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Posts posted by chris4336

  1. Thanks guys for the info about dealing with Algeria, my fiance is concerned as well I just really really wanted him to get a chance to see his family. He also kind of has the belief that having anything related to the US in his passport will give him more "power" in Algeria, but I'm not quite sure that is true...I guess we will make the final decision when/if we get the Visa - but you are right it is a big risk.

  2. Thanks Henia for your support but we actually went through the Madrid embassy. But your advice about picking up the the visa at the post office is great I will make sure to tell him to do that :thumbs:

    Actually speaking of Algeria - I actually have another question. My fiance has not seen his family in Algeria in 2.5 years. He did not have the residency in Spain and therefore if he left Spain he couldn't reenter. He also was very concerned about the Algerian police force taking away his Algerian passport upon entry because he overstayed his tourist visa to Spain (I have heard different things about the truth to this, but my fiance swears its true).

    Anyway, if inchallah we get the visa I would love for him to travel to Algeria to see his family from Spain, then come to the US. Is this at all possible? I'm assuming the visa is good for entry into the US regardless of the country your flight comes out of? He is pretty scared to but I'm scared that our AOS will take really long for whatever reason. Any thoughts?

  3. Thanks Henia for your support but we actually went through the Madrid embassy. But your advice about picking up the the visa at the post office is great I will make sure to tell him to do that :thumbs:

    Actually speaking of Algeria - I actually have another question. My fiance has not seen his family in Algeria in 2.5 years. He did not have the residency in Spain and therefore if he left Spain he couldn't reenter. He also was very concerned about the Algerian police force taking away his Algerian passport upon entry because he overstayed his tourist visa to Spain (I have heard different things about the truth to this, but my fiance swears its true).

    Anyway, if inchallah we get the visa I would love for him to travel to Algeria to see his family from Spain, then come to the US. Is this at all possible? I'm assuming the visa is good for entry into the US regardless of the country your flight comes out of? He is pretty scared to but I'm scared that our AOS will take really long for whatever reason. Any thoughts?

  4. Hello all,

    My fiance had his interview in Madrid today for a K1 visa. The interview went well, and they told him that they had to call me in the US before the issued the visa. They asked for my numbers, took his passport and sent him on his way. Has this happened to anyone before? When did they call (I mean how long after the interview?) and What did they ask?



  5. Okay just heard from my fiance. He is an Algerian National who has been living in Spain for the past 2 years, but does not have permenant residency in Spain. His interview was in Madrid. He got there at 9, they called him to a counter, took all our forms but not any of our letters/cards/photos and then told him to wait. He waited 2 hours (I would have freaked out sitting there for 2 hours) then they called him for the actual interview. He said the guy was kind of "looking him over" and asked him some pretty easy questions - How did you meet your fiancee, what does she do, what do you do in Spain. They asked about the Police certificate, and my fiancee explained he could not get it because he does not have residency in Spain, and they said ok.

    Then they asked for my phone numbers, and told Mohamed that they were going to call me before issuing a Visa. Mohamed gave them my home and cell numbers. They gave him back the letter from the Medical Clinic and told him not to open it and to carry it to the US. Then they checked his address to mail the Visa and he was done.

    This sounds pretty good to me - I was really preparing for the worst. He is pretty skeptical however. I have a few questions:

    Has anyone ever had an embassy calling the USC to verify? What kinds of questions did they ask?

    I have read on these boards that the immigrant is given an envelope to carry with them to the POE - is this envelope just the medical report from the clinic or are they going to mail my fiancee another envelope with his visa?

    Is there any way to tell if they are going to run security checks on him? They did not mention anything...


    Christina :)

  6. Haha Rhama I just gave my fiance a bunch of my old CDs, cause all my music is now on my computer - these of course included 3 volumes of Jock Jams - he knew most of the songs and got all sentimental about hanging out with his friends in Algeria listening to this type of music :)

  7. Count me in on the shirt thing - I took an old sweatshirt from, which he made me promise never to show anyone because he doesn't want them thinking these are the kinds of gifts he gives me hehe.

    What really helps me sleep is excercising during the day. I know everyone is super busy but I just do like 15 min of running then 15 min of walking and I can sleep a lot better at night, and get rid of some of my stress.

  8. Thank you so much for all the Good Luck wishes!!!! It truly means the world to me (and to Mohamed). We both are pretty nervous, since we really don't know how its going to go at the Madrid embassy, because he is not a legal resident of Spain. The staff there has assured me its possible to issue him a visa even without the residency, so we are keeping our fingers crossed. (although they also make sure to remind me "It's at the discretion of the interviewer" - I'm not sure if they are telling that to everyone or just me ;) ). I am so nervous I really can't even think too much about it.

    Its gonna be a crazy month for me - Interview Wednesday, our 1 year anniversary on Saturday, Final next Monday, then my birthday next Thursday :) Hopefully we can start it off with a VISA!!!

    Again, thanks a lot to all for the wishes and for the advice throughout the months.

  9. Hey all, hope that everyone is having a good Thursday...almost the weekend!!!

    Just a random question that has been on my mind ever since I found this site. Do you think that the consulate officers ever log onto this website to check up on people or to see the reviews of their consulates? Because I used to be on a pre-med board similar to this where students share their experiences interviewing at various medical schools, and I know now that the medical schools do check out these websites (and others like facebook and myspace) during the application period. What do you guys think?

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