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Togbega II

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Posts posted by Togbega II

  1. Thank you for this info jahk... I was very nervous myself about my fiance having trouble with being denied once in January for the b2. He of course, as many are, denied because of insufficient 'binding ties' and monetary support in Ghana. We did the b2 so he could see and experience America before sending him back to Ghana to start on the longer and more arduous process of the k1. Little did we know (weren't members of this site yet) those always get denied. He will answer this truthfully and hopefully it will work out for us...

    U are most welcome. I believe all will go well for you. Having gone through mine without any flaws is the same thing i wished for every VJ member. All that we are all fighting and yearning for is to be with our loved and dear ones. It is well.

  2. Hello VJ Members,

    I have been quietly following this site for sometime while my fiancé and I prepared for our K1. I wanted to spring up a surprise on how helpful you have been, but as usual, every one who goes to the embassy in Accra is considered fraudulent. Just a summary of our journey below.

    We have been together since 2009 (he was separated at the time). He has visited Ghana in 2009, 2010, 2012 and he's currently here. in 2011 when I was denied a B2 visa, His sister invited to London on vacation - where he proposed.

    We filed in November 2012, got an RFE in June and was approved in July. Our interview in Accra was on October 30, and my fiancé came with me. At window 1, our documents were collected by a nice gentleman who kind of conducted his own version of an interview. He was so nice that, I really got relaxed before getting to the CO.

    However, the CO was so rude (my opinion), I couldn't here most of his questions very well - so it later seemed I was contradicting myself. He seemed to have made up his mind before I got there, and after about 10mins, he said "I don't believe your relationship is genuine. Bring back more evidence on November 21st". I had three people go for K1 visa's before me, and they were all asked to come back with further evidence.

    Some of the questions he asked were;

    • How did you meet (with counter questions. I wasn't able to finish answering before he asked another).
    • When did he immigrate to the US?
    • Who invited him (I wasn't too sure of this at the time).
    • Have you ever applied for a US visa? (yes)
    • Who invited you? (a family friend)
    • Has your fiancé been married before? (Yes).
    • Does he have a child? (Yes)
    • don't you have any other form of communication apart from phone? (No, we are always talking on phone).

    Possible Red Flags:

    • I have been denied a B2 visa twice in one year
    • My fiancé is 16 years older than me (he doesn't look it though, and I don't care).

    Documents we took along;

    • A ton of Call Records since 2009
    • Copies of boarding passes and passport stamps.
    • A few pictures ( am no a fan of pics, and most of those we have greyed out)
    • Affidavits from my mother and his cousin through whom we met

    My fiancé has changed his travel plans to stay and go back with me for the second interview. We are both confused as to what more evidence they need. Maybe my nervousness killed it, but isn't it normal? I can't forge any documents, what I have is what I took to them. Should I take the same things back, and maybe more pics of us now that he is here? They held on to our pictures, but gave the other evidence back. When the CO asked for our London pics, he took them to the back for a while before returning. It was also evident that he was talking to some one behind the pillar every few mins - what does it mean.

    What are our chances of being approved at the second interview? Your usual great advise will be appreciated. I am so tired.

    AM VERY SORRY for your situation. I believe all isnt lost yet. If i were to be the CO, i would have denied you the visa cos your evidence submitted was below par. From 2009 up to date has been that long for you to have evdence in abundance.

    Neverhteless,the age difference isnt a red flag at all. My fiancee is 15 years old than me and that didnt feature in my interview. What i can tell is a sure bet for a red flag is the B2 visa denial twice in a year. The implication here is that since the B2 didnt work, you want to try other alternatives.

    I would suggest that, whilst your fiance is around with you for the time being until your next interview, you should try and take more pictures. Pictures with only both of you is not advisable; take pics with friends and family members at different times and places. Moreover, if you have letters between the two of you add them and the envelopes with the stamps on them. Dont forget to add any cards sent to each other. Make sure to check your phone number on his phone records. Try and also go to your telecom network operator here in GH for your phone records for only your fiance's number.

    As for the CO talking to someone behind the pillar in the course of your interview is normal> They do that all the time when they arent sure about something. When i had my interview, a CO from another window came to my CO interviewing me to show her some pics and letters and ask her some few things.

    Hope this helps. In case i remember something else, i will keep you posted. GOOD LUCK

  3. I'm assembling all of my material to present with the K-1 petition and plan on going to Kinko's tomorrow and buying a nice binder/folder to separate all the categories and make the petition look very organized and easy to go through. I read they take the thing apart and put it back together and sometimes items get lost so I want to make it as easy as possible for them to read through my petition. Anybody have any suggestions?

    Jay-Kay has said it all...good luck

  4. Congratulations on your big day. Our interview is coming soon as well; I'm trying to make my fiancé ready for the questions, one of the questions "Why did you decide to get married in the United States? is still bothering me, what could be the best answer. For example..We didn't have enough time in her home country, we wanted take more time to get to know eachother.. I'm really not satisfy with these answers.

    Any suggestions will be welcome!!

    ZAMA..just tell the CO that for you to get married and be separated will be too difficult for both of you. You would want to get married in the US and start your married life straight from there. Simple

  5. For those who care and want to know. These are the docs i submitted;

    1. DS 156 (original and photocopy; must be filled out online and printed)

    2. DS 156k

    3. DS 230-only part 1

    4. Affidavit of support form (I-134) from petitioner and co-sponsor

    5. Petitioner and co-sponsor tax transcripts from 2009-2012

    6. Letters from her employers both permanent and part-time stating when she was employed, her status and how much she earns an hour (Same for co-sponsor)

    7. 3 recent pay stubs from petitioner and co-sponsor

    8. Letter of intent from both of us

    9. Letters from my fiancee's daughters written in pencil attesting to our realtionship

    10. Letters, cards and mail envelopes since 2009

    11. Uncountable Facebook chats since 2009

    12. Uncountable Whatsapp chats since 2012

    13. My phone records and hers since 2009 ( I ticked my numbers on her phone records for easy identification)

    14. Affidavit of consent from the court by my parents showing their consent

    15. 37 photos with dates, names and locations behind

    Surprisingly, the CO gave back all the tax transcripts, pay stubs. She didnt even bother to look at anything from the co-sponsor. My fiancee and i have met only once since our 2 years 8 months of relationshipn and all went well.\

    GOOD LUCK to all VJ members

  6. My fiancé's visa was approved this morning in Accra, Ghana!!!!!!! WE ARE ECSTATIC TO SAY THE LEAST! I wanted to thank ALL OF YOU for your kind words of advice, all of your knowledge and expertise, and all of the shared experiences posted on this site. Thank you VisaJourney for being such a great resource. This approval would not have been possible without this great VJ family!

    Christina & Samuel


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