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Posts posted by rncarterjm

  1. After Claudeth had been here for two weeks we applied and it took about another two weeks to get the card. Once we were married we applied for an EAD card and when the EAD card arrived we went back to social security and applied for her name change. They told us they would need acknowledgement from USCIS and that is what the EAD did for us. It took us another 6 weeks to get her new card with her married name.

    I waited exactly 2 weeks after i arrived to apply and i got it in another 2 weeks

  2. We applied on July 12 and received a letter yesterday saying that the card should arrive within 2 weeks.

    Hopefully you are close too! If you've got the time, an office visit wouldn't be a bad idea, IMO.


    So do you suggest that i wait unitl the end of the month to go back to the office or should i go NOW!!!!!! i applied for the SSN on the 20th of july

    thank you

  3. Only the household members that she claims on her taxes count. So if she has any children then they count. If her parents work they do not count for the total.

    When she files her taxes how many dependents dose she claim? That is the number that she states when filing afidavit of support.

    If this is for Adjustment of Status see the new I-864EZ instructions clearly states the difference between dependants and non dependants.

    I live in a home of 3 but when filing this form I will only claim myself and my fiance because the other members of my house hold do not claim me as a dependent and nither do I claim them as dependents only my fiance will count as a dependent.

    Dose this make sence?

    thank you so much for this information you make much sense because she doesn't have any children the people in her household are her parents and her brothers and sisters.

  4. Does nobody else in the household earn a wage? If not, then with 7 household members, the poverty guideline is ~$30K. Your wife needs to meet 125% of the poverty guideline, so she doesn't earn enough. You will need a cosponsor if nobody else in the household earns any money.

    If other household members earn money, then their income can be added to your wife's income to get it above the poverty level.

    YES her da works and my wife is not the main earner of an incoome in the house her dad as that responsibilty so her income doesn't affect the bills of the household

  5. Good morning,

    Also check USCIS/Embassy Reviews - Kingston embassy experiences are posted there also.

    Good luck!

    when i went to my interveiw the guy asked me alot of questions, he asked me stuff like.....

    1. which college did my fiancee attend?

    2. does she have any children

    3.will i be able to get a job in my field of study?

    4.how much people live in her household?

    5. how did we meet each other?

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