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Posts posted by goobies

  1. Thanks for the encouragement Estelle.

    Honey, no, you are not required to be at the interview in Nairobi. If at all possible though, and especially if you haven't had much time together, it is good to go visit again before he has his interview, and better if you can visit during the interview. It shows more involvement and support from the US spouse.

    However, I do know that there have been many East Africans approved without their American spouse being present.

    It is one of those things where if you can, by all means do it. If you can't, don't worry, but send all the evidences you have in original to him so he can take them to his interview.

    Be sure to include new phone logs and emails/chats, etc to prove you are keeping good communication during this time apart.

    Best of luck to you!

    Hakuna matata

  2. Hello folks.

    I just got this email:

    "Your case has been accepted and routed to the USCIS Nebraska Service Center for processing. Within 7-10 days by standard mail you will receive your official Receipt Notice (Form I-797) with your Receipt Number".

    So i have officially joined your lot. It seems this is the least desirable center to be sent to.

    Do you have any tips for us?

    By the way, my husband is Ugandan.

  3. Greetings and welcome everyone. I searched but did not see this thread already created so made my own. I am eager to meet those of you starting on this journey as the same time as us.

    After 6 days of 12+ hours compiling everything for the I-130 package, I got to the post office just to find they were already closed! Fortunately, we have a postal plus office who were able to get my package labeled, and it will be on the first truck out tomorrow morning.

    My husband is from Uganda, so we Will be interviewed at the Nairobi embassy.

    Please, let's make an active community and cheer each other along the way.

    Best of luck to us all!

    The Goobies

  4. Greetings to you all,

    I am asking for advice from Ugandan couples who have already been approved for their CR-1 Visa.

    Should I overload my I-130 package?

    We have been together for 1 year and 5 months, most of the time living together in Uganda, and married for 1.5 months. I have receipts and leasing agreements from those apartments, as well as other receipts, lots of photos in Uganda with him and his family, and medical bills with both our names, spanning almost that whole period.

    We also want to include sworn affidavits from 3rd parties, and have them from both our mothers, friends and family who contributed to our wedding costs, other friends and church members who have given their detailed accounts of our relationship, and even a letter written by the LC-1 of our village stating that I was living with my husband's family back in November of 2015. In total, they are 10.

    We also have plenty of Western Union receipts from my mother sending us money under my husband's name, and from me to him when I was in the USA.

    Then there are thousands of facebook messages and phone call logs that we could include from when I came to the USA.

    How much should we include of each category of evidence? Is there such thing as too much? What exactly did you guys include in your own packages?

    Please give us your best advice as we want to mail off our package no later than next Monday, the 10th.

    With thanks in advance,

  5. Thank you for the great encouragement. Yes, we have lived together for 10 months in Uganda.

    The reasons for moving so much is because it is hard to find good (and by this I mean safe and clean) places to live. You always have to pay 3 months in advance, so if it turns out the place is not good after you have paid, you must wait it out until the 3 months is over, or lose all that money. We have finally, just now, found a wonderful place that I am sure we will be in until the visa process is over.

    I'm not sure if you understood the part about my divorce...we got married immediately after the Divorce Absolute was issued. I hope it will not be too much of a problem. We have both written statements about how we met while I was separated from x.

    Otherwise, thank you so much for the encouragement. I am grateful that we have been able to live together for so long. Your remark has given us a new wave of hope.


  6. Greetings everyone,

    We hope this message finds you all well and moving along on your visajournies.

    We are about to send off the first package of forms and information, and just wanted to see if the evidences we have seem to be enough...

    What we have:

    Several photos with both of us as well as family members.
    Random receipts from electronic, vet, restaurant, hotel, rent payments
    A leasing contract from our most recent abode
    Letters of Support from various family and community members stating how they know us, etc
    My boarding passes and visa stamps to Uganda
    Greeting cards and wedding cards from family members
    Letters to each other
    Facebook chats
    Phone logs from the US showing me calling Uganda
    Joint bank account from Uganda (but it doesn't have much money, and we aren't including the statements, just a letter from the manager)

    What we DON'T have:

    Proof of joint property (we have a car together but in UG you can't put two names on the title)
    Joint bank account in the USA

    Another concern, we have moved around, literally every three months, while living in Uganda. Is this going to look strange? Is there anything else we can possibly do before I send this package off?

    We just want to get as much evidence as possible sent off in the first package. Because we got married right after my divorce was finalized, we are a bit worried that it will be a huge red flag. We have both written letters about how we met when I was already separated, how he went through the whole divorce process with me, and how my family also knows the details of my divorce and meeting my husband while separated from the x.

    I hope this is not too rambling and that you can help suggest anything that might come to mind which could help the credibility or whatever of our case.

    The Goobies

  7. Hello,

    I know this post is very old, but I an not seem to find the link to make a new post. i hope this is seen by someone!

    So I am an american Citizen living in Uganda, of which the USCIS Nairobi field office has jurisdiction over.

    We are desperately trying to get an appointment at the office so we can be approved for DCF, but we can never get ahold of the Consular section by phone, and the person emailing us from the consular email apparently has no idea what they are talking about. I feel like I am writing to a robot, because they keep giving me the same answer, over and over again.

    Do we just show up at the USCIS office and drop off the I-130 or what???

  8. Thanks to all the insightful answers!

    We got married two weeks ago, and it feels wonderful. We are now gathering all of our paperwork and trying to get an appointment with the Kampala Embassy. IF they approve it, we could actually file via DCF at the Nairobi field office. It covers all east African countries. I just need to first get the darn appointment scheduled and then gather all my supporting evidence of being a resident in Uganda.

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