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Status Replies posted by ManilaGirl23

  1. finally updated profile and timeline

  2. finally updated profile and timeline

  3. finally updated profile and timeline

  4. finally updated profile and timeline

  5. finally updated profile and timeline

  6. who filled I-130 and they paper process at MSC or NBC?

    1. ManilaGirl23


      hi there mga sis ;) pls add me as a friend ;) sna makahabol ako as OCTOBER 2012 filers

      CR-1 visa

    2. (See 36 other replies to this status update)

  7. im back to scratch ;) from fiance to spousal visa...any tips or suggestions in filing spousal

  8. Wow! Got our NVC case number!

  9. Its more than 5 months,still no NOA2..you think theres something wrong with our papers..?

  10. Just received RFE...:(

  11. Just received RFE...:(

  12. Just received RFE...:(

  13. HI Vj..here's my story, I have a live-in partner for almost 18 yrs...He immgrated to U.S last 2009 then he become a u.s citizen in May 2010 after he joined the u.s reservist..He filed my I129f last Jan 2011..he haven't seen each other since he left in 2009.. but our relationship still exist and we have 5 kids together..The 2 oldest ones are with him and the 3 youngest are left with me..He also filed a I130 for each kids,Last May 18 UCIS sent a RFE..I dont know yet what particular docu...

  14. HI Vj..here's my story, I have a live-in partner for almost 18 yrs...He immgrated to U.S last 2009 then he become a u.s citizen in May 2010 after he joined the u.s reservist..He filed my I129f last Jan 2011..he haven't seen each other since he left in 2009.. but our relationship still exist and we have 5 kids together..The 2 oldest ones are with him and the 3 youngest are left with me..He also filed a I130 for each kids,Last May 18 UCIS sent a RFE..I dont know yet what particular docu...

  15. HI Vj..here's my story, I have a live-in partner for almost 18 yrs...He immgrated to U.S last 2009 then he become a u.s citizen in May 2010 after he joined the u.s reservist..He filed my I129f last Jan 2011..he haven't seen each other since he left in 2009.. but our relationship still exist and we have 5 kids together..The 2 oldest ones are with him and the 3 youngest are left with me..He also filed a I130 for each kids,Last May 18 UCIS sent a RFE..I dont know yet what particular docu...

  16. THANK GOD! my daughter was approved and still waiting for her interview at US embassy:)) fiance will arrive on july and well get married!

  17. THANK GOD! my daughter was approved and still waiting for her interview at US embassy:)) fiance will arrive on july and well get married!

  18. HELP!!! RFE RECEIVED! MY FIANCE MET 2003 until 2005 then he spends vcation yearly fron 2006-2009 AND NOW WE RCVD RFE THAT WE SHUD PERSONALLY MEET WITHIN PAST 2 years what to do??

  19. HELP!!! RFE RECEIVED! MY FIANCE MET 2003 until 2005 then he spends vcation yearly fron 2006-2009 AND NOW WE RCVD RFE THAT WE SHUD PERSONALLY MEET WITHIN PAST 2 years what to do??

  20. HELP!!! RFE RECEIVED! MY FIANCE MET 2003 until 2005 then he spends vcation yearly fron 2006-2009 AND NOW WE RCVD RFE THAT WE SHUD PERSONALLY MEET WITHIN PAST 2 years what to do??

  21. HELP!!! RFE RECEIVED! MY FIANCE MET 2003 until 2005 then he spends vcation yearly fron 2006-2009 AND NOW WE RCVD RFE THAT WE SHUD PERSONALLY MEET WITHIN PAST 2 years what to do??

  22. HELP!!! RFE RECEIVED! MY FIANCE MET 2003 until 2005 then he spends vcation yearly fron 2006-2009 AND NOW WE RCVD RFE THAT WE SHUD PERSONALLY MEET WITHIN PAST 2 years what to do??

  23. chris has his visa! he will be home on saturday.

  24. RFE!!!! i checked my status on USCIS website and iwe got rfe

  25. RFE!!!! i checked my status on USCIS website and iwe got rfe

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