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Posts posted by Andie

  1. Are you able to call the medical center? I ask because they actually messed up my vaccination sheet and I had to get them to fix it before the sent it to the embassy and they had an scanned copy emailed to me. I believe our one keeps copy records on their computer system so you may be able to get a copy from them directly.

    Yes, they're quite near and so easier for me to go and see them and get copies of everything. Thanks..glad I found out now ..(who needs unnecessary issues further down the track?)

  2. When you go to your interview you might be given a copy of the DS3025 with your X-ray cd. I know that London gives the X-ray cd when you attend for the interview. We don't get the packet to pass to the embassy. It's sent directly by the doctor. It may be that some consulates give both on the day of the interview and it's worth asking as having a copy will make AOS a whole lot easier.

    I was given the x-ray cd when that was done but no other papers by anyone, so I'll ask for the DS3025 at interview, thank you.

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