Welcome to those of you who are new here, and thanks to everybody running searches on one of the USCIS apps, especially Geowrian, your stats are a blessing; thank you so much for putting in the time and effort to share these with us. 
    Meanwhile, I've just run mine, so here goes for WAC1790044500 to WAC1790052999, and it looks a lot better than in the past two weeks. Compared to yesterday, we have 34 more approvals, while the amount of RFEs stayed the same (doesn't mean that they didn't send out more RFEs though). All in all, out of the 838 K1-petitions in that sample, there are now 334 approvals, 54 rejections, 124 RFEs, and 327 unworked / other cases. Yay, for the first time, there are more approvals than unworked. If they could keep up the 34 cases they work on a day for that batch, all cases should be processed in about two weeks (10 working days and wishful thinking, but still).
    For me personally, this search was special because our petition is in the last 500-batch (52500-52999), and for about two months, there was zero activity for that batch, while the figures for "unworked / other" are now starting to go down. Cheers to that, and to more such "efficiency". 
  3. Like
    CMJuilland got a reaction from Anthony and Bobby in I-129F November 2016 Filers   
    Guys, I just want to say that I really love our thread; it is so nice not to be alone in this. I woke up to about 100 new posts on here about two hours ago (I'm the beneficiary), and it's nice to see so many people having each other's back and offering hope and solace to each other. Welcome to those of you who are new here, and thanks to everybody running searches on one of the USCIS apps, especially Geowrian, your stats are a blessing; thank you so much for putting in the time and effort to share these with us. 
    Meanwhile, I've just run mine, so here goes for WAC1790044500 to WAC1790052999, and it looks a lot better than in the past two weeks. Compared to yesterday, we have 34 more approvals, while the amount of RFEs stayed the same (doesn't mean that they didn't send out more RFEs though). All in all, out of the 838 K1-petitions in that sample, there are now 334 approvals, 54 rejections, 124 RFEs, and 327 unworked / other cases. Yay, for the first time, there are more approvals than unworked. If they could keep up the 34 cases they work on a day for that batch, all cases should be processed in about two weeks (10 working days and wishful thinking, but still).
    For me personally, this search was special because our petition is in the last 500-batch (52500-52999), and for about two months, there was zero activity for that batch, while the figures for "unworked / other" are now starting to go down. Cheers to that, and to more such "efficiency". 
  4. Like
    CMJuilland got a reaction from JimJesDuma in I-129F November 2016 Filers   
    Guys, I just want to say that I really love our thread; it is so nice not to be alone in this. I woke up to about 100 new posts on here about two hours ago (I'm the beneficiary), and it's nice to see so many people having each other's back and offering hope and solace to each other. Welcome to those of you who are new here, and thanks to everybody running searches on one of the USCIS apps, especially Geowrian, your stats are a blessing; thank you so much for putting in the time and effort to share these with us. 
    Meanwhile, I've just run mine, so here goes for WAC1790044500 to WAC1790052999, and it looks a lot better than in the past two weeks. Compared to yesterday, we have 34 more approvals, while the amount of RFEs stayed the same (doesn't mean that they didn't send out more RFEs though). All in all, out of the 838 K1-petitions in that sample, there are now 334 approvals, 54 rejections, 124 RFEs, and 327 unworked / other cases. Yay, for the first time, there are more approvals than unworked. If they could keep up the 34 cases they work on a day for that batch, all cases should be processed in about two weeks (10 working days and wishful thinking, but still).
    For me personally, this search was special because our petition is in the last 500-batch (52500-52999), and for about two months, there was zero activity for that batch, while the figures for "unworked / other" are now starting to go down. Cheers to that, and to more such "efficiency". 
  5. Like
    CMJuilland got a reaction from amye in I-129F November 2016 Filers   
    Congratulations on booking your flight. As others have stated before, you'll be fine. I shared my last entry story in the Yes, you can visit thread; in a nutshell, after having traveled in and out of the country every 6-8 weeks on average for the last 2.5 years, I only got harassed once, and in the end, they still let me in. I'll be having my fingers crossed for you, but I'm sure you won't even need it
  6. Like
    CMJuilland got a reaction from amye in I-129F November 2016 Filers   
    Guys, I just want to say that I really love our thread; it is so nice not to be alone in this. I woke up to about 100 new posts on here about two hours ago (I'm the beneficiary), and it's nice to see so many people having each other's back and offering hope and solace to each other. Welcome to those of you who are new here, and thanks to everybody running searches on one of the USCIS apps, especially Geowrian, your stats are a blessing; thank you so much for putting in the time and effort to share these with us. 
    Meanwhile, I've just run mine, so here goes for WAC1790044500 to WAC1790052999, and it looks a lot better than in the past two weeks. Compared to yesterday, we have 34 more approvals, while the amount of RFEs stayed the same (doesn't mean that they didn't send out more RFEs though). All in all, out of the 838 K1-petitions in that sample, there are now 334 approvals, 54 rejections, 124 RFEs, and 327 unworked / other cases. Yay, for the first time, there are more approvals than unworked. If they could keep up the 34 cases they work on a day for that batch, all cases should be processed in about two weeks (10 working days and wishful thinking, but still).
    For me personally, this search was special because our petition is in the last 500-batch (52500-52999), and for about two months, there was zero activity for that batch, while the figures for "unworked / other" are now starting to go down. Cheers to that, and to more such "efficiency". 
  7. Like
    CMJuilland got a reaction from geowrian in I-129F November 2016 Filers   
    Guys, I just want to say that I really love our thread; it is so nice not to be alone in this. I woke up to about 100 new posts on here about two hours ago (I'm the beneficiary), and it's nice to see so many people having each other's back and offering hope and solace to each other. Welcome to those of you who are new here, and thanks to everybody running searches on one of the USCIS apps, especially Geowrian, your stats are a blessing; thank you so much for putting in the time and effort to share these with us. 
    Meanwhile, I've just run mine, so here goes for WAC1790044500 to WAC1790052999, and it looks a lot better than in the past two weeks. Compared to yesterday, we have 34 more approvals, while the amount of RFEs stayed the same (doesn't mean that they didn't send out more RFEs though). All in all, out of the 838 K1-petitions in that sample, there are now 334 approvals, 54 rejections, 124 RFEs, and 327 unworked / other cases. Yay, for the first time, there are more approvals than unworked. If they could keep up the 34 cases they work on a day for that batch, all cases should be processed in about two weeks (10 working days and wishful thinking, but still).
    For me personally, this search was special because our petition is in the last 500-batch (52500-52999), and for about two months, there was zero activity for that batch, while the figures for "unworked / other" are now starting to go down. Cheers to that, and to more such "efficiency". 
  8. Like
    CMJuilland got a reaction from JSWH in I-129F November 2016 Filers   
    Guys, I just want to say that I really love our thread; it is so nice not to be alone in this. I woke up to about 100 new posts on here about two hours ago (I'm the beneficiary), and it's nice to see so many people having each other's back and offering hope and solace to each other. Welcome to those of you who are new here, and thanks to everybody running searches on one of the USCIS apps, especially Geowrian, your stats are a blessing; thank you so much for putting in the time and effort to share these with us. 
    Meanwhile, I've just run mine, so here goes for WAC1790044500 to WAC1790052999, and it looks a lot better than in the past two weeks. Compared to yesterday, we have 34 more approvals, while the amount of RFEs stayed the same (doesn't mean that they didn't send out more RFEs though). All in all, out of the 838 K1-petitions in that sample, there are now 334 approvals, 54 rejections, 124 RFEs, and 327 unworked / other cases. Yay, for the first time, there are more approvals than unworked. If they could keep up the 34 cases they work on a day for that batch, all cases should be processed in about two weeks (10 working days and wishful thinking, but still).
    For me personally, this search was special because our petition is in the last 500-batch (52500-52999), and for about two months, there was zero activity for that batch, while the figures for "unworked / other" are now starting to go down. Cheers to that, and to more such "efficiency". 
  9. Like
    CMJuilland got a reaction from Chelleyandaaron in I-129F November 2016 Filers   
    Guys, I just want to say that I really love our thread; it is so nice not to be alone in this. I woke up to about 100 new posts on here about two hours ago (I'm the beneficiary), and it's nice to see so many people having each other's back and offering hope and solace to each other. Welcome to those of you who are new here, and thanks to everybody running searches on one of the USCIS apps, especially Geowrian, your stats are a blessing; thank you so much for putting in the time and effort to share these with us. 
    Meanwhile, I've just run mine, so here goes for WAC1790044500 to WAC1790052999, and it looks a lot better than in the past two weeks. Compared to yesterday, we have 34 more approvals, while the amount of RFEs stayed the same (doesn't mean that they didn't send out more RFEs though). All in all, out of the 838 K1-petitions in that sample, there are now 334 approvals, 54 rejections, 124 RFEs, and 327 unworked / other cases. Yay, for the first time, there are more approvals than unworked. If they could keep up the 34 cases they work on a day for that batch, all cases should be processed in about two weeks (10 working days and wishful thinking, but still).
    For me personally, this search was special because our petition is in the last 500-batch (52500-52999), and for about two months, there was zero activity for that batch, while the figures for "unworked / other" are now starting to go down. Cheers to that, and to more such "efficiency". 
  10. Like
    CMJuilland reacted to Sedona and Thomas in I-129F November 2016 Filers   
    Hi everyone  
    I've been following very closely and quietly for the last couple months. I am so grateful to have such an amazingly positive and supportive group of people to go on this stressful and confusing journey with. 
    Today Thomas and I got approved! We received or NOA1 on Nov 3rd, and today, the 25th of Jan we finally have our NOA2. 
    Sending so many positive thoughts to everyone still waiting for their good news. And many thanks for the support and advice given so far! 
  11. Like
    CMJuilland reacted to geowrian in I-129F November 2016 Filers   
    ***Today's comprehensive update***
    Scan ran: 10:15 PM EST
    Scan finished: 11:10 PM EST
    Records: 5000
    Cases updated today: 73
    Approved: 55
    RFEs: 15
    Other: 3
    Data: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1B_oR3Imoi-VEdwVmNkNUFhS28
    *Keep in mind I'm only counting WACs from WAC1790048000 onward. Records untouched prior to this are not included.*
  12. Like
    CMJuilland got a reaction from JimJesDuma in I-129F November 2016 Filers   
    Now, that would be awesome!
  13. Like
    CMJuilland got a reaction from JimJesDuma in I-129F November 2016 Filers   
    This wait really sucks because we never know when it will finally be over. And yet, a year or so from now we will all look back thinking, in hindsight it wasn't so bad - while waiting for GC to arrive in the mail  Anyway. C'mon, CSC, choose your boxes wisely today
  14. Like
    CMJuilland reacted to Chelleyandaaron in I-129F November 2016 Filers   
    I have a feeling we'll still all be checking in - maybe a facebook group for the November 2016 filers?  so that we can share pictures of wedding anniversaries, maybe babies for the younger couples, citizenship ceremonies...
  15. Like
    CMJuilland got a reaction from llaz in I-129F November 2016 Filers   
    This wait really sucks because we never know when it will finally be over. And yet, a year or so from now we will all look back thinking, in hindsight it wasn't so bad - while waiting for GC to arrive in the mail  Anyway. C'mon, CSC, choose your boxes wisely today
  16. Like
    CMJuilland got a reaction from Chelleyandaaron in I-129F November 2016 Filers   
    This wait really sucks because we never know when it will finally be over. And yet, a year or so from now we will all look back thinking, in hindsight it wasn't so bad - while waiting for GC to arrive in the mail  Anyway. C'mon, CSC, choose your boxes wisely today
  17. Like
    CMJuilland got a reaction from JSWH in I-129F November 2016 Filers   
    This wait really sucks because we never know when it will finally be over. And yet, a year or so from now we will all look back thinking, in hindsight it wasn't so bad - while waiting for GC to arrive in the mail  Anyway. C'mon, CSC, choose your boxes wisely today
  18. Like
    CMJuilland got a reaction from Ybhamster in I-129F November 2016 Filers   
    This wait really sucks because we never know when it will finally be over. And yet, a year or so from now we will all look back thinking, in hindsight it wasn't so bad - while waiting for GC to arrive in the mail  Anyway. C'mon, CSC, choose your boxes wisely today
  19. Like
    CMJuilland got a reaction from mzladyq in I-129F November 2016 Filers   
    Congratulations! So happy for you
  20. Like
    CMJuilland reacted to narakthisud in I-129F October 2016 Filers (merged thread)   

  21. Like
    CMJuilland reacted to butterfly789 in I-129F November 2016 Filers   
    Oh my god! I just see that I have been approved!!! Oh my god! Next step : ds 150 ! 
    Wish you the best guys!
  22. Like
    CMJuilland reacted to geowrian in I-129F November 2016 Filers   
    ***Today's comprehensive update***
    Scan ran: 10:30 PM EST
    Scan finished: 11:50 PM EST
    Records: 4997 (Testing reduced my totals pre-ban to under 5k)
    NOTE: The list of K1s I used was reduced to only the first 5k records. That's where the IP ban hit, and building out my process to handle the handful of apps after that wasn't worth the  effort.
    Cases updated today: 68
    Approved: 57
    RFEs: 7
    Other: 4
    Data: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1B_oR3Imoi-V1V2LTVYeGI1ZUU
    Edit: Keep in mind I'm only counting WACs from WAC1790048000 onward. Records untouched prior to this are not included.
  23. Like
    CMJuilland reacted to mountainsea in I-129F November 2016 Filers   
    Were 14 approvals from the 500 I ran tonight for the October 31 fillers.
    I was one of them!!! Hope others here were in that group as well and that all the rest of you get approvals soon. Looks like they are at least moving some petitions after the shutdown.
    gonna go call my fiancée now
  24. Like
    CMJuilland got a reaction from Anthony and Bobby in I-129F November 2016 Filers   
    I'm using the iPhone case tracker app, and my figures come from there. VJ only is just a small part and, IMHO, not all that representative anyway... I do this each day, and I'll try to remember to post it here every day as well. 
  25. Like
    CMJuilland got a reaction from Anthony and Bobby in I-129F November 2016 Filers   
    I have held off with posting my searches on the app up until now, but I figured since I have an Excel sheet where I track it anyway, why not share the day-to-day results. Now, I haven't gone the extra mile of tracking exactly where one date starts and another date stops; using trial and error though, I started tracking K1-petitions starting at WAC1790044500 and ending at WAC1790052899 (received between Oct 28 and Nov 2). 
    Out of all these numbers, there are 836 K1-petitions, out of which 53 were rejected after about 2 days due to reasons such as failing to sign or sending an incorrect fee. As of Monday (Jan 23) night, there are 273 approvals, 131 RFEs, and 379 unworked cases (category is called other, and as far as I know cases that are withdrawn and a few other things go into the same category). 
    While 379 may sound like a horrendous figure for only 3 days, compared to 2 weeks ago (9 business days; Jan 9), they really did make a move; on Jan 9, there were 544 unworked cases. While the amount of petitions worked on each day may seem small, at least they're touching them again - as Jim and others stated already, they didn't really do anything for almost a month a couple of weeks ago. 
    Anyway, I hope you guys have a great day - and yet again: to more approvals this week!! 
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