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dwheels76 last won the day on January 15 2020

dwheels76 had the most liked content!

About dwheels76

  • Birthday September 6

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    Naturalization (approved)
  • Place benefits filed at
    Local Office
  • Local Office
    Houston TX
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  • Our Story
    Thank you God for all your mercies. We are done. Citizenship done. Passport received. Now time to chill and relax.
    He just keeps blessing us. I give you all the praise and honor Lord for what you have done on our behalf.!!

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  1. Praise God OMG got case# and IIN#. From the nicest operator EVER. Told her she is the best and I was tellin everybody. OMG I can't believe iut ya'll I am crying at my desk.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. dwheels76


      Okay why my husband phone NOW have to freeze up and not work. He better be at a cafe now loggin on. Man ya'll wooo weee.

      Pray for me that I don't kpo kpo this man before his interview. hehe

      @Jason and Shifa thank you. So happy I am. and Anxioous to pay a bill hehe

      @Betweenus-invasion indeed you know it. Man we got a army going on here.

      @Ginie-My AOS is ready just one more add on monday new paystub so I can switch out. 55 pages of AOS fun for them.

      @Dana, Trac...

    3. Caribbean Pirate

      Caribbean Pirate

      so glad to see you got a case number! I was feeling so bad for you!! I know you're ready for the next steps to fly through NVC!

    4. dwheels76


      Caribbean Pirate yes I am. Now I can get off the dock and join the rest of my shipmates. So happy. Thank you

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