349 -
Reputation Activity
CMJuilland got a reaction from Anthony and Bobby in I-129F November 2016 Filers
I never thought I would be that happy with an RFE, but we've just got a notification that we will get one. Too bad that it will most likely just be because of one box we forgot to tick, but at least I know for sure that they're working on it now. I'll let you guys know what it was about once my fiancée gets the letter.
Hopefully, everybody will be approved soon
CMJuilland got a reaction from Iris M in I-129F November 2016 Filers
I never thought I would be that happy with an RFE, but we've just got a notification that we will get one. Too bad that it will most likely just be because of one box we forgot to tick, but at least I know for sure that they're working on it now. I'll let you guys know what it was about once my fiancée gets the letter.
Hopefully, everybody will be approved soon
CMJuilland got a reaction from VictoriaS208 in I-129F November 2016 Filers
I never thought I would be that happy with an RFE, but we've just got a notification that we will get one. Too bad that it will most likely just be because of one box we forgot to tick, but at least I know for sure that they're working on it now. I'll let you guys know what it was about once my fiancée gets the letter.
Hopefully, everybody will be approved soon
CMJuilland got a reaction from valkyriex in I-129F November 2016 Filers
I never thought I would be that happy with an RFE, but we've just got a notification that we will get one. Too bad that it will most likely just be because of one box we forgot to tick, but at least I know for sure that they're working on it now. I'll let you guys know what it was about once my fiancée gets the letter.
Hopefully, everybody will be approved soon
CMJuilland got a reaction from Michael & Madelle in I-129F November 2016 Filers
I never thought I would be that happy with an RFE, but we've just got a notification that we will get one. Too bad that it will most likely just be because of one box we forgot to tick, but at least I know for sure that they're working on it now. I'll let you guys know what it was about once my fiancée gets the letter.
Hopefully, everybody will be approved soon
CMJuilland reacted to geowrian in I-129F November 2016 Filers
***Today's comprehensive update***
Date: 1/31/2017
Scan ran: 10:31 PM EST
Scan finished: 11:31 PM EST
Records: 5000
Cases updated today: 101
Approved: 75
RFEs: 19
Other: 7
Today's Data: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8es4j04tzi2S1U2d3RfNWxHb3c
All data: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1B_oR3Imoi-dVhQSG02YkFhVjg
*Keep in mind I'm only counting WACs from WAC1790048000 onward. Records untouched prior to this are not included.*
Not as good as yesterday, but pretty close.
CMJuilland reacted to geowrian in I-129F November 2016 Filers
Here's how the data compares to yesterday in terms of unworked cases:
Date 31-Oct 30-Oct # Touched 10/20/2016 1 1 0 10/24/2016 1 1 0 10/31/2016 63 65 2 11/1/2016 37 39 2 11/2/2016 59 78 19 11/3/2016 113 120 7 11/4/2016 82 98 16 11/7/2016 233 249 16 11/8/2016 105 120 15 11/9/2016 89 98 9 11/10/2016 136 136 0 11/14/2016 445 448 3 11/15/2016 158 158 0 11/16/2016 103 104 1 11/17/2016 168 168 0 11/18/2016 3 3 0 11/21/2016 331 331 0 11/22/2016 166 166 0 11/23/2016 158 158 0 11/25/2016 176 176 0 11/26/2016 0 11/28/2016 296 296 0 11/29/2016 121 121 0 11/30/2016 98 98 0 12/1/2016 91 92 1 -
CMJuilland reacted to Bduck40 in I-129F November 2016 Filers
We got approved just now....yeah. Thank goodness. Praying and wishing you all get approved as well soon
CMJuilland got a reaction from forena99 in I-129F November 2016 Filers
Yay, very happy for you! Congratulations
CMJuilland got a reaction from Chelleyandaaron in I-129F November 2016 Filers
Yay, congrats! So cool!
CMJuilland got a reaction from Anthony and Bobby in I-129F November 2016 Filers
I'm so so so happy for you guys!! Congratulations!! This is awesome news!
CMJuilland reacted to forena99 in I-129F November 2016 Filers
Hey everyone! I got my text at 7:30 PST today. We are APPROVED!!! Wow can't believe the day has come.
Wasn't paying attention to my phone until I was getting ready to turn in. Yup. Looks like we are making more progress! But why haven't some of you before me gotten some notice yet? Here's to more approvals tomorrow! Good Luck!
CMJuilland reacted to geowrian in I-129F November 2016 Filers
***Today's revised comprehensive update***
Date: 1/30/2017
Records: 5000
Cases updated today: 124
Approved: 79 (Woohoo!)
Other: 12
Today's Data: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8es4j04tzi2QjBCck44SVpxM3M
All data: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1B_oR3Imoi-dVhQSG02YkFhVjg
*Keep in mind I'm only counting WACs from WAC1790048000 onward. Records untouched prior to this are not included.*
CMJuilland reacted to Anthony and Bobby in I-129F November 2016 Filers
Guys...we just got approved tonight!
Application received: 11/4/2016
NOA1: 11/8/2016
NOA2: 1/30/2017
Sooo excited! Sending positive vibes to everyone still waiting :))
CMJuilland reacted to geowrian in I-129F November 2016 Filers
***Today's comprehensive update***
Date: 1/30/2017
Scan ran: 10:01 PM EST
Scan finished: 11:05 PM EST
Records: 5000
Cases updated today: 44
Approved: 0
RFEs: 33
Other: 11
Today's Data: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8es4j04tzi2OTVaeDF2NXV3bzQ
All data: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1B_oR3Imoi-dVhQSG02YkFhVjg
*Keep in mind I'm only counting WACs from WAC1790048000 onward. Records untouched prior to this are not included.*
Ouch...not a good day. There were 0 updates over the weekend as well.
CMJuilland got a reaction from mzladyq in I-129F November 2016 Filers
Congratulations to all those who have recently been approved. Very happy for you
CMJuilland reacted to Jing&Kuting in I-129F November 2016 Filers
Hi guys,
My fiance just called NVC and we have our case number. We are moving forward to medical.
CMJuilland got a reaction from Anthony and Bobby in I-129F November 2016 Filers
A few pages back, somebody asked about adjusting for foreign fiancé(e)s in the U.S. We're in the lucky position of not having to worry about that. I'm the beneficiary, and since I grew up with English (third mother tongue or, more accurately, native language), have completed two terms at an American university, and have been to the U.S. an estimated 20 times in my life, the only couple of things I will have to do once I arrive are getting a social security number, a driver's license, and a bank account, which will be taken care of in almost no time (okay, the driver's license largely depends on the DMV, and we all know how these people can make you wait... However, I will be used to it "thanks" to USCIS). Other than that, I already feel much more at home there than I do where I still live now.
For those of you who need to improve their English / need their fiancé(e)s to improve their English, I'm a linguist and a certified language instructor, and from experience, I can tell you that the more exposure a language learner can get, the faster they will learn the language. Mistakes and errors are crucial in learning a language, so don't worry about these too much. You may want to start off with easy situations such as the grocery store or filling out forms, smalltalk and having simple conversations with friends. Watching TV, especially shows that are already known, usually helps as well; in fact, that's what I suggested my mom do in order for her to understand my future in-laws when she comes over to attend our wedding. Her level of English is quite okay, but she's used to the British variety of English, and random talk is still hard for her to understand, especially when people speak at the speed they usually do when they hold a conversation. If you need any more advice, I'm more than happy to help.
CMJuilland got a reaction from amye in I-129F November 2016 Filers
A few pages back, somebody asked about adjusting for foreign fiancé(e)s in the U.S. We're in the lucky position of not having to worry about that. I'm the beneficiary, and since I grew up with English (third mother tongue or, more accurately, native language), have completed two terms at an American university, and have been to the U.S. an estimated 20 times in my life, the only couple of things I will have to do once I arrive are getting a social security number, a driver's license, and a bank account, which will be taken care of in almost no time (okay, the driver's license largely depends on the DMV, and we all know how these people can make you wait... However, I will be used to it "thanks" to USCIS). Other than that, I already feel much more at home there than I do where I still live now.
For those of you who need to improve their English / need their fiancé(e)s to improve their English, I'm a linguist and a certified language instructor, and from experience, I can tell you that the more exposure a language learner can get, the faster they will learn the language. Mistakes and errors are crucial in learning a language, so don't worry about these too much. You may want to start off with easy situations such as the grocery store or filling out forms, smalltalk and having simple conversations with friends. Watching TV, especially shows that are already known, usually helps as well; in fact, that's what I suggested my mom do in order for her to understand my future in-laws when she comes over to attend our wedding. Her level of English is quite okay, but she's used to the British variety of English, and random talk is still hard for her to understand, especially when people speak at the speed they usually do when they hold a conversation. If you need any more advice, I'm more than happy to help.
CMJuilland got a reaction from amye in I-129F November 2016 Filers
Here are my stats:
Out of the 836 cases I check daily (WAC1790044500 to WAC1790052999), there are 53 rejected, so 783 to be worked or "active cases". Out of these, there are now 342 approvals, 160 RFEs, and 281 unworked / other. Compared to yesterday, the "unworked / other" category has dropped by 46 cases. Sure, most of these were RFEs, but here are my 2 cents regarding that: as from what I remember from the Q&A with a former adjudicator and other bits and pieces of information (unfortunately, these are few and far between), RFEs are by no means as bad as "untouched / unworked". RFE-cases seem to stay pending as in open, and once the response to an RFE is received, the adjudicator responsible for the case does not have to go through the full file again; approval will happen much more quickly from here on out. As for performance reasons, adjudicators may want to approve quite a few RFE-cases in any one given day as those approvals are simple and they can easily increase their statistics in doing so.
I am 90+% sure that we will get an RFE, and telling from recent timelines, it doesn't add too much time, maybe 2-4 weeks, especially if the reply is sent in timely manner. So, bottom line is if the segment I'm checking was worked in the same fashion as it has been in the last two days, the 281 unworked cases would be cleared in almost no time, probably under 2 weeks. Happy Friday everyone, and lots and lots of hope and energy to everyone, especially those who are starting to lose their hope.
CMJuilland got a reaction from JimJesDuma in I-129F November 2016 Filers
A few pages back, somebody asked about adjusting for foreign fiancé(e)s in the U.S. We're in the lucky position of not having to worry about that. I'm the beneficiary, and since I grew up with English (third mother tongue or, more accurately, native language), have completed two terms at an American university, and have been to the U.S. an estimated 20 times in my life, the only couple of things I will have to do once I arrive are getting a social security number, a driver's license, and a bank account, which will be taken care of in almost no time (okay, the driver's license largely depends on the DMV, and we all know how these people can make you wait... However, I will be used to it "thanks" to USCIS). Other than that, I already feel much more at home there than I do where I still live now.
For those of you who need to improve their English / need their fiancé(e)s to improve their English, I'm a linguist and a certified language instructor, and from experience, I can tell you that the more exposure a language learner can get, the faster they will learn the language. Mistakes and errors are crucial in learning a language, so don't worry about these too much. You may want to start off with easy situations such as the grocery store or filling out forms, smalltalk and having simple conversations with friends. Watching TV, especially shows that are already known, usually helps as well; in fact, that's what I suggested my mom do in order for her to understand my future in-laws when she comes over to attend our wedding. Her level of English is quite okay, but she's used to the British variety of English, and random talk is still hard for her to understand, especially when people speak at the speed they usually do when they hold a conversation. If you need any more advice, I'm more than happy to help.
CMJuilland got a reaction from VictoriaS208 in I-129F November 2016 Filers
Here are my stats:
Out of the 836 cases I check daily (WAC1790044500 to WAC1790052999), there are 53 rejected, so 783 to be worked or "active cases". Out of these, there are now 342 approvals, 160 RFEs, and 281 unworked / other. Compared to yesterday, the "unworked / other" category has dropped by 46 cases. Sure, most of these were RFEs, but here are my 2 cents regarding that: as from what I remember from the Q&A with a former adjudicator and other bits and pieces of information (unfortunately, these are few and far between), RFEs are by no means as bad as "untouched / unworked". RFE-cases seem to stay pending as in open, and once the response to an RFE is received, the adjudicator responsible for the case does not have to go through the full file again; approval will happen much more quickly from here on out. As for performance reasons, adjudicators may want to approve quite a few RFE-cases in any one given day as those approvals are simple and they can easily increase their statistics in doing so.
I am 90+% sure that we will get an RFE, and telling from recent timelines, it doesn't add too much time, maybe 2-4 weeks, especially if the reply is sent in timely manner. So, bottom line is if the segment I'm checking was worked in the same fashion as it has been in the last two days, the 281 unworked cases would be cleared in almost no time, probably under 2 weeks. Happy Friday everyone, and lots and lots of hope and energy to everyone, especially those who are starting to lose their hope.
CMJuilland got a reaction from geowrian in I-129F November 2016 Filers
Here are my stats:
Out of the 836 cases I check daily (WAC1790044500 to WAC1790052999), there are 53 rejected, so 783 to be worked or "active cases". Out of these, there are now 342 approvals, 160 RFEs, and 281 unworked / other. Compared to yesterday, the "unworked / other" category has dropped by 46 cases. Sure, most of these were RFEs, but here are my 2 cents regarding that: as from what I remember from the Q&A with a former adjudicator and other bits and pieces of information (unfortunately, these are few and far between), RFEs are by no means as bad as "untouched / unworked". RFE-cases seem to stay pending as in open, and once the response to an RFE is received, the adjudicator responsible for the case does not have to go through the full file again; approval will happen much more quickly from here on out. As for performance reasons, adjudicators may want to approve quite a few RFE-cases in any one given day as those approvals are simple and they can easily increase their statistics in doing so.
I am 90+% sure that we will get an RFE, and telling from recent timelines, it doesn't add too much time, maybe 2-4 weeks, especially if the reply is sent in timely manner. So, bottom line is if the segment I'm checking was worked in the same fashion as it has been in the last two days, the 281 unworked cases would be cleared in almost no time, probably under 2 weeks. Happy Friday everyone, and lots and lots of hope and energy to everyone, especially those who are starting to lose their hope.
CMJuilland got a reaction from NatO23 in I-129F November 2016 Filers
Here are my stats:
Out of the 836 cases I check daily (WAC1790044500 to WAC1790052999), there are 53 rejected, so 783 to be worked or "active cases". Out of these, there are now 342 approvals, 160 RFEs, and 281 unworked / other. Compared to yesterday, the "unworked / other" category has dropped by 46 cases. Sure, most of these were RFEs, but here are my 2 cents regarding that: as from what I remember from the Q&A with a former adjudicator and other bits and pieces of information (unfortunately, these are few and far between), RFEs are by no means as bad as "untouched / unworked". RFE-cases seem to stay pending as in open, and once the response to an RFE is received, the adjudicator responsible for the case does not have to go through the full file again; approval will happen much more quickly from here on out. As for performance reasons, adjudicators may want to approve quite a few RFE-cases in any one given day as those approvals are simple and they can easily increase their statistics in doing so.
I am 90+% sure that we will get an RFE, and telling from recent timelines, it doesn't add too much time, maybe 2-4 weeks, especially if the reply is sent in timely manner. So, bottom line is if the segment I'm checking was worked in the same fashion as it has been in the last two days, the 281 unworked cases would be cleared in almost no time, probably under 2 weeks. Happy Friday everyone, and lots and lots of hope and energy to everyone, especially those who are starting to lose their hope.