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Posts posted by AmyWrites

  1. Again, I apologize for my pessimism about this, BUT:

    - She speaks English excellently and can't find a job? BS.

    - If she can't/won't find work there, don't expect her to find work in the US... her experience/education will be worth little

    - You met on Elena's Models... isn't that one of the scammer filled sites? I didn't meet my SO there so maybe I'm wrong.

    - RUB girls are proud and independent. Most won't want to be maintained like that. Of course, given the choice, very few women from any country would reject such a comfy life.

    - You say you want to trust her; usually when people are saying that, it's because they feel somewhat forced into trusting because their gut is telling them something's wrong.

    IMO, you've seen each other for very little time, and it's easy as heck to lie even through Skype. I'd arrange some more time together before jumping into the marriage.

    Again this is all your choice, and you know the situation best. We're not trying to scare you off (especially from having a RUB partner!) but while the majority might be good, there are always bad apples and it's good to be well informed about them (and how they work, no pun intended) before making rash decisions.

  2. #######! who cares why she's not working. Thats their business. The OP may be sitting on easy street and could care less if she ever has a job. My wife works, but I want her to have a little more. I don't have to get adjusted to her way of life, but she has to get adjusted to mine.

    No one cares; I just wrote that because it's a question they need to discuss as a couple. Whether we want to admit it or not, finances and financial contributions are a huge part of a marriage and can make it or break it. It's better they have their financial plans as clear as possible before getting married, is all.

    Hopefully there is no reason to be worried and we're just being cynical.

  3. Yeah, only one or two of those girls is hot (those are good angles to display asses though... women here seem to be rather blini-flat in terms of butts, but hey, I'm used to seeing Caribbean women), and IMO, the majority of RUB women I've encountered are just average-pretty looking girls with superb makeup/hairdressing/heel walking skills, but the phrases themselves are hilarious. I'll have to show that to my boyfriend's sister for a laugh.

  4. Sorry to be the pessimist and the paranoid one, but I wouldn't send her money so often. Why is she not working? Has she been out of work for a long time? Is she able to work? If so, she should. A good fiance won't want to be a financial burden to their partners.

    I apologize if I crossed any lines, but to me this has a larger effect on your future relationship rather than the approval process.

  5. I don't want to bring my boyfriend to the US (especially to my state) because I know he wouldn't find a job... a programmer with just intermediate English? Yeah, good luck. In Moscow we have our flat, the car, good public transport, my uni, it's safe(er) than my state, good friends, etc. If we moved to my state it'd be hell... so now I just want him to visit the US to see the major cities and my state, but moving there? Not in ten years at least.

  6. I saw the clip. And I don't buy into the idea that there is any legitimate reason for an immigrant that has lived here for 23 years and has immigrated somewhere in his 20's needs a translator to address a legislative body. Is this the best the Hispanic community can do? Do they not have integrated and assimilated members that can make the case on their behalf? What message does that send?

    There is NO Hispanic community. Hispanics come from a diverse set of countries. There is absolutely no community or unity between Hispanics; it's usually rivalry, hatred and xenophobia between Hispanics. It makes absolutely no sense for you to say "Is this the best the Hispanic community can do?", since it's like saying all Europeans or Asians are the same. Do you consider Ukranians to be the same as Brits or Spanish people similar to Dutch people? Eh, similar in the sense they share a continent, and if you split said continent in smaller regions, the cultures are a tad similar. That's about it. Now, try doing that with Latin American countries. It's usually highly insulting, for example, to a Puerto Rican to confuse them with someone from the Dominican Republic, and so on. In Texas... yeah, it's pretty much Mexican territory in terms of the largest and most powerful Hispanic group. I say all this as an Hispanic.

    That being said, I don't see how it can ever considered practical to not learn the language of where you live in. I moved to Russia with an intermediate understanding of spoken Russian, and I don't walk around the cities asking people if they speak English, in fact, I never have and am always with the Oxford Russian-English dictionary to further prevent any need to speak my native language. It's an immigrant's job to assimilate as best as he or she can, and assimilation doesn't mean abandoning one's native culture by any means. It's extremely rare that I've seen signs and the like in languages other than Russian... if it's ever happened.

    In terms of the video, I think (hope) the guy just decided to speak in Spanish to further reiterate his message about Hispanic issues, and the Senator? A douche. The guy had a translator, I'd see reason to get offended if there was no translator, but with one, just STFU.

  7. I don't see how this is a fair comparison. Some people don't have the intellect, desire to work hard, or the ability to screw their teachers into getting a better grade.

    I'm a liberal (in most aspects) and I don't believe in giving everyone a "fair share" if they don't deserve it. I believe in hard work.

    Problem is most people who take the largest slices of the cake are there out of luck and having good connections, not because they actually did anything to get there. So most people who want something better out of their lives, to move up a step in "the ladder", never will.

  8. Well actually Gary, if a man isn't a heavy drinker, doesn't do stupid things, etc., then even in the FSU he will have no problem living a lifespan as long as his wife's. It's that there are men who die *so* young--drugs, fights, alcoholism, hepatitis, whatever--that it brings the whole average down. If you only count the guys who make it sixty and up, there's not that much difference. So if you manage to find a good FSU man who is actually marriage-worthy, you don't have to worry about him dying at 45 or 50 anymore than you would an American guy. If you marry a guy who drinks a bottle of vodka a day or goes to mass fights, then, well, duh.

    Agreed. My FSU man is actually the man I've dated who best takes care of himself; very little alcohol (maybe a beer or two on Fridays), very fit, very good diet, no drugs, no diseases, etc. I expect him to die after me. :lol:

  9. Is it so shocking that men, who are visual creatures, prefer women who keep in good shape, dress nicely, can walk in heels, and know how accentuate their features to maximize their prettiness quotient? It's a no-brainer to me. I'm a feminist, but I'm also a realist. In Russia, I'm practically chubby. When I go home, everyone asks me what my secret is for staying so thin and I'm nearly always the thinnest woman in a store/restaurant/whatever. Young American women do tend to be very lax with their appearance, and I say that as a young American women.

    Chubby? Yeah, I'm almost chubby too in Russia, supposedly, but had a lot of men hit on me because of the cleavage/butt aspect of me is better than your average Russian girl's. :lol:

    I don't get how jealousy is being attributed as an "American" thing when in another thread (or a few posts back, can't remember), I said Ukranian women shouldn't be jealous as they're attractive or get angry if their man notices someone else, and was told "You're not an ukranian woman".

  10. Women actually look for certain qualities in men (in addition to love). Some of those certain qualities might also help to get a good job, but it's not like the job itself is the most important thing.

    Now about women. Appearance is not a key factor here. There are a lot of beautiful women, but from my experience, guys are attracted not only by appearance. If it all depended on the appearence only, my fiance probably would have been married long ago. But it's about support, sharing thoughts, experiences and interests ect. so basically also it's about certain qualities.

    It's a little bit more complicated than just money or appearance, which is actually good. Otherwise life would've been boring.

    I think he meant it's the first thing we notice, or something like that.

    To me a man being wealthy doesn't matter much... it's that he's responsible enough to hold a decent job for a long period of time. I was once with a man who was wealthy by inheritance and couldn't stand him because he'd lie down on the sofa watching TV like a dead tuna all day.

    And aging, even if done gracefully, will still be aging. You still won't be the smokin, tight-bodied 20 year old at 60. It'll decrease even if slightly.

    So attractiveness/financial stability aren't or shouldn't be the sole things of importance in a relationship. But to each their own.

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