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Posts posted by omgponies!

  1. Thank you - that is very sound advice and I appreciate the comments about my relatives. So often I read - more is better than less and throw everything at them and let them push it back.

    I have no emotion in this incidentally - some posters stated why move, your life looks great so I just put up some nice things about it and yes, it is great.

    As for the letters from family again non emotion - overly analytical, perhaps.


  2. WOW. I have no illusion that a politician is going to "get me what I want". I simply hope that the person looking at my partners file will think better of it than not having it. No more and no less.

    Yes, you can get a photo of your congressman with a phone call - but that is not a photo WITH your congressman and especially with my future wife and the congressman together. You are very correct, it might not be any help at all, none; it obviously holds no merit with you, but even a subconscious "that's nice" by the reviewer is a plus not a minus.

    Just WOW, the only reason I bring up what ethnicity she is because YOU were the one to note the hysteria and hyperbole in the US - YOUR comment:

    These are the same congressmen that flee when the discussion of immigration reform come up. Ask them to submit to you the last action they took in the area of immigration. The laws havent changed for 60 years.

    No children, money in the bank, university education and traveled to the US 3x. You don't think that has weight? You really are either a troll or just plain mad.

    If it were only about getting my partner to the USA we have already accomplished that. She has a tourist visa, but thanks for the well wishes.

    Me, I play golf here regularly here AND in the US. Good luck with the golf and if you meet any congressman on the par3 give them my regards 8-D

    Thanks Orando.

  3. Hey thanks and sarcasm for free too, what a deal.

    Actually, I had not thought about the speed at all, I just want it approved honestly. Yes, you are very correct that these are the same congressmen that whinge on about immigrants and immigration these days - still, it is their duty to serve. Bear in mind that most hostility is not xenophobic but simply anti-illegal immigration and directed primarily at the south-of-the-border crowd. My partner is Asian, no children, has an education, has a job history, is well traveled internationally and has a bank account.

    I guess you missed the point about my father being a friend and supporter of the congressman. Yes, I would like to know that I have done absolutely everything, come what may.

    Finally, I guess you don't play golf if you think you are going to garner anyone's good will by hound them down a golf course in order to whine about how your app isn't being processed fast enough for you is going to be some help. The photo incidentally was at a local town hall. My father and the congressman are on first name basis although I am not saying they are friends or certainly not pals.

    Odd, you berate the idea - but then tell me to have them written.

  4. Oh, sorry - after our initial meeting in a National Marine Park here in Thailand. We exchanged email, then cals then decided to go back to the park camping together - after that we have been pretty much like glue for 2+ years.

    We met here:


    No, no mail - email is free and even calling to US is now US01 per minute - so why? But I can have mail sent :-) That would buttress the lease/address as well. Just the envelope?

    We have been together for about 2.5 years, will be over three when we file (3.5). Yes, it's nice here and all - but I have been in Asia twenty years and really burned out on the travel opportunities. The adventure is long gone. Getting impossible to get out to some National Parks for camping - only dreaded daytrips.

    My parents are old and I really want to spend my fathers last years with him. My mother is adamant about not moving, I am already worried about the way they drive. Then there is a big house I know my partner can help my mother here in a big way. So it is good we go back. I know Iwill be a bit depressed, it's been a good run - I just have to think it's a new adventure.

    For my partner's side - she loves the US, its new and different and exciting. We are going to Grand Canyon and Utah in May. We want to earn some money to buy a small camper and travel around the USA.

    Would be nice in time to spend half the year in each country perhaps.

    I just found some info on visajourney. This is a bit scary - by these requirements all we could have is our lease of hre years and a small joint account.

    Note: Evidence of a Bonifide Marriage

    The USCIS now requires that when filing an I-130 for a spouse that you include evidence of a bonifide marriage. They list examples of acceptable evidence as: 1. Documentation showing joint ownership or property; or 2. A lease showing joint tenancy of a common residence; or 3. Documentation showing co-mingling of financialresources; or 4. Birth certificate(s) of child(ren) born to you, thepetitioner, and your spouse together; or 5. Affidavits sworn to or affirmed by third parties havingpersonal knowledge of the bona fides of the maritalrelationship (Each affidavit must contain the full nameand address, date and place of birth of the person makingthe affidavit, his or her relationship to the petitioner ofbeneficiary, if any, and complete information and detailsexplaining how the person acquired his or herknowledge of your marriage); or 6. Any other relevant documentation to establish that thereis an ongoing marital union.

    How about number five: I have known some of her friends for years and even traveled with them and yes, have photos too!

  5. I am sure the feeling on the board about sending a letter from a congressman with the initial filing is not to, hat it smacks of being heavy handed BUT....have a look

    1. My father is in pretty tight with his (and my) congressman, he might write a more personal letter on our behalf. We (my partner and myself) have actually met and been photographed with the congressman.

    2. I grew up with a kid (I was actually very good friends with his brother) who is now a congressman. What if he would write me a letter as well?

    What about the plan to use two or none or just go with the one from our congressman?

    Please feel free to give me your thoughts.

  6. Can anyone provide a list or items that make the strongest case for your relationship. We live together overseas so there is not a great deal of provable communication other than an occasional fb post.

    Here is what I have thus far:

    Early email sent to one another after our initial meeting

    Loads of photos of us on half dozen international trips in Asia

    Loads of photos of us in USA (two trips)

    Tons of photos of us in Thailand camping in the National Parks

    Photos of some small day trips outside BKK

    Photos of my partner with mom/dad, and aunts/uncle (4 pair) as well as cousins (in USA)

    Printed record of our flights to half dozen int'l destinations, an additional two flights RT to USA and two domestic US flights. No boarding passes, but the records and the RL's

    FB communication (tiny) - we are more or less inseparable.

    A few photos of me with her parents, another set w/ mom-auntie and maybe a big party to come.

    Would these help:

    A letter stating from the tour / boat operator the months and trips we made out to some of the islands. One island we have about 9 trips alone (we have photos but they all might look the same)

    A letter from the Thai National park system - we stay so much here we are on very good terms with staff and rangers.

    Lease for apartment

    My visas are tourist visa but covering the entire time we will claim to be together

    Another bazillion tourist visas for Thailand over last ten years

    Four passports 1990-present totaling 240 pages, much time in Thailand. About 75% pages utilized.

    Should we set up a joint account now? How much should be in the account? Do we need to use it or can the funds sit?

    My parents will co-sponsor but would it also help to get a letter from them as they have met her?

    What about a letter from Aunts/Uncles stating they support the relationship and we could live with them in emergency?

    ***What about a letter from our congressman? I realize this should perhaps come if we have problems BUT...my father is in tight with the guy and we (yes, my gf has actually met him). We have a photo of us two and our congressman.

    What about another congressman? I have not seen him in years but someone I knew as a kid is now a congressman, maybe he could help??


  7. I live overseas. I wish at some point to marry my partner and a obtain CR1. I am not working, but do have funds. Not enough to cover the requirement though. My parents will function as sponsors.

    I am 50 and while both myself and a 25 year old will need sponsors, I think they will require and expect more from someone my age (such as cash on hand).

    I do understand that the best situation is to be employed in US, next employed overseas and next having a pile of cash or cash and a combination of any of those.

    My question...I presume the visa will be processed or rejected based on the above. If processed and she gets her visa - and green card. Is there any obligation for either of us to work? I ask because the economy is so sour and jobs around my parents scarce.

    Further, if we say, only had part time jobs. How might this impact the one-three year period prior to applying for citizenship or three-four years down the road when filing citizenship papers - if at all.

    Would it be correct to state that once the I130 and you have the CR1 is processed - you are in and done for ten years?


  8. Apologies, Internet has been down...

    If your parents are a couple, their household size would be three, not two. You refer to "them" so I take it the number is 3.

    I stated "OK, that is two..."

    My parents household is currently two persons, so I presume that the household for them is in fact - two.

    Where do you get three? If including me in their future household - why not my financee' cum wife. Why not four?

    I am a sponsor

    Parents are cosponsors

    We will both share the same # people on our forms as household and use the same poverty line - yes?

    That number will be? four, no?


  9. I am baffled...

    You don't qualify for DCF. - why not? Why would being in Thailand for 6+ months on an non-immigrant visa qualify me? Does it have to do with cosponsors in BKK not being accepted via DCF? What am I missing? I had stated:

    Yes, I have been living in Thailand on TRs (tourist visas) but will change the to (O-A) longstay within six months. We will marry (or hope to) about five months thereafter and then file DCF six months after that.

    Why would this not qualify??

    Your asset calculation would be for a family size that includes only you, your spouse and any of your own children under age 21. You joint sponsor's household size does not include you.

    OK, so our family size would be two (good news). So, that would be 18,400 x5 - correct?

    If your joint sponsor is married, their household size is the couple, any of the couple's children under 21 plus your immigrating spouse.

    OK, so that is two for them as well.

    Please clarify as to why you state I will not be qualified to file DCF after living in Thailand for six months and being married for six months prior to filing.

    Thank you.

  10. From what I have gathered it will be a household of four and 5x for spouses as sopposed to fiancee's. That is about US27500 for the poverty line OR nearly 150k in assets.

    I cannot shrink the household as I will not return to a job and will really need to use a co-sponsor. I would do a DCF at one of the tougher embassies/USCIS offices and doubt much if any slack will be given. So, co-sponsor + assets.

  11. I had read somewhere that if a spouse arrives in the US after two years from when they were married, the visa is unconditional. Meaning (?) I presume they have a right to ss#, work and basically they are finished entirely with USCIS. Next step would be citizenship. Could anyone clarify this please? Would this be from what date? They date we marry? The date of the application? I'd read if you were lucky you could delay the entry of the spouse to take advantage of this. It also saves you about US on fees.

    What about the removal of condition of the sponsor and co-sponsor being financially responsible? I hear that is a good thing to get lifted as soon as possible especially for the co-sponsor.


  12. No, no...

    She already has a B1/2 and no we have zero intention of trying to emigrate her on it. My understanding is that we should basically not even try to enter on this visa once the app cr1 is made. B visa is effectively null - sure we could chance it, but for US1700 a ticket, not really prudent <note: for a visit while visa processing OR if we were denied, to visit after the denial>.

    Yes, I have been living in Thailand on TRs (tourist visas) but will change the to (O-A) longstay within six months. We will marry (or hope to) about five months thereafter and then file DCF six months after that.

    Can you give me the formula for assets? Is it 3x or 5x? 100% or 125% poverty? Is the household 2 or 4 pax using co-sponsors? Thx.

  13. It appears that we cannot go the K1 route due to BKK embassy disallowing cosponsors. Therefore, if we do this, we will need to marry and use the CR1/DCF route.

    I should mention first, we have every intention of remaining together, the sticking point is do we risk her B1/2 visa and go for the relo to states OR do we just make annual trips back. If we do the CR1 - her visa is dead.

    Anyway -

    I am not employed, nor have any w2s to speak of for many a year. Can I print use my financial statements or would I be better off back filing and filing forward? How many years?

    I will obviously need a cosponsor and my parents will do this for us. If both file jointly, do they both sponsor? What if my father passes within the five years?

    It's very hard to estimate my net worth, but lets say at the moment if I were to liquidate all my finances within one year, I would have approximately 85k in cash/401k and another 20k (USD) in cash from a 'collection' I have. So that is 100k. By the time we do this, it might very well be 85k - but depending on markets might not.

    Obviously we want to avoid problems; because my parents will gladly sponsor and I will not have a job - I will use them as sponsors. I have heard that w/o a job a sponsor is really a must. Incidently, my parents can more than cover the 4 pax household @ 125% poverty.

    Using my parents as co-sponsors (3x or 5x??) - does this make the household four (mom, dad, self, wifey)? OR is it just two?

    When is 3x used and when is 5x used? 100% or 125%

    Due to so many variables listed - I will let someone else lay out my formula if they would be so kind, I am only guessing at this juncture

    At any time can my wife's assets 9cash) be used in the formula? She should have about 12.5k when all this goes down.

    What are things we can do a year prior to being married to make the whole thing move more quickly and efficiently (eg: medical, start vaccines, gather what paperwork [fresh birth certificate, house registration, notarized docs] )

    What is the best evidences of us being "together" over the past years: Lease, my visas (only tourist), our flight itineraries, photos. Thing is we live together so not much email or fb going to and fro between us. Any help here would be great.

    I doubt any of the follow would hinder her chances but how might it help by the time of her interview:

    Minimum two if not three trips to USA

    30 to 45 days spent in the house of my parents

    College degree

    Good job, not well paid but solid, honest work

    Decent savings despite penchant for travel

    Record of her coming/going from states, Korea, Singapore

    US: together 3 years prior to marriage, 3.5 years prior to filing

    Living together 3 years prior to filing

    Limited email when we met (we started to travel together within weeks of meeting)

    Limited email when I was back in US alone (calling on voip is really cheap)

    Many intl trips togther (US and Asia), we have flight itineraries

    Limited fb contact - I mean, we live together

    We spent lots of time together tripping around BKK, country and region

    Have loads (hundreds) of very nice photos posted on fb from many, many different trips


  14. No, I am a USC my SO holds a tourist visa. We will not marry in US - and sooner or later marry here, overseas. After marriage is the visa null? I do not understand - may be difficult to use. It is either good or not and why do you state it MIGHT be? Would they be thinking my SO would be coming to states to what? Stay and work? Well they have the residence, should be easy enough to find us. Please restate your concerns and or some evidence would be great. Thanks.

  15. After reading a great deal on VJ, I have some specific questions about how the embassy in BKK handles DCF. Any information is greatly appreciated.

    I think I will need to ask the embassy directly but is is possible (possible) to do a DCF on a tourist visa. I have an absolute ton of TR visas in four pp's. To this end, are they sticklers about the six months? Perhaps even require more time here? Would all my TR's buttress this IYO?

    On my annual visit home, I think I will apply for an O-A. But, I am not working. Is this an issue?

    Would the embassy accept O visa out of KL based on marriage as ability to file via DCF

    Can I do a K-1 filing via DCF? Looks like better situation to marry prior (less assets 3x), no job so I will need a sponsor.

    Due to the hassles involved for myself and the apartment . I did not sign our rental agreement. I can sign the next one OR I am sure they would be happy to place my name on the initial lease as well.

    I think my residence is well established back in US. I have used my parents address for years and have a drivers lic to that address as well.

    Finally, my girlfriend has obtained a tourist visa for the US. We will under no circumstance marry on this visa. We did not obtain this visa for marriage. She is just coming back on my annual trip. When they gave her the visa the CO smiled and told her she was not to marry and if she so desired to return for that type of visa. Can I interpret this in any way that they might be open to doing a DCF as she has a visa out of BKK and they saw my pp and know my history of more or less living here and bouncing around Asia?

    My plan was to stay on but I see it more financially prudent to perhaps return to work while I have sound assets and can use my parents as a backstop.


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