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Posts posted by Matt1968
if I remember your case, a couple of months ago you were accused of child molestation and you find out guilty, but you went to got therapy and you are now ( cure) and you been trying to change your life. Sorry, I would not trust you either. Sorry to say this I hope she does not have kids.
If this is true, i agree with Evelyn.
Uhhh... I've just been put in a tailspin... would anyone ever expect a 13 day processing time between NOA1 and NOA2?
We only just took receipt of the I-797C (NOA1) and logged onto the USCIS "My Case Status" page to see the petition is in an approved "Post Decision Activity" state and NOA2 was sent (13 days later).
I'm not complaining about this mind you, but was DEFINITELY not expecting such a quick turnaround - would anyone else ever expect this or am I missing something here (maybe I need pinching)?
It changes our whole intended approach to obtaining my visa (from my understanding, it'd be pointless now to file an I-129F right?).
Very interested to know peoples thoughts on this.
Wow! 13 days?? Congratulations! I made a post recently about fast approvals at the Vermont center, I'm guessing they're the ones who did yours. California appears to be backed up to June. It's things like this that make you scratch your head. You got yours in 13 days, others have been waiting for months and i'm sure they all don't have issues or problems with their I-130. Again, Congrats!
thanks guys! This helps a ton, I'll use the passport name on the DS-230. Thanks again, and happy new years!
Just looking for suggestions. My wife got bad information from her friend about what her name would be after marriage. Because of that the name she gave me to use for her I-130 was wrong I believe. My wife has 4 names not three. However, on the I-130 I put(for example) Maria crunes De Jones, instead of Maria Juvies Crunes De Jones. Juvies being her middle name and Crunes being her fathers last name. On her passport that she just received, the name is Maria Juvies Crunes De Jones. Should I just go ahead and Put this name on the passport or put the name I used on the I-130(Maria Crunes De Jones). I know the visa will be issued to the name on the passport, but just wondering if i should put that name on DS-230 or stick with the name I put on I-130. Thanks.
Hey Matt,
Just a fellow Dominican that just completed the entire I-130 process in VSC and NVC. There is room for hope if VSC keeps it up. I completed all stages and now awaiting an interview date. It only took me about 2 months and some days. Just keep in mind that results do vary by case and individual. This post I made back in November might interest you. Best of luck in your journey.
I read your post, very nice! I can only hope for such a quick timeframe. I have everything ready for the next step. I think the holidays will slow things down a bit, but i'm not greedy I can accept a late january NOA2..
Just write your name as your would normally. First, middle, Last. Doing it any other way could be confusing.
that's the way i did it.
Hey Guys,
Add to your statistics: Our petition was approved within 13 days. I was shocked at first. I still don't know how and why (CSC by the way).
The best thing I can think of is that I made an extraordinary table of contents with everything at exactly the same order they ask in the I-130 instructions. I put common photos in an envelope with a big writing, passport style photos in another. and everything by the order showed at the table of contents (which was the third page, immediately after G-1145 and a cover letter)
Hope this helps,
This is what I mean, 13 days?! congrats! I'm sure people who've been waiting for months see this and can't help but think "What about mine?" I think mine was pretty organized as well, and hopefully they move quick on it.
Sarcastic? really?
No No - I was responding to yer I don't know what to think posit.
Queues are important. Circling a queue, even more so.
When a queue moves faster than last month, last quarter, is a great reason to learn WHY the queue is moving so fast.
This isn't the first instance of a queue moving faster than 'normal'.
got you, my mistake. I'll take a look at that, thanks.
When I first ran across this 'timing' anomoly, I started studying WHY. That's when I learned about QUEUES.
There are queues at every step of this process. VJ is a great place to learn about queues, you betcha.
Case-Processing-Load-Balancing was also something that I learned about.
Have you utilised the 'advanced search' feature here?
Don't know if you understood what I wrote before your sarcastic reply. I wasn't asking a question, I was a matter of factly just writing down some thoughts. Don't know why you feel the need to be such a smart ####.
I'm seeing all these people getting approved so fast(20 days is the fastest i've seen) and I don't know what to think. People say get ready for a five month wait, but dayum, when I see these fast approvals(especially for D.R. I-130's) I can't help but get my hopes up..lol. I've seen people get NOA1 early october or early Nov, and approve one month later. As much as I try to settle in for a 5 month wait, it's hard to do that when I see these fast approvals. I got my NOA1 early december so If my I-130 follows along the lines of fellow dominican appliers then January or early feb doesn't seem to far out of reach. Just some thoughts.
USPS tracking is a joke.
~ use FedUp!!
I agree.
A quick glance around the site, it looks like a few people didn't receive theirs either and USCIS wouldn't issue another one but would send an email of confirmation for your case no#. I don't know what the hassle about sending another I-797C would be, but that's USCIS. Like Coconut said you don't need a hardcopy going further, according to the other posts it's just good for having a complete file for your record.
Sorry for forgetting to add the obvious, I haven't had my good cup of coffee yet
I sent out the I-129F petition on Nov 14, 2011. It arrived Nov 15, 2011 (Express Mail). I recieved the NOA1 notice by text message and Email, So i do have my case number to check the process online. (I check it everyday even though i know i have to wait 5 months to get the approval) Unless of course, i get hit with a RFE. Or if i get "touched" w/e that refers to...
But the point is, i don't have a hard copy yet. And the Email says that i would have recieved it in the mail between 7-10 business days... It's been over a MONTH! It has me all worked up, not just because of the missing NOA1 hard copy, but because if this happened the first time, will it happen AGAIN with the NOA2 which is the real important hard copy to have even after the Fiancee comes into the US. (or so i read...)
I believe you can have another one mailed out to you, because if I'm correct you want to have a hard copy of the NOA1 for your records. I have two hard copies of my NOA1 because I filed two I-130's together.
Still better to have the passport name be the one the applicant intends to use long term as not only the visa but the green card will be in the passport name. Changing the passport now, is easier than changing the name later.
Yeah, definately. My wife is going to apply next week, I wanted to wait until after we were married to have her married name on the passport. Thanks.
The visa will be issued with the name that appears on the passport, even if you used the married name on the DS-230. If you want the visa to be issued with her married name, have her get a new passport ASAP.
ah, ok. I never knew that. I always thougth that they issued the visa with the name on the DS-230. That's where I've been confused. So that's why they want a copy of the passport bio page, so they can issue the visa to that name? If that's the case, then I have no more concerns. Thanks
In dr they will issue the visa based on the name on the passport. For example my husband, on all my forms I only put one last name, when visa was issued they issued it based on the names on the passport.
Hi, I thought the visa was issued to the name on the DS-230? I've seen people here who've said their passport name is different than the name on the greencard, so i'm assuming there name on the DS-230 was different than on their passport. I'm curious about this because D.R. officials seem to put any name they want on forms.
Hello, I had a similar issue. My passport was carrying my maiden name and NVC rejected it. In nigeria any issue regarding change of name or errors on passport as been centralised in the immigration head quarters in abuja. A lot of stress and my husband wasn't given any info regarding his beneficiary until it was corrected. Also, if the name on the appointment letter is different from the one on the passport he/she will not be allowed into the embassy.
It needs to be corrected
Hi, this is for Dominican republic. I was also told that if she brings her Marriage certificate and explain why the difference she should be fine.But this is told from people on the internet.
I have a question on the visa that is issued to the beneficiary. I spoke with someone from the NVC and she stated that the name on the beneficiary's passport has to match the name on the visa issued, which comes from the DS-230. Has anyone had any problems with their SO coming to the USA with a passport that has their maiden name on it instead the married name that was used on the DS-230?
Yea just call them and they'll fix it
Well, I just got off the phone with USCIS, and apart from the obvious script reading, they couldn't do much. I was told twice I have to send a letter to VSC, requesting the change. Anyone know if I could email this request or does it have to be a letter. I told the guy I only needed one letter changed but they said I had to write a letter.
Thanks for the responses. I'll definately be making that call first thing in the morning.
I just looked over a copy of the I-130 I sent in for my step-daughter, and realized I mispelled her middle name(Juverez, instead of Juvarez). I'm going to call USCIS tomorrow and see if I can get that corrected. My question is: should I even bother trying to get one letter change on her I-130, or is it possible to just wait til NOA2 and just make sure everything is spelled correctly on DS-230. She's only 6 so I didn't do a G325A for her. Thanks,
Ok, thanks everyone for responding. I'll just wait to NVC, Thanks again.
Don't bother. They did the same with mine. Left out my husband middle name and his second last name. But all the paperwork was accurate they test of the way. I think it's just a space issue when printing.
Yeah, from reading all the posts all over the internet, I'm getting that impression. I haven't found anyone who said it caused a problem with their application. Thanks.
in IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures
Posted · Edited by Matt1968
Sup, I understand what you're saying. Many things about this process makes no sense to me. Some approved rapidly and others have to wait. No consistency.