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Immigration Forms
Posts posted by Freedove7
I moved like 2 months ago and updated my address with immigration right away.However,they sometimes mail letters to your old address.I keep checking with my super from my old building just in case..I had told him to hold on to my mail for me.Anyway,how many days do you think it will take to get the letter from Nebraska to New York ?
Temporary Protected Status ! It's not a Green Card and it is "temporary",but at least I have a legal status while im adjusting to permanent residency ! I took my chances and applied for tps after the Earthquake in Haiti.Im a Canadian Citizen,but I was born in Haiti..and so were my parents(my dad is a naturalized Canadian Citizen)so I qualify as a Haitian National ! I applied in 2010,got rejected b/c my fee waiver was denied....reapplied,got denied b/c immigration thought I resettled elsewhere before coming to the U.S.I seeked a legal representative and we sent an appeal last year around September.Finally after a year and a half since I applied,I just got approved!! I checked my status online and it stated that a letter of approval was sent to me on Dec.19th!!!! OMG!!! Im so excited !! IThis was my second attempt to legalize my status ! I didn't give up after being rejected...I kept calling and faxing and finally got the great news today...I waited years to have a legal status.I just wanted to share this with you guys....now I have no worries about adjusting my status to that of a permanent resident :-))) I could go to work !!!
I am always slightly surprised that people studying in the US have such a poor grasp of the language. There was a post yesterday from someone who wanted to invite his Parents to his Graduation and it read like it had been written by a 5 year old.
There is no need for the OP to tell us anything.
I do not know if she has any other issues like a ban, struck me as being possible.
Just wondering how the PoE would take somebody married to a USC with a USC child turning up on a Student Visa... Might be an interesting conversation.
Can not say I know much about baby food, but like many foods it does vary by Country. Pretty sure I have seen the same comment about not being able to get in the US what you were used to in the UK.
If the child is not thriving and the speculation is that the child would fare better in the US then time for Daddy to get on a plane pronto. Which begs the question where Daddy is in this process. He sounds absent.
I would strongly suggest Daddy gets some Legal help.
Try studying in a different language other than your native language and you might,just might understand why
FWIW, my husband overstayed for over 10 years on VWP, and we had no problems with AOS. There was a similar story to yours (someone from Canada) who adjusted with no issues last year or so.
I feel reassured !!!
Yes, that should do the trick.
Because I'm smart and pay attention.
Scary..Do you know my full name as well ? lol
Im confused.If you were here legally then why can't you come back ?
Now that everybody has scared the living daylight out of you, let me tell you that in my opinion you do not have to anticipate any problems when adjusting. I remember your quite unusual personal story from Yahoo's immigration section, and as long as you did not pull any stunts while being in the U.S., you'll be fine.
A common issue with Canadians in general is the lack of an I-94 form in the passport that would document that they entered the United States with inspection. However, since your mom dragged you into the U.S. when you were just a child and the fact that Canadians in particular have no problems to be admitted to begin with -- and had even less problems back in 1993 -- will overcome any assumption of illegal entry, even though the burden of proof lies on you. This is the only possible issue that may come up.
Furthermore, the main focus at the AoS stage is that the marriage is bona fide. The fact that you are happily married with children for quite some years now, will also work in your favor.
Bring all the documentation you have, if possible anything you can find to show when exactly you entered the U.S., plus documents pertaining to your shared life as husband and wife and mother, and all will be fine.
Sorry for replying so late !My passport has a stamp from immigration which indicates the date of entry.Is that good enough ? How do you know that im the one who posted on yahoo answers ? Lol
I know what the point of EAD is but theres a diffrence between working part time and full time, and i think its pretty rude to answer a question by another question.
What is the difference? The hours? The pay? Work is work regardless.You can work, but it would be considered illegal.Wait till you get your work authorization.It'll be in your hands before you know it.
Perfectly fine. My husband being the sole worker supports us well, we're not millionaires but we have a mortgage on a house, 3 vehicles, phones, heat, internet, food etc. But that doesn't mean that we can come up with a thousand dollars at the drop of a hat. It can take time. Especially for the OP that has been living out of status thanks to their family so unable to work legally and so surviving on one income, and probably unlike many of us who could work in our home country to save before heading over on our visas didn't have that luxury.
Don't forget for the I-130 is $420. It's $1070 for the AOS. There's also the medical fees. It's not a cheap process.
You said it right :-)...Especially the part about not having the privilege of being able to work prior to coming to the US.I was only 6 when came here.I really can't wait to become legal and finally live a normal life.
I doubt it will make any difference. If she had the money she'd probably hand it over. It's obvious she's spent it, and she isn't worried about any repercussions from her family over it. It also sounds like mom has a sordid history with doing the right thing, so giving her any money was probably a bad move.
Freedove, I suggest you find another way to get the money. Don't count on your mom coming through with the cash as she's obviously not to be trusted. In fact, don't depend on your mother for anything important in the future. You'll get along with her a lot better if you never put yourself in a position where you're dependent on her. You can't choose your family members, but you can choose how much you permit them to wreck your life.
FWIW, I have a couple of rules when it comes to lending money to family members:
1. Never lend money you can't afford to lose. Consider the money lost as soon as you lend it.
2. Think of the money as a gift, even if the "borrower" considers it a loan. You won't be disappointed if the money doesn't come back, and you'll consider it a blessing if it does. My oldest son has "borrowed" thousands of dollars from me over the years, and has never repaid a single nickel. I've also said "no" many times when I just couldn't afford it. We still get along fine.
Well she said she will return it so I am giving her another week or two .Good advice though.Thank you.
Can you tell your uncle to ask money back from your mom? She might have to listen to him since it was his money.
I'm glad to hear that you want to calm down.. so calm down. Being mad at your mother will not make anything better though.
Sit and talk to her nicely and tell her that after you adjust status, then you can get a job and have a normal life.
Hope you can file AOS soon.
I am giving her another week to give me the money....Two weeks MAXIMUM ! If she doesnt return it,I will ask my uncle to get it back.Thanks :-)
No offense ,but that is non of your business.
I meant to say none *
I don't think the OP said anything about supporting someone else. She did however say she was adjusting after being in the country since she was a kid when her mother brought her to the US. It's a bit easier to support someone(if needed) when having an EAD. Even though it's money that's been given I'd be pretty toxic if the middleman decided to pocket it and pretend nothing had happened. It was a gift. Where I'm from that's considered stealing.
Well said
I really appreciated this gift.We just moved to a larger,more expensive apartment.I don't see anything wrong with my relative investing in my future.Money is tight,because my husband is the only one working and is currently supporting himself,my daughter and me.With that said,just because we have difficulty paying a $1,500 application fee doesn't mean my husband cannot support me.He's been doing it for 4 years now and we have never relied on the government.I wish people would stop being so narrow minded and critical.
Wow! You're angry now and you have every right to be but she's still your mom. Just be aware of who and how she is and adjust your behaviour accordingly. I hope you get the money needed for your AOS soon.
I think that about says what needs to be said.
I am so sorry to hear this. Nothing can change this now but it sounds like your uncle should have given the money to you. I know you finally have a chance to change your status and at the very least I hope you can get the money from your mom. It's too bad but it sounds like that relationship is going to take some time to heal, if ever.
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No offense but if you can't even afford the documents on your own, how will you support someone in this country?
No offense ,but that is non of your business.
Please give me your input .A relative of mine,out of the goodness of his heart,gave me $1300 towards my immigration application fee.He had given it to my mother and told her to give it to me.Since he told me when he gave it to her,I asked her about it and she lied and said I must have misunderstood.She had he nerve to tel me he didnt give it to her.A whole month passed and I still didnt get any money from her.So I called my uncle and asked him about it.He said he gave her the money and couldnt believe she didnt give it to me.She finally admitted it but still lied.She claimed he only gave $1000...Sooo not true.My uncle put us on three way and asked her how much he gave her..she admitted that he gave $1300.My uncle was so upset.She told me she would give it back to me but I had to wait about 4 weeks.I said fine...Its now been almost 2 months since my uncle gave me the money and she still has not returned it.She even had the gull to buy her friend a dress this week for her birthday ! I mean really ?? This is what got me even more angrier.She's the one that put me in this situation first of all.She did not do what she was suppose to do before she decided to bring me to the US when I was a kid.I spent almost my whole life living in limitation because of my immigration status./Now that I can finally solve this problem and live a normal life,she turns around does this to me.Now I have to wait to send out my application..This was very very selfish of her.I dont think I could ever forgive her or have a normal relationship with her.We weren't on good terms for about 2 years now.Things just got worse! Im done with her !
Chest xray is $60. Not sure if they offer a discount is you don't take the PPD test. I would give their office a call, they were very helpful when I was calling around.
Hence the word "may" in my response. Not enough information provided by the OP re: the 18 years spent in the US to be able to give surety in any response. At this stage, seeking advice from a qualified immigration attorney would likely be money well spent.
Why should I waste money on a lawyer? At this point,I don't think I'll need one.I entered legally and have never ever done anything against the law besides overstaying.I've been married to my husband for almost 4 years and we've been together for almost a decade...We also have a kid together.Thus,im not committing greencard fraud..I don't see why seeking a Lawyer is necessary at this point.I have a legal representative that is free of charge.If I need her help,she is just a dial away.I filled out all the applications on my own and don't see why a Lawyer is needed to do this if one knows how to read and write in English.Again,please tell me why you think a Lawyer is needed at this point.You encouraging people to unnecessarily spend money is not okay.
The law generally requires both lawful entry and that they've maintained their non-immigrant status. The second requirement isn't applicable to an immediate relative of a US citizen, which is the "special privilege" she's talking about. If she'd married an LPR then she wouldn't be eligible to adjust status because of the overstay.
Freedove, eighteen years is a long time be out of status. Everything is going to depend on what's happened in that time. Being out of status isn't an issue for an immediate relative of a US citizen. Likewise, if you'd worked illegally in the US then that isn't an issue either. However, some things that definitely would be an issue would be illegally using someone elses Social Security number, or falsely claiming to be a US citizen, or committing any crime that would make you inadmissible to the United States. Any of this stuff ring a bell?
I'm not aware that Canada has ever been part of the Visa Waiver Program. There is a separate agreement between the US and Canada that allows citizens of both countries to visit the other country without a visa. The US treats visiting Canadians under rules very similar to the rules for B2 visas. Canadians are NOT required to waive their right to appeal immigration decisions, as VWP entrants are, so you wouldn't automatically be deported with no right to appeal.
You don't know how happy and reassured it makes me feel whenever I get a positive ,non critical answer especially from someone who seems to be knowledgeable about what they are talking about ! Thank you
These past 18 years,I've been a student,a wife and a mom.I have never worked nor committed any fraud or crime.Lol
The most recent three years are what is needed. Currently that is 2008, 2009, and 2010. Former or current employer is not relevant.
An employer does not issue a tax return. An employer does supply a W2. W2's do not need to be included if sending the transcripts.
If a sponsor was not required to file a return they submit a statement to that effect. See page 8 of the I-864 instructions for more information.
No the employer didn't issue the documents;the IRS did.I may have confused you ! These transcripts are for the years that he worked for a different employer ...not his current one.
he just needs to send IRS tax transcripts (NO W2s when using this option) for those years. even though he no longer work for them anymore. He then needs a letter of employement from his current employer stating:
current position in company
period of employment
annual salary
they want to know what his financial record has been like and what it currently is...
Ok Thanks !
no need to send w2s, the tax transcripts has all that information included in the tax transcripts when you filed your income taxes,your new company ask for a letter writen on company letter head, current job dutys current income date signed by a boss.
No problem.Thanks !
I requested the copies from the IRS....these are from his former employer and they are for the years 2007,2008 and 2009. He didnt file last year because he wasnt really " working," ahe will file for this year though...So still send the most 3 recent ones even though he doesnt work fothe same employer right.I got a few answers regarding this matter but just want to double check.And what purpose will this serve if he has a new employer ?
You've got some incorrect assumptions. There are no special privileges. You are not shielded from deportation.
Overstays are typically forgiven when adjusting status. For peace of mind you may want to consult with a qualified immigration attorney to review the specifics of your circumstances.
What I mean by special priviledges is that I am able to adjust my status in the US even though Im out of status
My husband of 4 years and I are preparing to send my application.Im worried about this because ive been out of status for so long.What can go wrong ?? He's an American citizen and I know I have special previledges because of that...but still.Any words of encouragement ??Any advice ? im a Canadian citizen and was told that Canada was part of the visa waiver program in 1993 when I came..so If I get denied,wont I get deported ?? I
I dont know if I received an I-94 or I 94 w when I entered the US 18 years ago as a kid...I came through a port ot entry and was inspected by an immigration officer.I just have a stamp onmy passport from immigration and where it says " admitted until.." it just says N/A...what does this mean?
I can recommend:
Dr. Anthony D Blau, Green Card Medical Exams
305 Broadway, 4th Floor, Room 444, New York, NY 10007
(212) 766-4433
I had my medical today and it was very straight forward. Cost is $200 including blood testing for syphilis; tuberculosis skin test (PPD); and completion of I-693 form. Plus the give you a copy for your records.
Here's a link to reviews on VJ forum:
Thanks ! I always had a reaction to the ppd test.I was told to never do it again and just have x-rays.Do I just bring a copy of my last ppd test reading along with the x ray results? i took the test in April 2010.Since I wont need a ppd test,will this exam cost me less than $200 ?
Uscis mailed me a letter on Dec. 19th...when should I be receiving it ??
in General Immigration-Related Discussion
Oh and I also checked my status online regarding my Employment Authorization and it stated that the production of my card was made on Dec.20th and I should receive my card in 30 days..when do you think I will receive it ? I mean,can it take less than 30 days ?
Oh I see.I hope to receive my letter within the next few days.