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Trompe le Monde

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Posts posted by Trompe le Monde

  1. 30 minutes ago, Eric-Pris said:

    I just watched Darcy and Stacy Tell-All show.  I'm 5 IQ points dumber for having done so.  Unwatchable.  The Pillow Talk is even worse, all of them gushing to see Tom, Jessie, and Georgi.  :rofl:

    So unwatchable you watched an edited version of the same thing only a few hours later!.....(hey, I'm not judging, I am a 90 day completist except for maybe that ####### they did with 90 day people in lockdown, so.......)

  2. You need a pre-departure test - within 3 days of departure of vaccinated and within 1 day if not. You need copies of vaccination status (if vaccinated) and a copy of your test results. Depending on what airline he is flying out on, he may be able to upload these on the Verifly app - I flew on BA, which partners with this app, UK-US last week - you can check in online if the docs are uploaded there (allow 4 hours or so from time of upload) otherwise you need to check in at the airport and supply copies there.

  3. I bet libby's sisters and Charlie&Meghan goaded her into it so they could have a bigger platform for their onlyfans accounts


    obviously natalie of mike and natalie wanted to launch her US media career to get her out of woods

    so many of the broke ### men (horrible paul of paul and karine, david of david and annie, etc) probably did it for the TLC money


    Why did Colteeeee do it I wonder?

  4. 15 hours ago, kkmk said:

    omg i loved that expression, never heard of it before and i am totally adopting it


    now who's watching 90 day fiance the other way? i'm loving it


    corey and evelin: borefest, please let them go away. but i also root for corey to dump evelin and go to the colombian girl or peruvian girl i don't remember

    sumit and jenny: entertaining...sumit calling astrology a science LOL i wonder if sumit paid the astrologer to tell them not to rush into marriage lol will sumit ever marry jenny? why is jenny wanting to live in india as opposed to bringing sumit to the us? i kinda think sumit is a bit checked out of this relationship already, i think he wants to drag it as much as he can for the tlc paycheck

    ellie and baba (victor): yes please. she must really love that dude to let go of his betrayal...i'm rooting for her. ellie's pizza co-worker is..weird

    steven with a v and alina: looking forward to their storyline, steven is quite a figure and alina seems very sweet. i'm quite impressed that steven learned russian because that's pretty rare for the americans to actually learn a new language even if they lived abroad lol

    ari and bini: i always feel like fast-forwarding their bits. bini seems like such a sweet guy but idk because i fast-forwarded his bits in the previous season lol what's up with inviting the ex to visit and stay at your house with your husband? hmmmmm i wouldn't be able to take it as well as bini did. clearly ari lacks empathy, i don't think she'd take that well if bini were to do the same to her. also, ari has been living this entire time in ethiopia and said she hasn't tried their typical dishes yet...uh?


    what are you guys' take?






    Pretty good takes - yes corey must dump evelyn

    I like that Jenny got called "an elder" by the astrologist

    rooting for ellie - but this is not going to end well, is it?

    steven is going to be this seasons syngin - look at how WAAACCKKEYYY  I am

    Ari is one of the many female 90 Dayers who thinks she is really cultured, sophisticated and global but is actually a selfish and clueless. see also: tanya who is married to syngin and that christian child bride singer with the spanish dude. But to be fair to Ari Bini did play butt bongos with his ex in a nightclub, so.....


  5. I think she's like 52. by comparison, courtney cox, who looks amazing and is not crazy is 57.


    steph does look good but she needs to lose the pigtails and other cutesy affections


    No dude would accept some ex deciding to turn up in ethiopia of all places


    and someone tell corey to run off with jenny from peru. evelyn is NOT all that

  6. Thoughts on the tell-all part 2:


    Yara vs Tammy in a cage fight - I would pay money to see that

    While Angela looked like the Kool-Aid man in her red jumpsuit Kolini looked amazing in hers (note to the ladies, only a select few can pull off a jumpsuit in any color)

    Was Jovi's punishment for blowing kisses at a stripper being forced to give Yara a foot rub on national television?

    How does one of the 90 Day universe's most flawed males, Ronald, suddenly become a relationship expert when talking about other people?

    Does Charlie not realize he probably peaked in high school? He is probably relieved that Only Fans reinstated porn though I can't imagine it was a good income stream - who wants to pay for that?

    Libby - no  more pleather

  7. 7 hours ago, Nature Boy 2.0 said:

    So what yall think of Natalie now. She got cold busted about having a new man

    lol. Busted by Jovi of all people, last seen blowing a kiss to a stripper in front of his wife. Anyway, Natalie is cray cray but most women would be too if they had to live with Mike and have Trish breathing down their neck:


    Natalie: there was naked woman with boobs in his phone

    Trish: what were you doing in his phone?


    I'm just going to put this here:


    r/90dayfianceuncensored - No just no

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