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Status Updates posted by Highyella72

  1. My man is so on his job.....lol....Medical done, police clearance done...You go boy!!!!!




    2. Highyella72


      I am blessed. Wanting to go back for his interview next month, not sure it will be possible with the shortage of people here to work my job...And a sitter for my kids, but will see.....

    3. Olomi_811
  2. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the patience not to choke the ###### outta my other half.....He is driving me insane about the visa interview and what documents I need to send.... when I have done my research myself......Lord help me!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Samantha78


      hahha...yea, they hear "rumors" or get info from inexperienced people, and think they know it all. I was going through the same thing



      LORD! I know what your feeling :)

    4. Olomi_811


      Lol...I know this feeling to well and we aren't even as far into the process.

  3. Received Email....Interview date is January 13, 2012 at 7am.....smiles....Now to get all my ###### together!!!! lol

    1. Show previous comments  6 more


      I was dropping by to say hello but I see you have a date...Praise God!!! Let me know if you have any questions.. Blessings dear sister!



      I was dropping by to say hello but I see you have a date...Praise God!!! Let me know if you have any questions.. Blessings dear sister!

    4. Highyella72


      I will LagosLove.....bet you cant wait for your man to reach you....smiles

  4. Aya820 Good for you chickie....Nice to know your man will be here for the holidays.....Enjoy...and thanks for the prayers, we need them.....smiles

  5. finally talked to NVC rep....and have a NVC Case #...after only 3 weeks....lol..Said they still have to forward to Lagos....Oh my goodness.....

    1. souleymon


      We are almost there



      Thanks for the support. I promise I'm gonna help anybody I can get thru this cause this is hard and our men and women ar too far away for the negativity.



      Thanks for the support. I promise I'm gonna help anybody I can get thru this cause this is hard and our men and women ar too far away for the negativity.

  6. OK so my NAO2 is dated September 27,2011....and still NVC has no record of it being there....just wondering how long it took NVC to receive others NAO2 files..???

    1. ghienhie18


      hi.. in our case, it took 19days from noa2 before we've got our case no. try to call uscis if they already send your file to nvc..

    2. Samantha78


      they said the same thing to me....and then on the 3rd day of them saying it was not in the system yet, i received a letter from them stating they had sent my file to Santo Domingo. Don't rely on them to be accurate - it wont happen. For the other half of my petition, it too one month exactly. They have told me a number of times they are very behind and there is no time frame....but i would expect to wait no more than 1 month. Hopefully for you it is much less.

    3. Highyella72


      NVC still doesn't have mine on record.....AHHHH!!!!

  7. Working 60-70 hours a week just to make sure there is enough in savings.....to show.....ah....the cost of love......smiles

    1. Aya820


      LOL!! I hear ya :)



      I'm on that same yellow brick road!



      I'm on that same yellow brick road!

  8. NAO2 Hard copy in hand......Just have to wait to call NVC to get a case number for the real fun to begin....Yeah right!!!

  9. NAO2 Hard copy in hand......Just have to wait to call NVC to get a case number for the real fun to begin....Yeah right!!!

    1. Aya820


      Congratulations! Yep you're right now the real fun begins :)

  10. Wow just got off the phone with Sulaimon about 20 minutes ago, talking about waiting on the K1 approval....and what just happens??? I get a text message telling me, my case had been updated at USCIS, so I log in "Approved" on my end....now the real process begins....smiles, I called him, he sounded so releived and happy....

  11. I see that K1's are being approved at Vermont around the time I filed...so I am praying its just a few more days or weeks before ours is approved.... Getting a little nervous as we are getting closer to completing this journey.....

  12. Waiting...Waiting....Waiting.....seems like thats all we do...Lets be honest I am not a very patient woman....so I give props to my man for dealing with my ugliness with so much patience with me in return....smiles

    1. HARMONY2012
    2. KingsWife


      Amen!!.I have got one of those patient husband's too so he helps keep me "sane!" lol

  13. Its been two and a half months since K1 visa submitted and it doesn't show that it has been touched at all. Is that normal?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. shirley del carme

      shirley del carme

      Hi guys!

      In our case it took 2 and half month the first later, then every 3 month we got news. So be patient you are near to have some answer. Godd luck.

    3. ghienhie18


      hello!!! don't worry coz that's normal... in my case, i'm waiting for my noa2.. today is our 120th days since we got our noa1...

    4. Highyella72


      Thanks...just wondering if No news is Good news....smiles....I am hoping enough was sent that no RFE will be sent to me....

  14. I just uploaded a few pics....

  15. Nothing New....Just a waiting game..........smiles.......

  16. Harmony2012....where in MA are you located? I am in Springfield.....

  17. I am not the one obsessed!!! lol... he is....I rarely come here....It has just been about a month or so since the visa was applied for...He has more patience and faith than I do....but I have never had much patience for anything....smiles...I am still a facebook finatic...I suppose after knowing eachother for nearly 4 years, another time of waiting won't be too much to bear....<...>

  18. NOA1 recieved and dated 6/13/2011

  19. K-1 mailed out 6/10/2011

  20. Well hello there handsome.....welcome me to the site....would you???? smiles

  21. Hoping this process takes lesser time than greater time...........

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