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Posts posted by AmyWrites

  1. I have lived in 6 European countries, then for 6 months in India, before moving to Florida. In my entire life I have not seen such crying poverty as I have in the U.S.V.I. Aside from the fact that it's quite a hassle to travel there as a foreigner, as you will be scrutinized beyond funny in San Thomas as well as in San Juan, it's not a good vacation spot, not even by a wide shot.

    Fly to Hawaii instead, preferably Maui, and start your life together without stress.

    There's not even 1/4 of the poverty in San Juan than there is in the USVI... I've lived in both.

    But I'd stay in the US. I dated an Australian whose parents were permanent residents in the US and they had many many problems going through San Juan.

  2. Getting a tourist visa isn't so easy. Your lawyer's trying to help you, however insane the advice might seem. Tell your brother they might not even look at any of those documents. GEtting a tourist visa is less about proof, and more about luck, it seems.

    When my SO applied for one, we got SO MANY documents... didn't even look at them.

  3. We should forbid porn because causing men to masturbate causes them to have one less child. It's all about overpopulating our resource-lacking world, right? Because that baby can be the next Einstein, instead of, like probability indicates, one more forgotten useless chump?

    /s, about the first sentence

    IMO even pro-choice people aren't so sure when it comes to late term abortion.

  4. Well they kept his passport and so on....

    I guess that means he got it! YES YES YES!

    So he's at work now, when he gets home, I'll ask him about the details of the interview, post them here to help anyone else trying to get their RUB SO's to visit.

    In our documents, we included:

    - A letter from my mom saying he'll be staying home with us, and ONLY for two weeks. It also had the address and so on.

    - A letter from me saying that he's going to visit my family with myself and we're both coming back since we have our lives here in Moscow.

    - Letter from his boss saying how long he's been working for them, his salary, and that he's authorized Max to go to the US with me for two weeks.

    - His past visas from the EU/Schengen zone.

    - Bank statements, including the account activity for the last six months, to prove I didn't just give him money or anything (he makes way more than I do regardless!). I guess it affected the interview that he makes a lot more money than the average Muscovite, and has the savings/investments to prove it. He's not oligarchy rich by any means, but on what he has now, he could easily live on this same flat, still go out and enjoy life and so on even if he doesn't work for the next three years.

    - Ticket receipts. I know we weren't supposed to buy them, but I was scared he'd get the interview by november and Christmas tickets are always insanely high.

    - Printed out application forms and the receipts of payments.

  5. I agree with OP. I don't believe most people who say "it was an accident" when they were using BC of some sort; used properly, many of the most popular BC methods are nearly fail proof. Take that pill correctly, use the condom like you have to, get a IUD, whatever. Getting pregnant to rush the process isn't fair to the kid, it's nearly as bad as couples who are having serious problems in their marriage and decide a baby will magically fix things. Having children is a wonderful thing, but it's complicated, expensive, and adds a lot of stress to a relationship, and I can't imagine why anyone would want to add more stress to a long distance relationship that's, by the way, going through the very stressful immigration process. IMO the first years of marriage should be used to build YOUR relationship... make it strong enough to ensure children won't strain it negatively. I know there are people who are fine and happy having kids early in a relationship, but I've seen the scenario in which a baby comes, and at first it's fine, then the stress is too much, too many times.

    That being said, if I got pregnant right now, I wouldn't abort (not because I am anti-choice, since I am pro-choice). I would keep the child. I use BC pills, but in my case, I have endometriosis, so it's much more difficult for me to get pregnant, and if it happened (although SO and I are doing everything in our power for it NOT to happen because it would be terrible timing) I'd be happy that I at least got the chance to be a mom, since I'm not sure the possibility is even available to me. I hope a pregnancy wouldn't be seen as a negative!

  6. Having a problem here. He's trying to make the appointment, and it gives him two choices: 1. resident, or 2. non resident. We have no idea which to chose; I don't know whether they mean US resident/non-resident, or Russian residents/non-resident, or if the visa itself you're applying for is an immigrant or non immigrant visa. Any ideas?

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