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    greyhave got a reaction from nikaero in March 2017 AOS Filers   
    Interview tomorrow morning in San Jose. 134 days since filing 485.
  2. Like
    greyhave got a reaction from Babigau in March 2017 AOS Filers   
    Day 104 Interview scheduled for August, a month from now
  3. Like
    greyhave got a reaction from atuegwu in March 2017 AOS Filers   
    Day 92
    EAD card was delivered today.
  4. Like
    greyhave got a reaction from Babigau in March 2017 AOS Filers   
    Day 92
    EAD card was delivered today.
  5. Like
    greyhave got a reaction from Babigau in March 2017 AOS Filers   
    Day 90.
    EAD has been mailed.
  6. Like
    greyhave got a reaction from MAYNYCFiler2017 in March 2017 AOS Filers   
    Day 90.
    EAD has been mailed.
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    greyhave got a reaction from PinkCandy in March 2017 AOS Filers   
    EAD status just changed to "New card is being produced"
  8. Like
    greyhave got a reaction from Apfel in March 2017 AOS Filers   
    EAD status just changed to "New card is being produced"
  9. Like
    greyhave got a reaction from Arnel villarreal in March 2017 AOS Filers   
    EAD status just changed to "New card is being produced"
  10. Like
    greyhave got a reaction from Babigau in March 2017 AOS Filers   
    EAD status just changed to "New card is being produced"
  11. Like
    greyhave got a reaction from Babigau in March 2017 AOS Filers   
    Day 81. No change in status for I765.
    Filed service request online. Receipt said to expect a response by July 5.
  12. Like
    greyhave reacted to xbionwaddy in I-129f August 2016 Filers   
    Hi guys, I worry about what I just see on the mail track, it says delivered but the zip code doesn't match, says 75260 instead of 75266 it's OK?, we mail it to Texas on august 17 and delivered on 19 and still waiting for NOA1.
    Sorry for the english
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