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Posts posted by AFQuaid

  1. Meauxna, TY for the wire transfer suggestion that's what we'll do!

    I've written many places that concern the benefits I recieve over the past year to see if I would be intitled to any of which I recieve now to continue when I move. :( I ended up with 4 letters from 4 different places all saying I cannot continue to recieve Disability Living Allowence the only thing they told us there was a loophole in was the incompacity benefit I recieve. They sent us a form which I'm currently filling in which could enable me to at least obtain £90 fortnightly if it is accepted. But the odd thing is the form is written as if I would be returning to the UK and there is no where to place a foreign back account number. So I've just had to attach a letter. I have a gut feeling they misunderstood me and this form is for people going on holiday. But can do but try! :)

    Yes Pensions can be payed to the US :) my parents looked into that as they think they may retire over with us.

    We all get past hurdles eventually one jump at a time.

    Good news is....Andys new place is finally ready and they're moving in as I type.

    Nice to hear from you.


  2. Hello Stina & Everyone :)

    I remember reading an article on M.E a good 4 months ago where it was proved for the first time it is a REAL disease because there were Physical findings in a postmortan examination where the spinal cord was inflammed. I jumped for joy when I read this not because of the patients death but because it was proved once and for all. I used to have alot of friends with ME/CFS/FM and myself suffer from a similar state of chronic pain and fatigue associated with a muscle condition. Sometimes doctor can be total chopf###s just because they cannot "see" the condition therefore it must be a figure of that individules imagination. I like many with a medical condition that is misunderstood have been told I'm a hypercondriact because I expressed I had breathing issues and heart palpitations. My neurologist did nothing and left me to get on with it after insulting me. Later that year I got so bad I had to call a doctor out in the middle of the night to be eventually diagnosed with chronic untreated asthma.

    I think you are very brave to have kept fighting for an answer. I imagine you probably feel overwelmed right now but relieved in a way about having a "name."

    Check out this. It's a lovely story I'm sure you could relate to.



  3. Hiya,

    I've touched on this topic around a month ago in another forum.

    My fiance and co-sponcer live in the same household in which I will be going to also. I hope to be leaving the UK for CA USA with my K-1 visa this October. But they are moving to a bigger house, infact any day now.

    I was advised in the other thread to just slip a note in with my AOS packet when I send it to say all 3 of us are at a different address than we've been saying on the forms upto now. BUT I've just noticed whilst rummaging in the VJ download section there are two change of address forms. One apparently for the sponcer and one for the alien.

    The advice given here on VJ was based on the fact I'm in the "grey area" between K-1 & AOS so I completely understand the advise. But now seeing the existance of such forms I'm wondering if I need to be using those or just do as previously advised. I don't want to get into trouble. We were unsure if he would get the new rented accomidation at the time of my interview so I didn't mention it.

    London are currently not responding to emails unless the person has been officially instructed to follow up an issue by email.

    Has anybodys fiance + co-sponcer moved inbetween K-1 & AOS? What do I do?

    Plus if you advice we use the forms seen in VJ download section, does the "sponcers" version need to be filled out one for my fiance and one for my co-sponcer?


  4. Hiya Everyone,

    Looks like it's time to step finally after 8 months into the Moving To America forums! We're currently in the process of moving money, house and packing

    So here's whats happened so far. Good & Bad.

    Ok so we used Western Union to transfer funds bit by bit to their local in Stockton, CA. My dad sent 1 to my future mother in law and another to my fiance. Big confusion over that, I wasn't able to go do it myself and I had forgotten to tell him whos name to put it in. So he just writes Judys. The thing is they're moving house right now to accomidate 2 wheelchairs but the place isn't ready yet and it was suppost to be Sept 1st. So obviously there they were thinking they're moving in there so put in their 30 day notice which ran out on the 1st! So no where to go they had to ask Andys brother Jon & his wife if they both could stay for a "few days." They're still staying with them Sept 8th cos the place isn't ready still. The owners suppost to give them some sort of refund but he's not saying howmuch. Because of all the "find SOMEWHERE ANYWHERE" to live issue the money sent to Judy couldn't get picked up for 2 weeks. Andy was worried and instructed me to send the rest in his name so he could cos Judys got her handsful. So we sent the next transfer and Andy picked it up just fine at Safeway in Stockton. Then Judy goes the same day for her lot and this asian lady plain out refuses to process the transfer because it's from England? We all still don't understand that. So ontop of everything Judy had to go to the other side of Stockton to pick up the 1st transfer and got it fine.

    Next dramatic event happened yesterday when Andy had to attempt to open a bank account over there with my name on it. See months ago I got some forms for the National Benefits & Pensions Office so "try" (doesn't mean it'll be garenteed) and at least get my incompacity (high band) benefit payed in the USA till I get my Greencard. Luckily Andys sister-in-law works at the Bank World Savings and after her and Andy asking near every worker in the building they found a loophole in the system to enable my name without a SSN to be put on a bank account as long as long as I go to the bank myself when I obtain a SSN to get it done properally. So my names sorta on the account temperarily. Plus Andy now has to FedEx asap a batch of bank forms for me to sign and send back asap. Andys flat on his back in bed today because he's in agony because he's been pushing himself trying to get everything sorted. I then find out even with a bank account number and name on the account the form for the benefit requires a definite date of departure from the UK. Low and behold the travel agent we're going through John Proctor Travel is going on leave till the 18th and we plan to fly the 10th of October! Plus they won't except cheques...so dad is having to help me out here and transfer what we have into my parents account in order to pay by debit card, to pay for the flights, to confirm the date for the benefits.....*breaths.*

    THEN if we're not struggling finacially enough Andys old apartment complex management phones them up and say him and his mom owe them 800$ !!!!!!!!!!! to replace the carpet cos of his chair cos he couldn't get in door ways easily. WHICH btw when they moved in that place in the beginning they said it wouldn't be a problem if the carpet was stuffed or paint chipped off the doorways as they knew it was a tight squeeze for his wheelchair. In fact part the reason he's moving is so he could have access to more than the livingroom. Poor guys had to sleep in the livingroom in his old place.

    As it is Andy & Judy are stuck in Jons and his sister-in-laws dining room, with judy on the sofa and his hospital bed shuved up against a wall. A screaming toddler running around and stressed upto the eyeballs because we just all remembered Andy goes into hospital on monday to try a c-pap machine to help his breathing.

    :( I hope we get some luck come our way soon. This is getting rediculas. I know we'll get through it but ya can't help thinking OMG.....ARRG!

    Hope anybody else moving to the US with their K-1 is having an easier time lol.

    If ya don't laugh ya cry...


  5. My fiance and I are in the same boat. Though we've just transfered around 1k pounds sterling using Western Union. They're VERY good. Andys had no problems picking up the transfer from his local Western Union in California USA from England.


  6. This is a very interesting thread. It reminds me of a fillable form way back last year thats only option for citizenship, place of birth and current residence the only drop down option was the long "United Kingdom/N. Ireland." I later disguarded using that particular fill in document as I was adviced here somebody went to their interview with it and got a telling off. I'm sure it wasn't for that reason but it made me think of it. Then I decided to just fill the form in by hand from one of the packets when I actually got them ...with Scotland as my birthplace and England UK as my current country of residence and of course a british citizen.

    I wish the "UK" would just be a dang state of the US it'd be so much more simplier. But here's somebody here who thought Seatle was a state *runs.*

    Fiona :)

  7. :) My fiance and I are part of a virtual enviroment/world called There.com and Second Life. It helps us feel more "together" than apart at times. Anyways because we both have Muscular Dystrophy Andy had set up his own club inside "There" and we got lots of donations for the MDA Telethon (that ran today). Not alot of people in the virtual enviroment understand Andys views and he's had alot of negative opinions. With all his efforts to raise money for this years telethon alot thought he wouldnt deliver the goods! Well There.com thanks to Andys club raised $136 this year and since seeing this video


    Donations via There.com have been recieved since to start the collection for next year where he'll phone up the telethon again on the communities behalf. I just wanted to post this as a sort of motto thing that even if your opinion of somebody isn't good, they can still be a good person. I hope now people on that other website begin to see the "real" andrew. My hubby to be. BTW thats his mom yelling YEAAAH in the background.

    Fiona (giggle)

  8. On the behalf of myself and my fiance Andrew we'd like to officially announce with tears in our eyes and joy in our hearts. The visa we applied for on September 30th 05, and the heart breaking reality in that we haven't seen or touched each other since independance day of that same year. We have finally come to the shining light that represents without a doubt in my mind. Heaven can truely be found here on Earth. That black tunnel of struggle, depression and sheer desperation to bring the future closer is behind us now, all we see is our future in the form of the K-1 Visa in my hand as I type. The mysterious envelopes we've heard so many people obtain before us. If we could see all of you here on VJ who have supported us we'd be throwing one heck of a party right now. We truely won't ever be able to thank everyone enough. Without you all despite it's taken a few days less than a year to get this far I wouldn't of been able to contact the travel agent today to check when I can go "home." Without our generous friends who visit our site we actually wouldn't of been able to afford the way back home and I'd be writting one hell of a sad post right now.

    I raise a virtual toast to everybody who has been through and contining to battle through immigration to be with the one they love. I believe if you can get through this as a couple you can tackle anything. This was for sure the biggest challenge myself and Andy have ever done in our lives.

    Estimated Date for going home to my man; October 10th 2006

    In other news (sees as I'm redoing the website) Andrew is in a new house, it's half of a duplex living right next to his brother, brothers wife, our gorgeous niece hayleigh and have a new niece/nephew on the way. This house inables us to have a place of our own with a carer which we hope we can be more independant in. We continue to strive through life and hopping every obstical. It took him 4 months to be able to get a new place like this one and it truely does sound perfect. Though we are still struggling finacially to purchase equipment after this I really do believe we'll get there in the end.

    Thank you all again. :yes: We'll see you in the AOS forums shortly!


    Fiona & Andrew

  9. I like this thread. lol!

    On my interview I chose to wear a pair of ladies smart black trousers, pair of trainers, summer green top, gillet and accidently ...part of the sandwich I bought whilst waiting (No joke). Nobody was fussed though. But I gotta admit I personally felt out of place because near everybody was in business suits. Except people who I could clearly tell were americans they wore the jeans!

  10. Hi Guys,

    I took with me a "handwritten" lol letter from my GP that briefly goes over my medication, my current health and any medical issues. The doc at knightsbridge was fine with it.

    You two will be fine.


    PS the doc at knightsbridge really likes it when you DO provide some form of letter. He told me alot of people don't even with whats considered a minor background illness or not so strong medication. It's best to have backup so he cannot argue with a darn thing OR question your answers because you know the health profession. It has to be there in black and white.

  11. I emailed the US Embassy of London today to check my medical report had arrived and to ask when my visa would be issued. To recieve this automatic responce;






    This e-mail address is solely for individuals who have been authorized

    to contact the Consular Information Unit about a specific matter.

    This address is not for general inquiries from the public, attorneys or

    agents of record. Unauthorized inquiries will be deleted without


    Highly detailed visa information is available from the Embassy's


    at http://london.usembassy.gov. Due to our heavy workload, we cannot

    respond to email inquiries when the subject matter is addressed on the


    We also cannot respond to requests for expedited processing, or

    nonimmigrant visa "case status" inquiries which are still within the

    estimated time frame given on the website, or by the interviewing

    Consular Officer, whichever is longer.

    If you still have questions after reading all of the content on the

    website, please call the Embassy's Operator Assisted Information


    for personalized service. Contact information can be found on this

    page: http://london.usembassy.gov/cons_new/visa/index.html.

    What the heck?


  12. It's RFE...means Request For Evidence or Further evidence. Basically its when the embassy whats more information on something inparticular that is too brief or is incorrect. It's all explained what needs to be changed/done/sent/obtained in the RFE letter.

    edit: doesn't have to be just the embassy who can sent those ..I do believe actually *corrects self*


  13. Hi Everybody,

    We've had quite a few PMs regarding our visa and what's going on now so I thought I'd do an update today.

    After my interview & medical remember I was told I had to have the 1st dose of the Hepatitus B vaccine in order for the visa to be issued because I am under 19 years old. This caused much debate between my family and of course our friends here on VJ whether I actually "do NEED" this vaccine for the visa rather than AOS or not.

    Origionally the lady at the Alliance Medical Center said I could have it done at my local GPs office. But apparently they don't have a stock of the vaccine but did "promise" to do there best and get back to me. Well they did get back to me eventually but :whistle: THANKS TO ANDREA here on VJ! Who so kindly PMed me with an address and telephone number of a lovely little medical place in Stockport I had already booked an appointment which was today. It was a good job too because 2 days after Andreas PM the GPs receptionist phoned back to say "they don't do it there." Well I already knew that! Some people....

    So I order the same ambulance company to take me to Stockport for a 5pm appointment. They were suppost to turn up at 4pm on the dot. They were 20 minutes late and the guy didn't know where he was going. So again like the day to London but to the outskirts of Manchester this time, the ambulance man jumped constantly in and out the vehicle every few miles to ask for directions to where this medical center was. Plus this man is quite old and drives at the pace of a tortoise. I swear he was waiting for the traffic lights to turn GREEN to start slowing down. Anyway it got to 5:20pm and apparently the medical center phoned up our house and my dad answered. Obviously worried where we got to. He phoned us to say that they were closing at 6pm. Panic! Not only were we now lost but it starts thunderstorming. We finally find the place at 6:10pm as the place was closing. We burst through the door to a startled receptionist cos we were dripping wet and let the wind/rain in the door.

    She gave me a form to fill in which I didn't expect and I couldn't answer half the questions. GPs surgery address, telephone number, vaccination names and dates already recieved. I didn't have this on me and was kicking myself. Which was no point because when we were finally called in she didn't even look at it. She gave me the shot and rabbited on about how we held everybody in the center up and I felt so bad :( . Saying people wanted to get home to their families its real late. :angry: though there was a part inside me that wanted to say back "WHAT DO YOU THINK IM HEAR FOR? I WANNA GO HOME TOO. " I mean I'm greatful they stayed open and all but this doc REALLY let me know how much of an inconvience it was for everybody. So much so most of the talk in the 10 minute period I was in the room was filled with her rabbiting on about it.

    Then I toss her the letter from the Alliance Medical Center saying they need confirmation that I have this jab from them and she stares at me and saying "We closed our fax machines etc down." She was about to hand it back to me when I ever so kindly suggested she do it another day. It didn't matter WHEN it just mattered that it was done. She hesitently accepted my suggestion, gave me a HEP B sideeffects sheet and we left.

    So now we're at the stage where all that needs to be done is her confirmation sent to London, and London sending it to the Embassy then....





    Thank you everybody for all your help. We couldn't of got through our visa journey without you guys!


  14. No, they mean

    Passport photos - swap the word attach with "pair together" same with the police and birth certificate. They just want you to have the papers in order so at the interview you're not fiddling around trying to find them in a bundle of paperwork. I suggest getting a little envelope for your passport photographs.

    DON'T attach the passport photographs to any paperwork they do that at the window. DON'T attach any other paperwork together.

  15. You totally didn't do anything wrong, I mean c'mon you payed to sit there and your man. Not your fault you were placed around people who obviously have a problem with public displays of affection. Honestly I feel bad for her kids, if they're like that there children are most likely going to act the same way when they grow up and assume affection in public is "dirty." Sounds like those sort of parents who never hug their own children or kiss em goodnight nevermind their own partner. *shakes head.* I'm really glad you turned around and pointed out to her that you weren't in the wrong and her kids aren't witnessing anything vulgar. You GO GIRL! If It would of been me and Andy, he'd of probably gone and complained about that lady. I hate confrontation myself I would of sat and look dumbfounded despite wanting to probably have a right go at her.

  16. Hiya,

    Not sure what forum this belongs in because we're between K-1 and AOS.

    We had our interview August 9th, Approved pending medical results. Haven't actually got the visa delivered yet but the thing is Andys movin' house on September 1st. Does anybody know who I contact about the change? Whether I just write a covering letter or is there a "change of address" form for the USC. I'll be living in the new place with him when the visas issued. Do I just email the US Embassy of London or? :help:


  17. Hi Again,

    Just hoppin' back on in here to answer about the Hep AOS question.

    According to the lady at the Alliance Medical Imaging Center who looked over my vaccine paper she seemed to think it was "odd" that I didn't realise I needed this for the medical. I didn't know! I cannot remember reading anywhere about the Hep B and you know me I went to my GP months ago and argued with them to give me the MMR booster and polio etc. Apparently because of my age (under 19s) I need to have AT LEAST the 1st dose of this vaccine..in order to satisfy immigration officials. BUT she did say the 2nd and 3rd dose that completes this vaccine could be done in the USA for AOS those last two weren't needed for the K-1 just the first dose. It sounded a bit odd to me too but the letter says the same thing.

    I'm going to look up the yellow pages for private doctors tonight and make some phonecalls monday morning. Thank you everybody for you help!

    *fingers crossed*

    Out of all the medical mess I never thought my problem would be a Hep B vaccine lol.


  18. Hiya Gang,

    Thank you everybody for your comments and congratulations. It really means alot to us.

    We've hit another problem though which I'm sure we'll leap over but we need some help. I've asked in the UK forum but people there are not aware of my case or story. If this thread needs to be moved Ewok go ahead.

    I phoned up my GP this morning as you may remember I need the Hep B vaccine (only the 1st dose) to complete my approval. The lady at the medical center gave me a letter to hand over to my GP to say that by immigration requirement I need this vaccine. The reason I DID NOT get it done whilst at the medical center down in London was I DID NOT have the money on me and wasn't aware I missed a vaccine till the day.

    The problem is folks I phoned up the GP, they said that because the vaccine isn't "cost effective" for the NHS they actually don't have a stock of the Hep B available although I'm willing and have the money to pay for it now. I can get the 2nd and the 3rd dose done in the USA. But I need the 1st to get the visa issued. What are my options?

    The letter the lady gave me is directed at my own GP and it needs to be returned with it stamped or signed or a letter confirming I had to vaccine FAXed back to the medical center in London and they'll inform the Embassy to complete the issuence of my visa. But my GP doesn't have the vaccine. The lady at the reception desk of the GP surgery said she'd "do her best" and get back to me but I don't know when! Or how she could sort this if they have no supply. She was on about they might do it as a "one off"...key word "might."

    How long do you suggest I wait for her to get back to me? Who and where could I possibly get this vaccine in the Manchester area now? I cannot possibly go back down to London. Somebody in the UK thread (though misunderstanding) suggested I look up the yellow pages and get a private doctor to do it but will they accept they need to return this letter that is aimed at MY GP?



  19. I need the Heppitutis (sp?) B vaccine to complete my approval for the K-1 (as posted in the Embassy area) but my GP will not supply it where can I go? I'm willing to pay but dunno where to turn to to obtain it as required if my own GP says he don't have it because it isn't cost effective. The lady at the medical center offered to give it me there but I didn't have the money on me and going back to London ISN'T an option.

    Help. Manchester area anybody know?


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