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Togbega II

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Posts posted by Togbega II

  1. Do you have your case number yet? Not the receipt number given after filing petition. You can't track your visa case status with the NVC. Its rather the DOS.

    The site is ceac.state.gov

    Once there, chose IMMIGRANT VISA under "Visa Application Type". Then beneath it, enter your case number given by the NVC under "Immigrant Visa Case Number". Once this is done, just click on "Submit"

  2. After our NOA 2 on June 21 and case number on July 19, i have been tracking our visa case status from "At NVC" to "Transit" and finally "Ready". The instructions says our case is ready at the assigned Consulate. I should contact the Consulate to schedule visa appointment.

    Its been 2 weeks now and the Accra Consulate after so many inquiries still insist they don't have our case file yet. I did contact them yesterday and its the same; haven't received our case file yet.

    This is really getting on my nerves. WHERE IS MY CASE FILE? Is the visa tracking system not accurate? This is very laughable, apologetic and ridiculous.

  3. I think you should go ahead and have the notarized affidavit from your fiance parents here in Ghana. I had my parents signed an affidavit at the high court here in Ghana and sent it to my fiancee which she attached to our K1 petition before filing. Presently she will also have some family members do same and send it to me for my interview. Hope this helps.

  4. Hello Vj....Our Noa2 hardcopy is here we recieved it in the mail but my fiancee tells me its gonna expire in 4months now and i wanna know whats gonna happen once it does before i have to go to my embassy in Ghana for my interview??

    TBoneTX, has said it all

  5. You can contact the NVC local office at US Consulate here in Accra via IVDVaccra@state.gov Unfortunately, there is little they can do at this time until you receive your case number from the US NVC. Even when you get your case number and you contact the Consulate here, they will only confirm your case number and tell you they are waiting for your case file from the NVC. Once they receive your case file, they will then send you a call-in letter via post to come for your packets. Am presently waiting for my call-in letter to go for my packets from the Consulate. Hope this info helps.

  6. Since you got your NOA2 on July 23, then i can bet you that latest by tomorrow or roughly by Monday you will have your NVC case number. Sometimes, calling them can be very frustrating. Its always best when you send them an email inquiry via NVCInquiry@state.gov I can bet you they readily respond to emails much quicker. Always, caption your email with your case receipt number. In your mail body, provide the name of both the petitioner and beneficiary with their dates of birth. Good luck

  7. Finally got my case number today (exactly one month from my June 19th NOA2 date!) I called NVC yesterday and they said they just received it so to call back in a couple weeks. PFFFT and I called back today and got the number! It was sent to NVC July 11th. Hopefully it wont take long to get to the embassy. Good luck to all those still waiting, your time is coming up!

    congratulations and welcome aboard!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. I didn't check at all today, because I was getting frustrated to see INITIAL REVIEW, but then I got home from work at 8:30pm, charged my phone, and came back around 9pm to check on my phone just to find an email and a text message from USCIS!

    On July 22, 2013, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

    So what's next? Woooooooot! I'm so happy and nervous at the same time.


  9. I suggest you rather send them an email inquiry. That's far better. Their line is often busy and when you get through, you can be put on hold for more than an hour and end up not getting the required info. Rather send them an email giving the full name of the petitioner and beneficiary, dates of birth for both and your case receipt number. They tend to respond to inquiries earlier. Moreover, you calling outside the US is an expensive one to be held on hold for that long. GOOD LUCK

  10. Take a survey on this and I am not sure if it can cause any harm but: Once I knew the file had reached NVC and before I received the ACC number from them, I emailed DS-3032, Choice of Agent, I used the template I found here and the referenced the number from USCIS. It worked and I am sure I cut some time.


    I had two cases pending one had a NVC number the other did not. I had already sent the Choice of Agent for one and for some reason there was a delay in the second application reaching the NVC. So out of frustration I sent the second one with just the USCIS number. One was accepted and a few days later so was the second one without the number from the case number from the NVC.

    Like I said not sure if it can hurt anything. So ask around, but that is the kind of things I did to push my stuff through NVC a little faster both for the kids and my husband.

    thanks for the info shared...most grateful

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