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Posts posted by goobies

  1. On 1/24/2017 at 0:01 PM, Grainne said:

    Our file was received August 16th, and we're still waiting. Thanking the person who sent me here, it's nice to know that it's just the service center, and not something we screwed up somehow.

    Hey! Welcome. This is Ichode from facebook...I think you are the one I spoke to on the VJ fb page. If so, I'm glad to see you here. If not, still happy to see you here! Seeing that you applied in August, I am sure you will be getting your approval very soon. Good luck, and do try your best to stay SANE. :)

  2. 45 minutes ago, Mary Lou said:

    How is everyone doing? We are almost at the 3 month mark, half way there!

    I have renewed hope! Today was the first day of my new job, AAAANNNNDDD my mother's evil boss was fired, after 18 horrible years.

    Also, a friend of ours is about to schedule his fiancee's K-1 interview in Nairobi. They are also from Uganda, so to hear they have gotten through has been a strong encouragement.


    How about you and everyone else?

  3. 13 minutes ago, sajan953 said:

    I would disagree that European filers are approved faster... Although I have noticed that Philippians do (for whatever reason) get approved fairly fast. I have talked to a few, and also if you check "timeline approvals" on this site and filter Philippens.. you will see what im talking about. 

    That's true. I mentioned Phillipinos in my original post on the old thread. 

    Actually, quite a few European applicants who filed in October have already been approved. I check multiple sites, threads and timelines. 2 Irish citizens, a Swede and a Brit, and those are just the ones i have discovered so far. Think of the ones who do not report!


    I'm Irish myself from my grandparents on both sides, and i have no opposition to any nationality. I am opposed to unequal processing times, though! 

  4. 1 hour ago, Mary Lou said:

    I was wondering if anyone else front loaded their petition? I sent quite a bit of evidence and over 50 pictures. 

    Yes, we front loaded with all the documents required in the second package except official forms and fiancial info. so I sent all the records, like birth certificate, police certificate, plus 20 photos, several sworn affidavits, and any other thing I could think of, like hospital bills, receipts, tenancy agreements, etc.


    I figure if they don't look at it, no harm done, right? All of the requirements for the I-130 are grouped together, and any anecdotal evidence is behind that.


    Good luck! 

  5. Heloo everyone and welcome new October filers.

    My husband fell and broke his elbow last week. Up to now he has not been able to find a trustworthy doctor. He has very bad swelling, pus coming from a small wound and fever at night.

    Finding safe and good medical care is not easy in our country (Uganda). Please keep him in your prayers and please be thankful if medical care is easily accessed by you and your loved ones.

    This is an extremely stressful time for us and exactly why we are so eager to get our CR Visa as soon as possible.

    Please do keep him in your prayers.

  6. Hi everyone, I sent my I-130 on Oct 28th to the Phoenix lockbox. USPS says it was received the following day (a Saturday). So far no news/text message or email.

    Waiting, waiting with........................ anticipation! :huh:

    On average looks like usually takes 4-6 days for a response, is that right?

    Hopefully nothing is wrong. :wacko:

    I bet you will get a text/email by Friday at the absolute latest. Probably more like tomorrow afternoon.

    Good luck!

  7. hey guys. welcome on this journey. i wanted to know if i can expedite my husband case due to a war in yemen. i am worried about him and wanted to know how to start the expedite process?

    Please read this thread: http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/283328-question-regarding-attempted-expedite-with-uscis/

    Also, the procedure for filing an expedite should be on the USCIS website.

    I am not an expert, nor have I filed an expedite, but I would think due to the drone strikes and what not happening in Yemen that you have a pretty good chance. I am so sorry for you guys that you have to go through an already stressful situation with added funk.

    Wishing you the best of luck, lots of higs and prayers, and keep is all updated on your case.

  8. Hi, just want to introduce ourselves.

    I am Goobie 2, USC wife, and my husband is Goobie 1, Ugandan citizen, and proud Itesot husband.

    Our I-130 was received and transferred to Nebraska Service center on October 13, 2016.

    Here is to hopes for a smooth and quick process!

  9. Welcome to all the new posters.

    Yeah, I realized there isn't much need for the app...it keeps giving me updates about other people's cases which are apparently "similar" to mine, but I have yet to spot the key factor...when something about my case has changed, I believe an email will be sent, right?

    This week I began substitute teaching. It sure makes the days go by quickly, but wow! The kids are intense! I am hoping the school year will keep me so busy that time whizzes by. Too bad it won't help my husband feel the time passes quickly.

    What are your spouses doing to feel ok about the separation and long wait times?

  10. Which app do you use? I see a few in the App Store.

    I'm trying not to check too much, for my own sanity. I will probably try to call customer service to just check in and see what's up this week.

    It is called "USCIS Case Status" by Spinach Mobile LLC

    What information can customer service give out? Are they able to tell us if they have started or what part they are on?

  11. Welcome Vantine, and congrats on getting the process started!

    I was also sent to Nebraska. There is a thread called "All Nebraska I-130 Filers". I suggest you also join that conversation. The average time for Nebraska is 5-6 months until you get the NOA-2, about one more month for them to forward you, and then it depends on your consulate how long it will be to get an interview.

    Good luck and may we all be blessed with speedy processing.

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