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Posts posted by chris4336

  1. Thank you all for the replies. I understand this, and was doing okay with this whole process...but when he calls me crying like that i just fall apart :-( Another problem is that he clings to this belief that with my American passport I can move, live, and work anywhere in the world, which sadly is not true ("But you're AMERICAN...")

    Thanks for your support.

  2. Thanks a lot, nice to hear some kind words. The thing is I can sort out in my own head if I'm making excuses cause I want to stay here, or if these are actual legitamate reasons for staying. How long will you be staying in Algeria? How did you and your fiancee work out the plans? I find my fiancee is the one who tends to go with his heart...which is why these things are hard for him.

  3. Hey everyone, I'm the woman with the Algerian fiancee living in Spain. We are facing a long road ahead of us for a K1 visa, and just getting started with the process. This week has been a rough one for the both of us.

    He has been saying to me repetedly "Please drop/delay medical school and come here, live with me till I get the papers." Besides the fact that I do not want to give up my dream of being a doctor, there are so many practical issues this. He is not working over there, has no papers, and lives with his sister. I would be able to go to Spain on a tourist visa, and at best get a job under the table as a waitress. With no income I would need a co-sponsor for any kind of visa to the US and my parents certainly will not help me out if I drop out of medical school. I have a lease, student loans and insurance payments and very little money in my bank account.

    I have no doubt that if all our other options fail I will figure out a way to move to Spain or Algeria. However, I want to leave this as the last option, not the first.

    I feel so horribly guilty for not being there for him. Honestly I feel bad enough without him telling me about it. If things continue this way I will not even be able to study.

    Just looking for some support.



  4. Still freaking out...today I spoke with the US Embassy in Algeries, and multiple lawyers, and no one could really tell me anything except "Yeah that is going to be really difficult without a police certificate"

    My fiancee still flat out refuses to go back to Algeria, no matter how many times I tell him that people here have done it. He swears they will take away his passport and not let him travel for five years. called the Algerian Embassy in the US and they told me that if he is an Algerian citizen he can enter in his country. I know my fiancee is nervous and scared...but to be honest I don't understand what his problem is.

    Unless things change drastically by the end of the week I have no other option but to go through Spain and PRAY.

    Thanks for all the help and advice. Please keep it coming.


  5. Because of the influx of North African/African immigrants to Spain the government has made it extremely difficult for them to residency permits there. My fiancee overstayed his visa by about two years. They granted all the illegal immigrants amnesty a few years back, but he missed it. He recently applied for residency and met with a judge but was denied.

  6. We thought of that - but we met in Spain and all our time together/pictures are from Spain.

    Hello, I posted awhile back regarding my fiancee who is from Algeria, but living illegally in Spain for the past 2 years. This morning we found out that he was turned down for the legal residency. As has been discussed in the past, my main concern is getting him the police certificates. The Spanish government, from what I have read online, will not give police certificates to people who are there illegally.

    Even if he would go back to Algeria (which he does not want to do) we would still not be able to get the certificate from Spain.

    I have spoken with a few lawyers who suggest to just try it and prepare to do some kind of waiver. I am student though, and really dont have the money to blow on a lawyer for something that is unlikely (him getting the visa without police certificate).

    I would go over to Spain to be with him but #1 I just started medical school here, and #2 After 3 months we would both be illegals in Spain and that would not get us very far. I need to figure out a way to be with him in my life.

    ANY help would be appreciated. Please respond or PM me.



    That sucks. I really wish I could help you. Spain has severely cracked down on illegal immigration because of the influx of Moroccan and sub-saharan African illegals.

    Why he doesn't go back to Algeria and never get a police report from Spain and never say he lived in this Country after all he doesn't exist to the Spanish society.

    When he returns to Algeria he will have some kind of stamp on his passport that would show that he was outside of Algeria for some amount of time. I'm sure that would come up somewhere along the visa process.

    And I wouldn't advocate lying to the US Government. That would give him a ban of some sort.

  7. Hello, I posted awhile back regarding my fiancee who is from Algeria, but living illegally in Spain for the past 2 years. This morning we found out that he was turned down for the legal residency. As has been discussed in the past, my main concern is getting him the police certificates. The Spanish government, from what I have read online, will not give police certificates to people who are there illegally.

    Even if he would go back to Algeria (which he does not want to do) we would still not be able to get the certificate from Spain.

    I have spoken with a few lawyers who suggest to just try it and prepare to do some kind of waiver. I am student though, and really dont have the money to blow on a lawyer for something that is unlikely (him getting the visa without police certificate).

    I would go over to Spain to be with him but #1 I just started medical school here, and #2 After 3 months we would both be illegals in Spain and that would not get us very far. I need to figure out a way to be with him in my life.

    ANY help would be appreciated. Please respond or PM me.



  8. Hello, I posted here a few months back, and my fiancee and I are still hitting road blocks. At this point I'm looking for a good immigration lawyer. I would prefer someone who is familiar with ME/NA situations. And I'm a student so obviously money is an issue.

    Also, I think that sometimes there are organizations to help ME immigrants?

    Any suggestions???? I'm in the NYC metro area.



  9. I don't know what area you are in but in my area we have a service called Optimum Voice, which is a phone/internet service offered by the cable company. The plan is 500 minutes per month for an extra 20 on your regular phone bill - and if you want 1000 minutes 40 a month. They have assured me that it will work with a Spanish Cell phone, but I'm not sure about other countries. Maybe you want to try your long distance provider?

  10. Thank you for these links...A good one that I have found (for a beginner) is a podcast on Itunes. You can download Itunes for free and get the podcasts for free, and then put them on your MP3 player. Each week they release a Sura, but they started in the winter so they have a lot published. Each Ayah (I think that is what they are called) is read in Arabic and then translated in English. If you go to podcasts and type in "Quran Weekly" you can find it.

  11. Okay some questions...I guess mainly for the reverts, but any advice would be appreciated

    What I'm wonering is sort of "the order" of the steps you took to becoming full blown Muslim...It just seems like first I was learning the rules but they made no sense, so I started to read the Koran, and I was thinking about trying to pray, but my fiancee said it would not mean as much to me until I officially convert but obviously I don't want to officially convert until I understand the religion deeply...and I don't see how you can do that without praying and living as a Muslim?? Sometimes I just feel like I am going around in circles?

    The other thing is that some of the teachings I have read online seem completely incompatible with a lifestyle in the US...for example No Insurance? I have yet to bring this up with my fiancee, but how would it ever be possible to pay for the tremndously high cost of medical care (and also, if I died I would never want to burden my family with those bills).

    With that being said, there are aspects of the religion that are changing my life. For example, I used to be extremly concerned with what others though about me (what I said, what I was wearing, etc). Now I am beginning to focus all that energy to worrying about living a good life. I also am feeling great deal more of inner peace now that I am starting to believe that there is plan for me. In these past few months I have felt truly grateful for everyday, and that is a wonderfuly way to be living my life.

    Hope to hear about others journys...

  12. Thank you all for the wonderful replies. The outpouring of support is truly appreciated (by both myself and my fiancee).

    I am certainly going to take some time to look through all these wonderful links.

    Thank you,


  13. Hey, seems like there are a lot of Algerian people coming up on the boards. My fiancee is the one living in Spain illegally. I have brought up on multiple occassions that very few people have heard of/had a problem with this 5 years thing but he insists that his father is a police officer and that is the law. GGRRR I tell him that there are people online doing this but he just keeps saying that he won't risk it. You think there is there any way to find out for sure?

    He has a meeting with the Spanish govt july 11th to see if they will give him legal residence...if they we are good to go there but if not...i really don't know what we'll do

    curious to see how the DCF goes in Algeria...

  14. I know this is a little off topic, but I'm wondering if there are any Muslim converts (reverts) here that would be willing to speak with me? I am very interested in Islam (my fiancee has sparked this interest) but am having a really really tough time since my return to the states explaning this to anyone, friends or family, and even finding any kind of support system. Also, they are not supportive at all of my engagement (which I understand as they have never met my fiancee being that it is IMPOSSIBLE to bring him into the states).

    Just feeling like its me and him against the world, and its difficult when we are so far away, with no end in sight.

    Any support would be apprecaited.

    Thank you


  15. Don't know if I'm the only one with this problem...but I'm trying to fill out the G325A forms on my computer and it will only let me type in the information on the first page. Is it okay to print and sign 4 copies of the first page?


    Okay very stupid figured it out....

    thanks anyway

    Don't know if I'm the only one with this problem...but I'm trying to fill out the G325A forms on my computer and it will only let me type in the information on the first page. Is it okay to print and sign 4 copies of the first page?


  16. Thanks for all the advice. I know that my posts might seem all over the place, but we are just trying to figure out all our options now. He is illegal in Spain, but has an address there, and the woman on the phone told me this was he needed.

    To add more craziness to this, he now has an appointment in July with a Judge to see if they will give him legal residence...

    Tomorrow I will try to get more information from the consulate in Madrid.

    Thank you!!!!!


  17. Forgive me as I am new to this process, but I called today the Non-Immigration Visa Unit hotline in Spain, and they told me that since my fiancee does not have legal status in Spain, they will not be able to process the fiancee visa or the I-130. However, I called the embassy in Madrid and they told me that as long as he has an address in Spain they will be able to process both????

    What do you think?

  18. Hello, I'm beginning the application process with my fiancee, who is from Algeria but living in Spain. We are having a lot of difficulties with the fiancee visa, mainly because he has an overstay in Spain, and is concerned that Algeria will punish him by taking away his passport for 5 years when he returns.

    I have just begun to consider the DCF, however time is really of the essence since I'm beginning medical school in August and cannot take a vacation once that starts.

    I know that I would have to go to Algeria for the marriage and to file the I-130, but after that could I leave?? And have my fiancee take care of the rest.

    Thanks for your help,


  19. Thank you all for the advice. We have been working on this for about a month now, and this is the first time I have stumbled across any kind of community to help.

    I have spoken with a lawyer, but he was not familiar with the laws in Algeria. I guess right now our main concern is that when he goes back to Algeria, will the Algerian government let him leave (or will be be punished 5 years because of the overstay?). We are planning to get in touch with some officials or lawyers in his country this week.

    If anyone is familiar with Algerian law please let me know!

    Thanks again for the help, you have no idea how much better I feel!


  20. New to this forum and would appreciate any help people can give me.

    I met my finacee in Spain in Feb and we spent 4 amazing months together. I am back in the States starting the visa process. He is from Algeria but living in Spain illegally (2 years on a 15 day visa). He has no residency, and when I called the US government, they told me that he would need to have legal status in Spain in order to process the K1. He tells me he cannot go back to Algeria because they will not let him leave for 5 years, because he went over the time allowed on his visa to Spain.

    Are there any other options for us????



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